To start with this is my 200th post since I started way back when I was just a puppy. Sure is fun. I have met so many nice people through the blog. Thanks to all of you for being my friend. A guy just can't have enough friends!
Now on to the important stuff....Green Bay 28 and the Buccaneers 38....I am so sorry Hudson and Rita. My really good friends from Wisconsin like the Packers and so being the Vikings weren't playing today I watched their favorite team. Hey, a little coverage would help, SIX sacks on the QB, come on....oh well at one point it looked good with a 28 -17 lead by the Packers, but....I knew you really wanted the Packers to win but sometimes it just happens. Next week maybe....
I haven't done much today. I have been really worried about DeerFoot. I have been looking out Beth's bedroom window but no sign of him. I have heard many gunshots and it just sends a chill right through me when I do. I just know one of my animal friends are hurt. I can't wait until this "season" is over! I like fall, that's a better season!
I think I'll go and sit by the window again. I hope DeerFoot comes by tonight. Isn't that funny....wasn't a week or so ago and I was afraid of him and now I am worried that he might be hurt. Funny how life goes, isn't it?
Later. Remington -- a friend to all -- out!
I don't think he is hurt. I think he had to go to the mall to buy some new shoes and then he decided to stay and watch a movie!
And, oh my!!! I forgot to say congratulations on your 200th post! Here's looking forward to the next 200!
Hi Remington and Beth!!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your 200th post. What an accomplishment! We are proud to be your friend and look forward to reading more and more about you and your training as you grow from a puppy to a full fledged Dog.
I don't think I could stand to hear gun shots from my house. We hope you have some earplugs and PLEASE stay close to Beth and Mike!!!
Hugs Madi and Mom
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