Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Let me start off by saying that
I am a pretty cool dude....
(in my opinion)

This story involves Beth and I

Remember her?  She really loves me....
NOTE....her sweatshirt even says....
what else but....

Back to the story....

We have a regular routine at 
our house....

We get out of bed at....
First I get hugs....
then I go outside and do my business....
next Beth and I go in the 
kitchen so she can make coffee and 
breakfast.  We always listen to the 
local radio station....WRCO.
Mr. Phil Nee is the radio host and he
has a program called the
"Light in the Milk House" show.
(we live in the dairy state, remember?)

At 5:17 am Mr. Phil plays 
the aerobic polka each morning.
Beth and I dance all around
the kitchen....
it kinda looks like this....

 Yep....just like that....

Any way Beth was making coffee and 
it was getting to be that time and 
Mr. Phil said he had a polka request 
and dedication....
 he said it goes out to 
Beth and Remington!

And what was the polka, 
you ask?

The Minnesota Polka!
Which is our FAVORITE!

We danced and laughed it was 
SOOOO much fun!

When it was over he said it was
dedicated from....

Who else but our friend

While Beth and I dance in our kitchen 
Cheryl milks cows and her dog Prince howls
sings to the polka!

It really made our day!

Thank you Cheryl!

And thank you Mr. Phil Nee 
for giving us the best polkas 
 to dance to....

Later -- Remington --
-- out!


My Mind's Eye said...

OMDs Remington...that sounds like the most wonderful day to start your day!!! I would love to be there with you and Beth. We don't know how to do the polka but we do know how to shake our booties!! MOL MOL MOL
What a wonderful surprise to have a song dedicated to you and you best dance partner. Mom and I would to be a fly on your wall every morning
Thanks for the fun visual and big smile
hugs your BFFF

GOOSE said...

Remington that is so great. I can see you two now, dancing. Me and MOM get up at 4:30 also. We do not dance, but I think I will get her to try.

verobirdie said...

How sweet is that!?
You both deserve the surprise.
And yes, you are pretty cool.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is so sweet and so wonderful i have tears rolling down my face.. that photo of you and Beth is what Rocks... and i have this image of the two of you dancing in the kitchen that just makes my heart happy...

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Wow! What a wunderful way to start your day! Mom googled da Mini-soda polka so we could hear what you and Beth danced to, what fun!

Dance on!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Well, that Cheryl is one cool lady and a wonder-fur furiend. Rock On!

Marilyn said...

I think we should see a video of that polka with you two as the stars! Polka music is such a happy way to start the day.♥♫

Grady and Leonardo said...

Morning Rem!

We thought our Mom was the only goofy one who dances areound the kitchen with us and our boy Connor.

You have such a sweet friend to have your favorite polka dedicated to you.

What a wonderful way to start your day.

Have an awesome one sweet Bro.
Leo, Grady and Mom

Anonymous said...

Awww, Remington! You and your mom have a great friend to send a request in to the radio show. The Minnesota Polka is PERFECT for you two! Glad to hear you had fun dancing around with Beth.

Happy Wednesday!

Elyse and Riley

Cowspotdog said...

Special times like that are what make great memories.....we love the Chicken Dance Polka best of all

What Remains Now said...

What a sweet surprise. My mom and dad could really tear up a dance floor doing the polka. I remember how proud I was the first time I saw them dance. I bet you guys have a blast every morning, and what better way to start the day than dancing.

Millie and Walter said...

Okay Rem first I have to say that you and Beth get up way too early. My mom has barely gone to bed by the time you and your mom are up. I think Mr. Mike should get up and take some pictures or better yet a video of you two dancing the polka in the morning. That would be fun to see. Have a great day.


Unknown said...

That is brilliant Remington. What a lovely gesture. Wow you do get up early. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Matilda the Boxer said...

Aww, that was so sweet of Cheryl! It sounds like a fun tradition!

Pippen said...

That sounds like the best surprise ever! We bets you is an awesome polka dancer!

Sam and Pippen

3 doxies said...

Oooooooo, me and mum was up then but we not has a station withs polka music.
Dat was da sweetest thing dat Cheryl done fur ya'll. And very creative too.


JC said...

First, you guys get up rather early.
I thought I did with 6 am (sometimes five ish depending on Jodie).

How fun to hear your name .. polka .. I can just imagine what you two look like.

I just told Jodie about what you do and she thinks you should stick to howling at the moon like she does. She told me to say, cheese wheese what are you doing out there ..

(I'm not great a humor but I tired)

The Furries of Whisppy said...

This is the sweetest thing, ever! What a wonderful surprise from Cheryl.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Polka Dance in the kitchen, SWEET! Yes you are a cool dude. I can't wait to visit your dairy state and get some cheese. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

JacksDad said...

I wasn't even aware that there WAS a 4:30 in the morning. It must be a Minnesota thing! :)

Dachshund Nola said...

How cute!

Unknown said...

OMD are now even more famous because you have been mentioned on the radio! Woof-hoo! I love the way you and Beth start your day. Dancing is such great fun and I bet it helps you both start the day on "the right foot". BOL
*high paws*

Jacqueline said...

That sounds so cool=we would love to see video of you and Beth polka dancing!!...Happy day, sweetie...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood !!! at 4:30 in de mornin we iz just gettin reddy ta go TWO bed for de day :)

ask oza N ripley...they can tell ya !!

Anonymous said...

Aw, that was oh-so-sweet! 4:30am! you have us beat, we get up at 5!

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a special way to start your day. How exciting to hear your names on the radio
Benny & Lily

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, what a HUGE surprise, Rem!!!! And I also enjoyed seeing Beth and hearing a bit about your morning routine!

HH and The Boys said...

You bet polka dancers rock. We'd like to see that dance for sure.

Have a great day.

hugs, Max, Bugsy, and Knuckles

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

That was a Wonderful surprise that Miss Cheryl set up fur you and Beth!!!

Sketching with Dogs said...

There is a FOUR THIRTY in the morning?
Your Beth is a wonderful Mum and you are a great son Remington!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

What a fantastic surprise!

XXXOOO Daisy, bella & Roxy

K9 Katastrophie said...

How exciting!!!! Sometimes Mommy dances with me too!


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That was very nice! We think someone needs to take pictures of you two dancing and share them!

Ziggy Stardust said...

OMD my Sweety that made me so happy that I started dancing! What a great way to start your day and what a wonderfully thoughtful thing for a friend to do.I will be happy the rest of the day thinking about you and Beth dancing.

Loveys Sasha

The Army of Four said...

Wooooo, Remington! How cool is that?!?! Your very own polka dedication! I love it! I don't know that polka, but I do know the one that asks "Who Stole The Kishka". Mom used to sing it for me when I was teaching her not to leave any food on the counters. Or on top of the fridge. Woo.
Happy dancing, buddy!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, what an exciting way to start your day. That was such a nice thing for Cheryl and Mr. Nee to do.

SquirrelQueen said...

Aw that was so sweet of your friend Cheryl. It must have been even more fun to dance to your own dedicated polka! What a great way to start the day.

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Duke said...

We're up very early too but we're not having nearly as much fun as you and Beth are, Remington! What a wonderful way to start your day!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Sagira said...

Wow that is so cool

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Your days sounds like fun to me- and so much energy!
I wish my day was exciting like yours!

Scooter said...

That was so sweet of your friend and how much fun you both had but.....4:30 AM really???? BOL

Jazzi and Addi

White Dog Blog said...

What a thoughtful friend! How wonderful to start the day with a happy dance to your favorite Polka tune!

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

That sounds like a lovely morning!

bichonpawz said...

Wow Remington! That is so cool that you and Beth have a special morning routine!! We are kind of on an opposite routine as mama usually goes to bed about 4:30! Love the picture we have in our head of the two of you dancing around in the kitchen!! Great of your friend to do that for you!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Val said...

What a great way to start the day. Glad you were up and dancing :)