Friday, February 8, 2013

Not good news....

Beth here....

The call came this morning from the vet.  The results of the tumor came back and they are not good.  I am not going to go into much detail except to say that he has an aggressive cancer.  The type of procedures that MAY be done to him would not extend his life more than a few months after they would be completed....  We just can't do that to him.  It would be extreme and would put him in a lot of pain and we will NOT do that to our boy.

After consulting with the Dr., and they had also consulted a specialist, our decision is to let him spend the rest of his days being as comfortable as possible.  He shows no sign of pain at this time.  We are going to watch him and love him and give him the best we can until the time comes that God let's us know it's time to say good bye.

I do know my boy....I am sure he will live life to the fullest.  This will not keep him from enjoying each and everyday.  As we all know....that is how we all should live our life....because nothing is certain.

Remington will be back on Monday.  He told me he has many things to do and is very excited about them.  He is quite the guy....and that is why I love him so much.

With a sad heart and tears falling I will close for now....



da tabbies o trout towne said...

we R trooly sorree....



Mike said...

I love you so much my boy. We will enjoy every moment of your remaining time.

Duke said...

This is not the news that we were expecting to hear. We will keep you and your peeps in our thoughts and prayers, Remington. Make sure that you do everything that you always wanted to do and eat everything that you ever wanted to try.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

My Mind's Eye said...

Beth I am in such shock and speechless and heart broken and weepy.....God Bless you all. I am so sorry of course we will be with you every step of the way. As Rem continues his love of life and you all
Love and purrs to you all. You are family...
Cecilia and madi

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Oh no, i is so so sorry to hear this. I know Remington will continue to live life to the full!
~Lickies, Ludo

Two French Bulldogs said...

What! Sending prayers
Benny & Lily

3 doxies said...

Beth, my apologies in advance for not being able to post a comment...the tears are just falling too much for me right now.
I will be back once I have processed all this. But my heart goes out to you and Mike and bless you for the love you have for Remington.
I'll be back.

Allison...and Puddles

GizmoGeodog said...

I can't say how sorry I am to hear this...My heart goes out to you right now...I look forward to sharing Remington's adventures for as long as I can

Ms. ~K said...

Oh Beth, I am so sorry to hear this.
My heart aches for you all...
Please give Rem a big hug for me...sending you and Mike comforting hugs too.

Parsley said...

I understand your pain as our Golden had a form of cancer that eventually.....well....all I can say as my own tears form is that there are many good days still ahead. Cherish each one. When the time comes you will know. Hugs

rottrover said...

Oh Beth and Mike! My heart aches with you. I totally support your decision to keep that beautiful boy as comfortable and happy as possible and to enjoy each day with him. He is such a special guy!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Frankie's Mom here...
I can not begin to tell you how sorry I am to hear this news.. HOWEVER, I am so very VERY proud of your decision. It is Proof that you Love Remington with the GREATEST of ALL POSSIBLE LOVE... they type that puts HIM before Yourselves.
It is what he would do for YOU if he could.. You have put Remington first.
I wish that I could PREVENT all of this, but since I can not do that, I pray that Each and EVERY day will be enjoyed to the maximum.
None of us ever knows how many mornings we have been dealt. It is our job to make the MOST of them.
We will follow YOUR lead and match our actions and reactions to it.
Gentle Loving HUGS to you Beth and Mike.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my tears are falling to. Dear sweet guy enjoy life to the fullest and i will pray you live a long life, there are miracles out there. and Beth, I agree 100 percent with your decision, that is what we would do. love to all three of you.

Anonymous said...

As awful as this news is, I agree with the others that you've made a very difficult, but loving choice. Good for you.

Shmoo said...

The one things dogs teach us is that every day is special and new, and full of love. Spend your days with love.

Meeshka and the Gimpy Gang

Pippen said...

Dude, we are so sad to hear this news... not what we ever want to hear from our friends. That being said, we will be here living and loving life with you!

Sam and Pippen

K9 Katastrophie said...

Oh Beth, I am so sorry. Please know that we are praying for you and Remy and your family. We are still holding out that he will be with you, healthy and happy for years to come.

You are in our hearts.

Kim and The Katastrophies

Unknown said...

Oh, this is very upsetting; we are having leaky eyes while we type. Rem is such a good friend and I always enjoy popping over to see him every day. I love how he is such a big softy.

I don't even know what to say except LOVE him and CUDDLE him (and give him some hugs from me too). *Cairn cuddles for you all*
Your pal,
Oz (and mom, Gina)

liparifam said...

I am so very, very sorry to read this; from the high of Wednesday to this ultimate low, life sure can deal us some heavy blows. I believe you have the right idea - to enjoy to the fullest the days you have left with your precious boy; there will be time to grieve later. Wishing you peace and strength...

ButterBean said...

He may surprise you and live longer than they are saying - our mama cat has lymphoma, everything Ive read said 3 months tops .. ha we are past that and shes more frisky than ever chasing her tail and being a spaz so baby him, love him give him extra food/treats and he may just surprise you

Anonymous said...

We are sure Remington will be happy to be with his family, and we will keep our paws crossed for him that he does enjoy to the fullest his days with you.

Give him our Huggies, kissies and lovies.

Your Pals
Susie & Bites

The Websters said...

We are so very sad to hear this news. Praying for peace for you all and a good nights sleep (which will be a miracle, I'm sure). Also praying for a miracle.


Gail Wilson said...

We are so sorry Beth. Our hearts ache with yours and hope you have many pleasant days yet with Remington. Warms hugs to you and Remington.
Gail and Mistaya

Murphy said...

You are in a place that most dog lovers fear the most. Our hearts go out to you and Remington. We are all on this earth such a short while and it seems so unfair that even with a long and healthy life, our canine family members don't come close to our own life span. But there are no guarantees for them or us. We can only love and care for one another while we are here. May your sadness and grief be comforted by the love you and Remington have for one another. Our dogs do not waste a minute fretting over their mortality so maybe that is a lesson they can teach us. Live each moment in love and joy. Don't let tomorrows worries diminish today's joy.

With kindest thoughts and prayers,

Murphy & Stanley & Pawrents

Marg said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear about poor Remington. We don't know you very well but it is so so sad and we know how upset you are. Big hugs to both you and Remington. Sending tons of purrs to all of you and some woofs too. You sure are in our thoughts and prayers.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Beth, I am crying as I read this. I am so very sorry...for Rem, for you, and for all of us who have come to love him so very much. But you are right...nothing is certain and only God knows when each person and animal is going to die. Nothing is written in stone, and Rem is so very happy with you. May God bless you all.

Ruby said...

Oh man. I can even begin to tell you how very sorry I am to hear abouts your sweet boy. My heart is breaking for you, and your family.
You have made the right choice in treatment. A few months just isn't worth any discomfort or pain that treatments might cause. I am so glads to hear that he's not in pain, and just his 'Remington' self!
The good news is, you can eats anythings you want, huh?! oh, that could be funs!
I will be sendin' you and your peeps good vibes this weekends, and always. {{{{hugs}}}}

Unknown said...

You indeed have made a very loving choice! We hope to enjoy many more posts from our fave newfie! We love you Rem, with all our heart and soul!
I give all my lovies to you Remington, Miss Mindy and Mom too!

Maggie Mae and Max said...


My heart is breaking. Holding all of you close and we are with you, Mike and Rem every step of the way on this difficult journey. Remington is blessed to have such loving parents. Our prayers for him will not end either...

Blessings and Love,
Janelle, Maggie Mae and Max

Chatty Crone said...

Oh man this is awful news - Disco and I feel so bad. Our hearts and prayers go out to you. How in the world did you even find it? And I hope he has a long time left. sandie and disco

Grady and Leonardo said...

Dear Beth and Mike
As I sit here sobbing into Leo's neck, my heart is breaking for you.

I am so very, very sorry the path came back as it did.

Please know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers and that my entire family is with you during this difficult journey.

We love Rem so much.


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Very very sad to hear this. Golden Happy to be back home and hoping to finally meet up with you. Sending Lots of Golden LOVE. Every minute time of the day will be a precious moment. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Lovable Lily said...

We too are so very sorry to hear the news about Remington. Please know that we are all here for you. It just breaks our heart as Remington has such a kind soul. We will pray for many, many, many good days ahead for our furend.

We commend you for the tough decisions you had to make.

Sending you our love and prayers across the miles.....

Lily Belle, Muffin & Mommy Kim

Val said...

Dear Mike and Beth, I am so sorry to hear this news. I admire your choice to give Remington the best medicine--your LOVE!! Live each day with no regrets. We will continue to pray for a miracle. Big hugs to your boy.

3 doxies said...

Okay, we're back but still struggling with the words. Our hearts are breaking with everyone else's. I second what everyone else has said...making this difficult decision to let Remington live as he always has...hard but full of love.
Remington, being the Newf he is will be a testamant to his breed...strong, courageous, and determined.
Just know that we will be here for you and your family...when you need a shoulder, we will be here, when you strength, we will be here, and when you need a laugh, we will be here. We will not let you do this alone.
We love you.Please give remington a hug from us.


yeewittlethings said...

Oh heart is breaking for you guys! My mom told me today about Remington and she was in tears for you. I'm so glad Remington has such a wonderful and loving family to live out his days with and I'm sending so many thoughts and prayers your way! xo

Ziggy Stardust said...

Beth, Mike and sweet Remington, I am numb right now and my heart aches for you. We had to make a simular decision with our last shih tzu, I truly understand the pain and sadness you are going through. You are choosing what is best for that sweet boy and God bless you for that. I truly love Remington and I wish I had the right words to give you comfort. I am here if you need to talk.I will pray for all of you. Remington will stay with you as long as he is able, his spirit will be with all of us forever. God bless you and give you strength and comfort

Love Anne and Sasha

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness I am sooo sorry... It is truly a hard decision to make but you just have to live life like there is no tomorrow... You have done a wonderful thing for him no matter how hard it is for you and I know it's hard and will be praying for you and him as well.... Love keiko Tess and mom

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are at a total loss for words. Would it be too much for us all to link paws and hope for a miracle? Stranger things have happened. We are all so very sorry for this devastating news. We all love Remington and we will hope for whatever days he has left to be filled with joy and love AND snow and lots of treats.

Much love, The OP Pack

GOOSE said...

I hardly know what to say. I am at a loss for words. I am so very sorry to hear this. But know that I will continue to pray for my friend Remington each and every day and several times a day. I will also pray for all the time you have together is filled with joy, hugs, laughter, and all things wonderful. As I write this it is just snowing like you would not believe and with each flake that falls I think of him and you and Mike.
Love and Blessings to each of you.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We are sorry for the bad news. It wasn't what we hoped for. We know you will do whatever is best for Remington. We wish you many, many more quality days with him. Hugs!

JC said...

I am so sorry.
I am doing the same thing for my Maddy Jean.
I just thought maybe it wouldn't be with Rem.
I'm just bawling over here.
I am so sorry.


Mary Lou said...

I've been a stranger in these parts of Blogville, lately!! It feels so good to be back!! ;-D
Oh, my gosh, I had no idea!! My mind is like a sponge as it absorbs this all in. Remington? An aggressive cancer? Not our Remington!! :-(
Before his "time", I wanted to share something with you. I am the only one over here who knows Blogville. Yet. Everyone in my house knows about Remington!! Because of his moon updates.
Love, Raelyn.... Plus Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Angel Simba said...

We came when we learned from Ann about Remington. You are all in our hearts and purrs. We feel his remaining time will be happy with you, and our purrs are for a much longer time together than you think.

Unknown said...

Thanks to Ann from Zoolatry, I just heard about our beloved Remington. I have no words for you. I empathize (I am faced with a similar dilema with my Ziggy...). I understand your decision, the toughest to make, but the most loving and humane. Be strong and know that you are in our thoughts. At the time being, enjoy your boy.
Twinkie's M--

Mollie said...

We left our message on FB for you. Rem darling, you need to do your bucket list, like we all do and lets have loads of fun, fulfilling your dreams..Anyway, don't always believe what grown ups tell you, love you :) xx00xxx
Mollie and Alfie

Martha said...

We are truly heart broken. We are not ready to say goodbye to our dear friend just yet.
Take it a day at a time, Remington is so well lovedxxxx

HoundDogMom said...

We are sorry that we are just seeing this know. Our hearts go out to you and your family as you are faced with the horrible "C". I can relate to how you are handling the situation. As that is the same way we handle our Cleo when she was diagnosed. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers and ask for comfort for Remington. The HoundDogs and Mom

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

To say we have no words would be an understatement -

But we agree with your decision -

I'm sure he'll dust off that great Tim McGraw tune -

And show us some awesome adventures!

Khyra and Phyll

Cowspotdog said...

Huge big hugs.....words are not to say how sad this news is....but love every moment you have with him and make lots of wonderful memories.

The Lee County Clowder said...

We are so sorry to hear the noos. Sending comforting purrrrrrrrs and gentle headbonks (if he will stand for them).

Scout and Freyja said...

Broken ♥s are filling the blog-world.

ThePainterPack said...

We are sorry to hear this news. But, your boy is so lucky to have such a wonderful family. We will continue to pray for a miracle.

Painter Pack

Mo and The Purries said...

Sending PURRS and PRAYERS to Remington from all of us at Purrchance To Dream.
And great big (((HUGS))) to you, Beth. I totally empathize with you having to go through this with your beloved family member.

Ann said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear this. I'm sending big hugs and special thoughts your way. Duke says to send some ear scritches for Remington too

FiveSibesMom said...

Oh, Beth...our hearts are heavy with this news...sending you hugs and lots of love...and miracles do happen. We will be sending prayers and positive vibes Remington's way...

Millie and Walter said...

I was stunned to see the news about Remington. You know that all of Blogville will be next to you on this journey with Rem. Big hugs to your sweet boy.

Cindy & Millie

purplepit said...

I am so sorry to hear this. I had a lab leave me in a similar way when I was young.

I know Remi couldn't be in a more loving place than with you.

Dachshund Nola said...

I'm so incredibly sorry. Hugs and prayers to you all.

Jacqueline said...

There are no words to convey how sorry we are to hear this terrible news...Rem is such a wonderful, awesome boy and we have grown to love your big, handsome guy=there is truly no one else like him...We will continue to pray and purr for your sweetheart and send lots of big hugs your way...Wishing you all comfort at this sad time...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Oskar said...

It's hard to type through the tears. We are so terribly sorry that such a fantastic friend & family member's life will be cut short.

Please know that we are praying for his final journey to be painless, with many good days to come before he gets there.

You have our love,
Oskar & Pam

Unknown said...

Oh Beth, I am so sorry to hear this. It is so hard to lose a pet to cancer. My Jake had it and we let him live comfortably until he told us that it was time. I hope that you cherish this time with Remington.

pibble said...

We're so sorry to hear this news. Remington is a wonderful boy, and we're praying that he'll be okay. I know you said it's an aggressive cancer, but our boy Buster had osteosarcoma back in 2008 and he's about to celebrate his 15th birthday, on Feb. 19th. The doctors had given him a year, maybe 18 months. I guess my point is that we just never know what might happen. We're wishing you and Remington the very best!

SquirrelQueen said...

Beth, it breaks my heart to read this news about dear, sweet Remington. My thoughts and prayers will be with you all.

Asta said...

Oh noooooo, i went to my suwgewy today thinking the wowst was ovew fow my deew fwiend Wemington and he was on the mend..i'm so vewy sowwy to heaw this news, but I do know he will love life and enjoy it to it's fullest and will be always tweasoowed and loved. I pway that it's a long time that he can be hewe wif us. Sending so much love and healing smoochies,
Asta and Mommi

Dexter said...

Oh Remington. This is sad news indeed. There are not words. I know he will have all the love and good times he deserves and when the time comes you will help him make his journey. Our big friends are with us for such a short time, but so much love is packed in.

Sending my good thoughts.

Mango Momma

Marilyn said...

I know we wish we could turn back the clock and change the way life is at the moment. Life isn't fair and we must deal with it. Glad to hear of your plan to enjoy every moment with your big black baby. He's dear to my heart, too.♥♫

Zena said...

So sorry to hear that but you are doing the right thing. We've been with a family who went through exactly the same and chose surgery, it did not do anything but hasten the end and give extreme pain.
May Remington enjoy every day and you with him.

Anonymous said...

sending love and prayers for you all and have added your handsome boy Remington to our prayer book so we can pray for his health daily
Crikit and Ginger

sorry to be anonymous, we drifted away from our DWB blogging barkingloud blogspot and forgot pw

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are all so very, very sorry to hear such awful news. We are like the others, just stunned and at a loss for words. We send Remington our best purrs and prayers and we send you hugs, hugs, hugs and more hugs.

Brian, Sascha, Gracie, Zoe, Dolly, Precious, It, Dad & Mom

Stewey said...

Oh my - I was not expecting to hear this news. My mom and I have broken hearts right now. So very, very sorry. Hoping that Remington has pain-free days and much love, fun and snow.
Stewey and his mom

Jo's World said...

When I read of this problem for Rem, I felt he would get it taken care of and be full of fun and beans again. So what a shock your letter was, Beth. I am so sorry but I do want to say that your plans for his future are just what I would do if I were in your place.You have put him and his feelings first which is just how it should be.

Daily, we will ask for a miracle for this big boy to recover and live a good life.

Blessings to all at your house,
Jo, Stella and Zkhat

Scooter said...

Beth and Mike,
Our hearts are breaking for you right now. This wasnt what we expected at all. are making the right decision and yes, none of knows how much time we have left. I know Remington will be strong and do all the things he wants. We will be praying for comfort and spend quality time with Remington. He is so sweet and we all love him and we will all be here for you and Mike too. May God comfort you during this time!!

Diana, Jazzi and Addi

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

We feel like we've been stabbed in the heart! We are so very, very sad about this news. We know you are making the right decision - the decision Remington would make for himself if he could. He trusts you implicitly to do the right thing for him, and you always do. We're sending you super-sized bundles of love.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Beth, we're so sorry to hear this news. But we do know that Remington will continue to live his life to the fullest and enjoy each day.

Anonymous said...

Oh Beth, I am so sorry to hear this. We know Remington will have lots to share with us on Monday and we are looking forward to that. We hope you can enjoy this weekend together.

Anonymous said...

Dear Beth, Mike, and Remington,
Nothing I can say that has not been said...just know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry, sometimes it just doesn't seem fair, darn it.
Take care & Prayers
Lucy (Troy, Ohio)

Idaho PugRanch said...

We are so so sorry to hear this news. We will pray for God to give you all strength.
Mom Linda & The PugRanch Kids

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

We are so sorry to here this news.
Our hearts are breaking like all of Blogvile. We pray for a miracle.

Mona, Weenie & Mommy

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hello Remington's family. Just wanted to say we have you in our thoughts. Gentle hugs to all. Love Stella and Rory

Corbin said...

My heart breaks with this news. Wishing you and Mike the strength to find joy in every moment with Remington. He has truly stolen my heart and I can't imagine the emotion behind such a decision, it was the right one for your noble boy. Sending you love, prayers amd strength.
Corbin's momma, Jenn

allyk said...

We just heard about you from Pet Bloggers. We are so sad for you all. Remington has already stole my heart. We don't like to hear about sick doggies. It is truly heartbreaking. We are sending good thoughts for you all.
Alyssa, Mr. Fox & Scruffy

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We are so sad. But we think you've made the right decision. Let him enjoy what time he has left and you can keep the memories.

Hugs to everyone.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Dear Beth and Sweet Remington,

My little Scottie heart is breaking for you both. If I could undo your hurt I would. Know that we are all thinking of you and that we all carry a little bit of your pain and heart ache for you as we hug our peeps close today.

Lickies and snuggles from Dougall and family. Xoxo

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

We are saddened to here the news of dear Remington in the Slimmer household. Know that we are here if and when you need us and our prayers are for his remaining time to be full of fun, laughter, and love.
God Bless and Much Love,
Mama Mindy
& The Slimmer Puggums

HH and The Boys said...

We are so sorry to hear what you learned from the doctors. We love Rem so much and enjoy his spirit and wisdom. We are purring for you. It sounds as if you are making good decicions, We know how tough they are. Just remember that we are sending all our strongest purrrrrrrrs.

Hugs, Max, Bugsy, And Knuckles and HH

Tweedles -- that's me said...

And my heart is breaking along with yours and all of blog land.

jen said...

We are sending all of our prayers and hugs to you tonight. I wish their was something that I could say to ease your breaking hearts.

Colehaus Cats said...

Oh, Remington. We are so sorry to hear this. We understand you have impawtant things to do so we won't take much of your time other than to say we're sending extra purrs your way and hugs to your mom and dad.

Kismet said...

We went through this in October with Kenzie. After he crossed, it helped to get another dog immediately-one that needed a home. Kenzie would have wanted that. Treasure the time you have left.

Little Reufus said...

Words just can't express the depth of our sorrow. We don't know you well, but we have recently been touched in the same way... We immediately feel a kinship. It is just a terrific reminder... Each day is a Gift. Every moment is a Treasure. And the most important thing in Life is Love.

God provides us with beautiful yet painful lessons sometimes. Remington is the very best example of all these virtues.

Our prayers and good thoughts are rolling...

wif lubbs from Little Reufus and his the Mom

Samantha & Mom said...

Lots of purrrs and prayers to Remington, His Mom & Dad!!
Your TX furiends,

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are simply devastated to read this. We are so very sorry and we are sending tons of purrs, hugs and gentle headbutts to help you all feel a bit better.

What Remains Now said...

I'm sorry to be coming around at this terribly sad time, but I will follow Remington from here on out and can tell that there are good times and much fun in store. Hugs to everyone who loves Remington and are trying to deal with this news. My heart goes out to you.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Beth, we are truly sorry to hear this. We will keep Remington in our prayers that he will remain comfortable in the months to come. And comforting thoughts to you and Mike.

bichonpawz said...

Dear is so hard for me to type this. As tears are streaming down my face, I am so very sorry to hear this news about Remington. We all love him so much and will continue to love him and we will all pray for you and Mike to have the strength to get through this. May God bless you all. Please give Remington hugs from us all tonight. My heart goes out to you all. Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

Hi, Beth, I am so sorry to hear this news. I missed your earlier posts and was shocked to see this.. I will be praying fervently for Remington, and your family. Love and slobbery hugs and kisses from Buster. You'll be in my thoughts, friend. xoxo

Unknown said...

We are so sorry to hear that, Beth! Our fingers and paws are crossed for the big boy and your family. Hugs!!!

verobirdie said...

It breaks my heart to read that sad news. I know yours is broken too.
I'd do the same, let Remington enjoy his life as long as possible. I hope he will have many snowy days ahead, and lots of football plays.

Piappies World said...

Dear Beth and Remington,

All our paws are crossed for you. So sad to read about this really. We just want you to know that we are with you in every day ahead. Live and enjoy all the things you love to do. We are here for you.

You will always be in our prayers.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

Elizabeth Bergesen said...

I am do sorry to hear that Remingtons health went in the opposite direction. Our paws are crossed that the next few months wil be enjoyable for you.

Sketching with Dogs said...

So very sorry to hear it was not the news we were all hoping and praying for. If anyone makes the best and happiest of his life it is Remington and I know you and Mike will make every day special for him.
Love to you both
Lynne x

D.K. Wall said...

Oh, no, our big furry pal. We are so sorry to hear the news, but respect the treatment decision by your humans. We have had to make the same decision a few times here and know how painful it is - and how right the decision is.

Some of our best memories of Nikita came when we knew the end was near. There was something a little carefree about that period. And, for the record, the time was much longer than anyone had suggested was possible.

Enjoy the time and each other's company.

Unknown said...

Words fail us and we type this with tears in our eyes. We are so so sorry. We do not know what to say. Our love and hugs. If there is anything we can do please let us know. We are just so saddened.
Your friend always Molly

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oh Rem! We are so sad to read this, for you and your wonderful family and kitty siblings. But you know better than any of us that life is what you make it, and so we are counting on you to take each and every minute of it and make it into a lifetime of joy.

Woofs, Purrs, Neighs and Hugs,
Everyone at The Poupounette

How Sam Sees It said...

I'm so sorry. We are thinking of you and of course, Remington.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about this bad news. Wish I could do something for Remington - but sadly I can't only share my tears with you...

haopee said...

We heard the bad news from PBU. I have not known Remington for a long time but it still saddens me that you guys have to part ways.

Nonetheless, you should still try giving Remington a tsp of turmeric in his food everyday from now on. It's a cancer inhibitor and it might just help. I beg you guys to try it.



Katie said...

We have heard about Remington from a bunch of friends and are so sad to hear this news. We are thinking of you even though we haven't met. We have been in the same situation and it is truly heartbreaking. Our thoughts are with you.

Oink oink,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

Fenris and Family said...

Beth and Remington we are sending healing and comforting purrs to you. We hopes that you have lots of time left with each other and that you make lots of happy memories in the time you have with each other.

Hugs & Love, Socks, Scylla, Fenris, Tuiren, Alasandra & Mister

The Daily Pip said...

Oh, I am so very sorry ...Remington is such a wonderful presence around the blogs - a gentle giant so kind with such a huge heart. He was one of my early friends and I have always enjoyed his posts.

I respect your decision and I know you will make the most of every moment. Our vet told me recently that Pip is living on borrowed time because of his congestive heart failure. My heart sank ...but a few minutes later, I felt thankful that we have had some extra time and we will enjoy all the moments we have left. I know you will do the same ...I wish you the best and am sending support and love across the miles!

Kristin & Pip

Groucho said...

Beth we read about Remington on Dougalls blog. We are so sorry for the pain you are going through and so full of admiration for your courage and strength.



Ruby and Penny said...

We are so sorry. We hope that Remington stays happy & healthy for a long long time and defies the vets.

Love Ruby & Penny

acd6pack said...

We too are devastated and will continue to keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Beth and Mike and Remington, we are right there with you . . . loving you, sending you joyful energy, and sharing your tears, and living life the the fullest every day!

Four paw salute, pet and treats,
chey & mom

The Army of Four said...

Life is so fragile and all too fleeting. We must enjoy each and every moment we have together - until we meet again in a much, much better place. Spend your time happy, and cherish the goodness.
Please give Remington a big hug for me.

Deborah said...

Dear Beth,
I am so sorry. I will be praying for Remington and you. I am very sorry Beth.

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

*hugs* We haven't 'known' Remington for long, but we've been where you are, and our thoughts are with your and the big furry guy.

-Dr. Liz, Fiona and Family

Soggibottom said...

Ah, so sorry for you all. Give our very favorite fluffy bear all our love and tell him we love him too...

tubby3pug said...

I am so heart broken to hear this especially as Remington is such a young dog. I really cant think of anything to say other then that

urban hounds

Merlin Wylt said...

So sorry to hear that. Mommy's previous dog died of mouth cancer. He was given two to four months and he lived a year. Mommy says if you want to talk to somewhere who has been there, you can always e-mail her.

Pippa Sheltie said...

Oh Remington...
I just don't know what to say...
It's simply awful.
Enjoy the rest of your days and let them be happy ones!

Annie Bear said...

Beth, I am so very sorry. I totally agree that God will help you know the time and that you're going to love Remington for however long he has. Coincidentally, and sadly, my cat Lucy was just recently diagnosed with a bladder tumor and surgery would not extend her life. We are doing the same thing with her. We're taking care of her, loving her and letting her enjoy her life. I know you love him so very much and how hard this is. Again, I'm so sorry for this deeply sad news.


Partners in Crime said...

My heart breaks for all of you... I can't imagine the sadness you must feel. We will continue to think about you and pray for all!

KB said...

I'm so very very sorry. But I know that you will live all of Remington's days to the fullest. I recently went through a similar thing with my Lab (K), and the days after we "knew" were some of the most precious that we ever had. I hope that you can have love-filled and wonderful days with Remington.

Chester said...

Hey Remington ol' buddy, ol' pal. My bloggin' time flew outta the window some time ago and I have not been able to keep up with so many great dawgs and their adventures - includin' yours. All that to know that when I heard you've run head long into a nasty, nasty disease and your time on this earth is limited. I'm sure your Mom and Dad will not let you suffer and you will let them know when you need their help. My sympathies to them and to the rest of your family....I'm sure their hearts are heavy right now. They're gonna be lovin' on you extra good so you just let 'em.

To Remington's parents: May God give you wisdom and His peace which passes all understanding as you go thru this trial.

Big Brown (((HUGS)))
Chester & Mom

Scooter said...

Oh no, this is not at all what we wanted to hear, my very good furiend. Remington, beating the odds happens every single day and dogtors do not hold the only keys to life. I'm joining all of Blogville in sending you my bestest healing vibes and love from my whole pack. Enjoy every day and I know you will be with us for a long time.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Scooter said...

Oh no, this is not at all what we wanted to hear, my very good furiend. Remington, beating the odds happens every single day and dogtors do not hold the only keys to life. I'm joining all of Blogville in sending you my bestest healing vibes and love from my whole pack. Enjoy every day and I know you will be with us for a long time.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your beautiful and precious Remington. It's the most difficult thing ever to take your pet's pain and make it your own, but you are doing the right thing for him, and he knows you love him with all your heart.

I know of Remington from seeing his posts on "Jack's" blog page, and I fell in love with him the first time I saw his picture.

Loving thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through this difficult journey with your best friend.

Jack's friend,

bichonpawz said...

Dear Beth, Mike, and Remington...thinking of you all today...and sending hugs.
xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

Anonymous said...

This is awful. Hugs and love to all of you from me and Mom. Keepin paws crossed and pawsitive thoughts flowing your way. Doctors can be wrong - we're prayin like mad that this time they are Very Wrong.


Old Kitty said...

We came over from the CB. We are so sorry to read about sweet Remington and his prognosis. We send you many purrs and hugs. He is surrounded by love and family and that's and sometimes these are powerful forces produce miracles. Take care

Wyatt said...

So sorry about your news. Hugs to Remington and family. Paws crossed for more time and togetherness.

Wyatt and Stanzie

The Island Cats said...

We are so sorry to hear this news. We are purring for Remington, and for you. We know this is not easy.

Wally, Ernie, Zoey and mom Sue

Unknown said...

I did not expect this at all, i am actually teary eyed at this, i'm sure Remington will live very happy and loved for as long as he can, i wish you all truly the best, we will still pray for Remington and hope he is alright<3
Loads and loads and loads of love Elise and Milo<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Kari in Alaska said...

We are sending you our love

Stop on by for a visit

Sweet Purrfections said...

We are so very sorry to hear it's cancer. Mom Paula remembers that diagnosis with Sweet Praline. Enjoy the days you have left with Remington and we'll purr for all of you.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Oh, honey ... Charmee and I are so sorry. Enjoy him while he's here ...
Jessica and Charmee

Matilda the Boxer said...

That is such sad news. I'm so sorry. Momma and I are sending good thoughts to Remington to keep him happy and feeling good as long as possible! Big boxer kisses to you.

Missy@dawsondogs said...

It's so good to have you back.

Dogs N Pawz said...

So sorry to hear about Remi. Still sending lots of thoughts and prayers your way. Makes us so sad:(

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

I am so very, very sorry to hear this, and shocked too. I know what you are going through, my cat Phoebe had a tumor under her tongue too, and when it was found, it was too late. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Remington. (((Hugs)))

Nadine, Chewy & Lilibell

Sue said...

We're so very sorry.We made the same decision last year with our Tsar. It was a hard decision but it was the right one for him. Our thoughts are with you and Remington.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

I cry as I read this Beth!!!
I am so sorry!!! You are doing the
right thing tho...
you have my prayers....

Patrice and Higgins said...

I am so shocked and sad to hear the news! :(


Beyond the Dog Dish said...

I am so sorry to read this. I have not stopped by in a long time and was just scrolling through all the wonderful photos till I saw this long post. I feared it was not good news. You are loved by many Remington and that will see you kindly through this. <3

Denise said...

That's exactly what We did with Thorwaldson (Thor).I'm so sorry that you will have to go through this.These big balls of spit and love are one of Gods best creations.