My dear friend Jack from AZ told me about this scary thing called a mirror. So I went in search to see if we had them in Minnesota. Beth showed me one and to my surprise I found it not to be scary at all! In fact -- it was ME! I don't look all that bad, if I do say so myself! Now I can look at me all I want! And I like to look at me!
I plan to rest a lot today! It was quite the weekend with the parade and Halloween and the BIG football game. This is one tired dog....
This is for my friend Madi that lives in North Carolina, that's just down the road from us. At least that's what it looks like on the map.... She found this thing in the sky and thought it looked spooky. Well, last night it was in Minnesota too! From the looks of it there are two of them now! We'll have to keep a close eye on this Madi! Big dots in the sky and DeerFoot....what are we going to do?
I think a treat and a nice nap is in order until Spongebob comes on.
Later. Remington -- who is the fairest of them all -- out, like a light!
I think that you are so brave and handsome that all the scary stuff in the mirror left because they were so jealous!
You should sleep a lot today so you can be awake ALL night in case that light thing comes back. And then you should wake up your mom and dad and make them go look at it.
LOL Remington and Madi must be 'related'....she does love to look at herself in the mirror too.
Diva and Divo that is what you two are.
Ok two spots in the sky of dear I think you are right Deerfoot is out there lurking. I guess he got cold in MN on Sat so he came to NC for Halloween since it was 78 degrees. I personally hope doesn't return. If the clouds ever clear up here Mom said she'd go out to check out the number of spots in our sky.
TTFN Handsome,
Madi Diva Island Princess and sometimes CSI
aka DIP/CSI.
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