Monday, February 11, 2013

I am back!

Here I am!

First things first....
THANK YOU all for the prayers
and support you have given myself 
and my family.  You all ROCK!
It was appreciated SO much!
I know you have all heard the
bad news.  But I am in no pain 
right now and I plan to enjoy every
second I have to spend on this earth.  

Okay....back to business....

The Ravens won the 
Super Duper Bowl.  
It was an awesome game....
well the end of it was any way.  
When the lights went off I think 
everyone panicked....
I know I couldn't figure it out.
So football is over now until next August.
Not for me, but for the NFL teams.

I will be busy checking on things 
in the office today.  Miss Daisy did
an awesome job keeping things organized
while I was away.
Thank you, Miss Daisy!

Mr. Winter was nice enough to 
give us some more snow.  
However, I really wish he would
keep the ice....

Okay back to work....

 after a quick game of snow football....

Later -- Remington --
and thanks again for everything, my friends
-- out!


The Furries of Whisppy said...

We have been thinking of you, Remington. We are sad, but we love that you are living life to the fullest. We just love your positive spirit. :)
Enjoy your snow football! And we can't wait to see you and Sasha at Mollie and Ranger's Valentine Ball.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Good to see a post from you today. So glad to hear that you don't have any pain. It SNOWED and a lots. Glad you got to go outside and enjoyed it. Sending you Lots of Golden LOVE and Woofs, Sugar

Ziggy Stardust said...

Hi Sweety I am so happy to see you that I am dancing! You look as handsome as ever. We have a busy week and I am so glad to be spending so much of it with you. I can't wait to go to New Orleans. When we get back it will almost be time for Valentine/Anniversary. My feet are barely touching the ground. See you soon my love.

Loveys and hugs your Sasha

My Mind's Eye said...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am so happy you have snow for a snow football game... you always make me smile with that football.. praying for all of you

Maggie Mae and Max said...


You are back and we are so very HAPPY!!
We will stay wif you every step of da way dear furiend.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Unknown said...

We have been thinking of you. We too are with you every step of the way. Go enjoy the snow Rem. We had a little this morning but now it has gone. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Best wishes Molly

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We's keepin da prayers goin in your direction. Take one day at a time and rock and roll with it!!! We are all here rockin right along wit ya!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

So, when are woo going skEYE diving?

It is so nice to see woo romping in that pawesome white stuff!

Please go pass on a hug or two or three to Beth and Mike!


rottrover said...

Hey Handsome!! Take a couple of bounces in that snow for us, OK?

-Bart, Ruby and New Guy

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We heard that you and your Sweet Sasha were going to take a trip to the Big Easy... Be careful when you eat those BIN YEAs... you will have powdered sugar in your furs...

See you at the Valentine's Ball.

How Sam Sees It said...

Welcome back, Remington! We will be thinking of you each day, but for now, back to business! :D


Grady and Leonardo said...

Good Morning Bro.
You are looking as awesome as usual.

Our snow is almost completely gone and Grady and I are pouting big time! Just when we have the Happy Dance perfected it all has to go and melt.

Have an amazing day and know that we love ya bunches.
Leo (Grady and Mom)

Millie and Walter said...

It's good to see you today Remington. Enjoy your snow and have a great time this week on your adventures with Sasha. Know that we are keeping you and your family in our prayers every day.


GOOSE said...

Remington I am so glad to hear from you. I have been thinking and praying for you a lot and I will keep doing so. And it is just like you to get back to work and play a game of football. Made me smile real big to see you out in the snow. Remember if ya ever need a running back I am you dog. You are much loved my friend.

Stewey said...

Welcome back big boy!!!
It's sooooo good to hear from you :)
I'm glad you got a game of football in before you headed back to work ;)

Jacqueline said...

So good to see your beautiful face this morning, sweetheart!...Keeping you and your family in our purrs and prayers...We love you, Rem!!...Happy week ahead, precious friend!...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Kathy said...

So good to see your smiling face, Rem! Plus pictures of you playing football in the snow!

Keeping you in my prayers to St. Francis, the patron saint of animals!

Kathy & Molly

Jo's World said...

I don't know how it is at your house, but we got about 870 inches of new snow yesterday. It comes up over my back! So today is a very busy day for us all and it will involve warm clothes and a shovel!

Kisses for healing,


JC said...

How nice of it to snow just for you.

Enjoy !!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Remington
We are heartbroken! You are one of the few, who will NOT be forgotten.
You and Beth have brought so many smiles in our life. You are such a lucky guy to be so loved.
In hearts,and prayers,
Susan,Steve,Emma, and Lily

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That's the spirit, Rem! Treasure each and every moment! And all that snow too!


HoundDogMom said...

We are so glad to see you back enjoying a game of snow football. Have a great day! Sniffs, The HoundDogs

HH and The Boys said...

Remington...... We are so happy to see you back and back to business it is. We won't get to smultzy on you here, but must say we are purring for you pal.

Now business... we don't want it down here, but we are thrilled that you got all that snow just for you. Wonderful.... Have a great day playing in it..... Again....we must say it again.... we are glad to see you on the bloggie.... Wondderful...

hugs, Max, Bugsy, and Knuckles

Furry Bottoms said...

Hiya Remington! It's good to see you back here on your blog. We've been worried, anxious, missing you. There's no business like snow business, now is there!

Mary Lou said...

Oh, Remington....
You and your family have not left my thoughts for even one second!! ;)
"I am in no pain
right now and I plan to enjoy every
second I have to spend on this earth.". You're so brave, and, quite a fine example to all of us in Blogville!! ;op
Love, Raelyn, plus Rose

Asta said...

What joy to see you playing in the snow. You an I know it's not the length of life but the quality and you , my wondewful fwiend know how to make the vewy best of evewy moment
I love you and continoo to keep sending good thoughts and healing smoochie yoow way to make suwe that thewe awe many many joyous times to come

Blueberry's human said...

Welcome back, Remington!

I just caught up on my reading and heard the sad news. I received similar news about an aggressive cancer with my last dog, Shadow. It was completely unexpected and I felt like I had been sucker-punched. But really, it was such a blessing to be warned of what was to come and to spend the last few months I had with her just enjoying her and loving her. So, hang in there and know that we are all here to support you and pray for you and offer whatever comfort we can. I know you will love Remington with abandon as you always have for the time remaining.

Hugs from me, licks from Blueberry.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...keep up yur pawsitive attitude; coz miracles due happen..each N everee day...

st francis can tell ya.... :)

sorree ya haz sum ice in yur yard rite now...

and a visshuz deer...

but at leest ya haz burd free treez....

looks like a fun game of footzball two :)

JacksDad said...

It's great to see you back! We hope that we see you back for a long long time to come!

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Remy! So glad you are back!!! Have fun in the snow!


Marilyn said...

Love you, Remington! You are my top dog. Everyone needs to remember to tell the ones they love that bit of information on a daily basis. Things do change in an instant, as you know. Take care and enjoy the snow--it missed us this past weekend.♥♫

Unknown said...

So happy to see you back today, i'm so glad you gots more snow!! Snow football looks like an awesome game to play. Stay positive and stay strong, miracles happen and you deserve one.
Love Milo :)

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Enjoy that snow, big fella!

XXXOOO Daisy, bella & Roxy

Unknown said...

REM! It's you?!? Oh good, it's's you. *zoomies in circles*

I hope you are having fun playing snow football. Maybe you should teach the pro-players that game so they can stay in shape until August. BOL

I'm so glad you are back, my pal.
*Cairn hugs*

Ann said...

So glad to see you back Remington. I'm also happy that you are taking time to get in some football playing. You know what they say about all work and no play

Unknown said...

No YOU rock! BOL
Indeed long time no see, you fluffball you! I leave for a few months and you go get yourself with the sickies?! You big ones have your issues, don't you. I love you pal, and I love nothing more than to see you play snow football.
Yours forever,

Ginny Hartzler said...

HI REM!!! It is so great to see you back, we have all missed you!!! I do not like ice at ALL!

What Remains Now said...

Perfect weather for that beautiful winter coat. So glad you got some snow play in.

Sweet William The Scot said...

I am glad you can have good days Remington. That snow on the east cost would be up to your tail, bet that would be enough snow for you.
Sweet William The Scot

Dachshund Nola said...

We're with you every step of the way, Rem!

Duke said...

Your ice picture is beautiful but oh so treacherous! Be very careful, Remington!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

SquirrelQueen said...

Hey Remington, it is so good to see you again. We are glad to hear you have your priorities straight and playing snow football comes before work.

Kitty Hugs,
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Smile With Your Tail said...

We are just catching up on our google reader now, we are so sorry to hear about the..we wont call it bad news, but the 'news' from Beth. Your lucky that you have a wonderful family to be with you every step of the way, along with your bloggy family here.

BIG loves and slobbers Remmy dude.


Jans Funny Farm said...

Hey, handsome, good to see you back.

You sure did get some snow. Have fun playing in it.

Kari in Alaska said...

Welcome back buddy!

Stop on by for a visit

A Wonderful Dogs Life said...


It's nice to meet you Remington. We are so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. We just lost our sweet big sister to the nasty awful cancer monster two weeks ago today.

We are praying you and your family will have a wonderful time together and just live in the moment and enjoy each moment together.

Bella & Sweet Pea

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Glad to see youm up and around.

bichonpawz said...

We are SO happy to see you back Remington!! We are doing the Bichon Blitz just for you!!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

It's so great to see you buddy!

Have fun in that snow, wish I was there with you!

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

It is indeed good to see you home and enjoying playing in your snow. And YEA! Our Ravens did indeed win the Super Duper Bowl! Carpe Diem and all that, amigo.

Unknown said...

It is so lovely to see you playing in the snow and we are so happy that you're back, Rem! The snow in your place is so beautiful. Enjoy the snow!

Anonymous said...

Wow! were so Happy to see you Remington! We really miss you so much specially Miss Sasha! :D

Pet Supplies

Anonymous said...

It's soo good to see you back and so glad to know your not in any pain ... We are still praying for you hard!!

Keiko and Tess.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Remington--
Its good to see your beautiful face again

Mollie said...

Your back :) You have made us so happy xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

tubby3pug said...

You have the best and most amazing attitude Remy live it up every day, after all we dont know how long any of us have

urban hounds

Oskar said...

Glad to see you back, pal.

Nubbin wiggles,

Elizabeth Bergesen said...

Glad you are home and are in no pain.