Saturday, October 24, 2009

Monster Alert!

To start out with I will tell you that I am VERY tired this morning. In the wee hours of the morning like 2:15 AM I just had a feeling there was something amiss. I stirred around the house but just could not put my paw on what it was. Then I did something unusual....but you know how sometimes you feel like you just HAVE to do it. Well I got on Mike and Beth's bed and Beth has a window on her side and when I looked out there was a monster looking me straight in the eyes! I was ginormous! I let out a roar that woke the whole city! It ran away! Beth had woken up when I got on the bed so she saw it too. She told me it was only a deer but I don't ever remember seeing a deer THAT big! I am sure it was a monster. Maybe even Big Foot. You have all heard of Big Foot, right? It certainly could of been him! Now really don't you think I could tell the difference?


So for the remainder of the night I laid on the bed guarding Mike and Beth. I would lay on Beth's feet go and lay by her head and then lay on her legs. I repeated this about every 10 minutes -- never and I mean never taking my eyes off the window. Mike got up and pulled something called the blinds down and I couldn't see outside any more. But I did not quit! My job is to serve and protect. Just like Sheriff Scott Turner serves and protects our community -- I have to serve and protect my house! Finally Beth told Mike to open the blinds again and she hugged me and told me not to worry that I did a very good job and the "deer", ya like it was a deer, wouldn't come back because I scared "everyone" so much. About 5:30 AM I decided that it probably wouldn't come back and we all got to get a half hour of sleep. What a way to start our Octoberfest weekend. Boy, will I have a story to tell Bailey and Trevor today!

I am getting ready to go to Octoberfest! I am so excited. I am bringing my new bone and my pumpkin toy to celebrate! I am wearing my new orange sweater. I think I am really styling! I can't wait to get on the road! I will try to get as many pictures as possible so you can see how much fun I am having. Gotta go -- the van is starting. Later. Remington -- The Ocotberfest Newfie (but still serving and protecting) -- out!


My Mind's Eye said...

Good job Remington you are one fine, devoted, loving Guy!! You are right to keep a look out every 10 minutes!! Of course Mom and I can say that because we were not the ones sharing a bed with you!!! Oh what a visual of what must have gone on trying to get you to forget what you saw!!! Tell Mike and Beth you are a smart boy with a good brain you NEVER forget!!! I hope you all have a good weekend and we love you in orange!!
Madi and Mom

JacksDad said...

You should be very proud! You scared off the Deerfoot! I did my part this morning when we were walking at the park - I barked and scared a little kid that was walking too close to the tall guy. You never know about those little kids!
You look very pumpkin-y in your new sweater. Just don't get near the kitchen or someone might try to make you into a Remi-pumpkin pie!