Monday, October 26, 2009

A helping hand....

That silly vac did it again! At least this time Mike and Beth didn't think it was because of me! Mike and I got the tools out and got it repaired. Beth was happy because she likes to keep the house clean. We worked on this after the game yesterday. Took our mind off the loss that the Vikings had.
About my pictures! Something went wrong with the camera and all the pics came out blurry. But Beth figured it out when we got home and now it's okay! What ever would she do without her camera? She usually carries a spare one with her but didn' that don't happen again! Anyway, I got to see Bailey and Trevor and they were as happy as I was! I told them all about my experience with the "deer" and they said it had to be something MUCH worse than a deer. At least they understand me. Now with the holidays (whatever they are) coming Beth said we will be seeing a lot of Bailey and Trevor. That makes me smile! I really love them and they love me too!
I can hear the bucket coming out for cleaning time. I am sure Beth will want me to help scrub the floors. She always says I do the best job supervising that she has ever seen. Don't want to let her down -- so best get busy.
Later. Remington -- The Handy Man -- out!


My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Remington,
You and Mike are working very had on that sucking machine!!! I hate loud noises!!! I'm glad you got it figured out thought. As for mopping I love that and sweeping, they are quiet and fun to watch. Sometimes I have to walk over the the just mopped areas to make sure Mom got it all then I leave little footprints. Mom says that is ok though 'cause they are precious prints.
I know you are thrilled about lots of Bailey and Trevor time.
Hugs Madi and Mom

JacksDad said...

You should be careful because soon you will be big enough to start doing all the mopping and cleaning by yourself and then Beth will let you do it while she watches the tv!

At least that's what the tall guy has planned! :)