Thursday, February 21, 2013


Well, I had to dig out my sheriff hat....
Seems like there is some 
trouble in the bathroom.

Mr. Ripley said he couldn't believe it....
WHO could have done this?


I think I have solved this case....

Busted Mr. Ripley!

Later -- Remington --
what a silly kitty!
-- out!


Millie and Walter said...

Mr. Ripley you are still very much a kitten aren't you? I tried that a couple of times a while ago and mom and dad put the tp where I couldn't get to it.


The Furries of Whisppy said...

Oh oh, Mr're in trouble now!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Oh Oh You are a GOOD Sheriff Remington. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Ginny Hartzler said...

Good work, case solved!!! Is this the first time? Our cat does this, but only when we are gone or asleep. So we have to keep the bathroom door shut at those times.

Blueberry's human said...

How many swipes does it take to get to the delicious cardboard center Mr Ripley? ;)

Unknown said...

Mr Ripley you are so busted. Well spotted Remington. You are a top sleuth pal. Have a terrific Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

But it is so much fun!!!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I hope you arrested that bad boy cat! BOL MOL LOL....

Two French Bulldogs said...

Good job sheriff. It's funner to grab it and run in the house
Benny & Lily

HH and The Boys said...

Busted for sure..... Ripley, you unrolled a lot before you got caught.

Have a great dya.

hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

Anonymous said...

Uh oh, Ripley!! Looks like you got caught red pawed!

Good thing you are so good, Remington, to make up for things like this! :)

Elyse and Riley

SquirrelQueen said...

Hey Mr. Ripley, never be caught at the scene of the crime. If you hear someone coming run and then do your best innocent face.

Kitty Kisses,
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

bbes tribe said...

Remington you are one handsome sheriff and to think you busted the case so quickly....Pawsome. Also you look kool in your hat and sunglasses. Poor Mr Ripley --- just wanted to have a bit of fun?
Ernie and the furkids

Val said...

Oh dear Mr. Ripley...will he have to do time in the Blogville jail?? Good job sheriff Remington.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We do not have sympathy with cats as a rule, but Ripley could have just been trying to see 'HOW' it happened.

We had that happen in our house once, but then the paper was shredded.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Ann said...

I don't see Mr. Ripley getting out of this one. Can't argue with the
Love your visitor in the post below. Woody is quite handsome

Ziggy Stardust said...

Hi Sweety, Mr. Ripley is so silly, he always makes me smile. Oh my you do look handsome in your sunglasses and hat. I have a mystery at my house I could use your help solving please.

Loveys Sasha

Kathy said...

Great detective work, Rem!
Rip would have been Number One suspect in my book. lol
He just looks like he's full of mischief, what can I say?!
Kathy & Molly

Patrice and Higgins said...

Are you hauling Mr. Ripley to jail?????


Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

I think someone's paw prints are all over that TP.. good detective work! xo

The Army of Four said...

Err... maybe Ripley was just doing a reenactment of how someone else could have done it. Cuz he REALLLY looks innocent to me!
Play bows,

Cowspotdog said...

kitties do love their tp....that is for sure

Mary Lou said...

I've been a stranger in these parts of Blogville--again!!--it feels so good to be back!! ;-D
Order in the court!! I, Judge Raelyn and her trusty partner, Rose, declare Mr. Ripley guilty of, not only unrolling the bathroom toilet paper, but also lying about it!! Guilty!! Guilty of being a cat!! You are sentenced to prison!! Or.... A second chance? ;op
Love, Raelyn.... Plus Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

GOOSE said...

Remington you amaze me! With such little evidence you were able to solve the case.

Sagira said...

Bet Ripley had fun.

Dachshund Nola said...


Marilyn said...

That same thing has happened here--except it also got shredded! You are lucky it was not such a big mess!♥♫

JacksDad said...

There's trouble in the bathroom every time the tall guy goes in there. But we'll just leave it at that! :)

What Remains Now said...

Mr. Ripley...You have a kindred spirit in our Twinkie. Twinkie suggests that you also eat some of it and then puke it up in several locations around the house.

Chatty Crone said...

You solved the case Mr. Sherlock Holmes!

KB said...

Good job Sheriff Remington! Shyla is cowering in terror in case you investigate her!

Scooter said...

Rut Roh!! BUSTED!! Great job on solving the case Remington!!

Jazzi and Addi

Sketching with Dogs said...

Perhaps Mr Ripley is looking for something that is just around the next turn of the paper :)
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oops! We hope Mr. Ripley's punishment wasn't too harsh.


Duke said...

You made yourself a nice soft bed to sleep on, Mr Ripley! You're very smart!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Floyd and I-I mean JUST Floyd got into a bit of mischief with the loo roll once...

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dont fess up ta it wuz de NAYBOR cat who getted in N did thiz....

stik with this answer N yur sure ta stay outta trubull !!!

Jacqueline said...

Mr. Ripley is a silly boy!...Quite adorable too!...Good job, precious Rem=you are excellent at everything you do, sweetie!...Always love your fun photos and fun sense of humor!...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Sheriff Remington, we hope you aren't going to send Mr. Ripley to jail.

World of Animals, Inc said...

Oh no, Mr. Ripley!! You have been busted by Sheriff Remington. Mr. Ripley you are one silly one and hope you had some fun with the toilet paper. Thanks for sharing. Have a great rest of your weekend.
World of Animals