Thursday, February 3, 2011

Oh, hello....

 1001... 1002... 1003...

Oh, friends....
I wasn't expecting company.
 Just doing my workout. 
Thursday's arms and back.

Ohh, it's the deep burn.
 Oh, it's so deep.
Oh, I can barely lift my right arm
 'cause I did so many.
 I don't know if you heard me counting.
 I did over a thousand.

Welcome to the Gun Show, ladies!

Later -- Remington --
did you hear me counting?
-- out!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

So THAT is how woo stay in such inkhredible shape!


Anonymous said...

BOL! Gun show ;) Nice Remington ;) You're gonna have the ladies pulverizin their faces tryin to get to you through their puters!

Waggin at ya,

Maggie Mae and Max said...

WoHoo Remington! I am very impressed wif your workout skills, AND da results! ;)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS Remington....gun show...I gets it! :)

Unknown said...

Oh Remy, you wonderful, strong, handsome guy! You should be on the cover of Playgirl!

jen said...

Welcome to the gun show!!! OMG I thought my BFF was the only one who said that!! Awesome:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

with all that work out it is no wonder you look so fit and trim and beautiful in all your portraits of life. i do so enjoy your life stories each day.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Arnold...oh I mean Rem!!!

OMD know we know your secret to a finely tuned body hard work and dedication!!!

You are looking very good today too.
Hugs Madi and Mom

Anonymous said...

Ohhh Mi goodness yoo could lifts mee n Richiemost easily mi furiend


Corbin said...

You're so wise... You're like a miniature Buddha covered in hair.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Oh! Remington. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

BaaaWaaah Remington.. GUN SHOW.. BaWaaah

Show the girrrls your STUFF Buddy.

The Army of Four said...

So THAT'S how you stay in such good shape! totally cool!
Play bows,

Unknown said...

whoa! I have a feeling that the little thing in front of you is much heavier than I am, so I'd better not to try!!!
What a cool way to keep yourself in shape!!!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Remington, that is very impressive! Go for the burn!! No wonder you always look in top shape. How many ladies do you have now waiting for a call from you...I bet the list is long!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Duke said...

Your weight training is really paying off, Remington. Keep up the good work!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sketching with Dogs said...

Our Mum is very jealous of your dedication to your keep fit regime. Keep it up Remington.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx

brooke said...

hahahah! The Gun show! Great work out!

Suka said...

hey Remington,

Impressive! No wonder you always look so studly! I think I should follow your lead, since I am single too and the female dogs are out on the prowl. :->


whitty23 said...

haha this made me laugh! (in a good way) You don't need those weights Remington, you look like your already in great shape! :)

Kira said...

Wow - sounds like you'll have no problem at all finding a date for Valentine's day!

Anonymous said...

Your muscles are looking goooooooood from here!

Elyse and Riley

bichonpawz said...

You always look just perfect Remington! Xoxo Chloe and Ladybug

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You go Remi!!!! You look great!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Perhaps you'd better use that new exercise video that Jane fonda has out now. I hear she's let up on the burn. Also you will need some snappy leg warmers!

Rouky said...

Remington, you look fantastic. Mom loves this post! It's so funny! Beth really is the most creative person she knows... :-)

Anonymous said...

Grandma said that yes, the book is good...especially if Beth likes mysteries.

Alien said...

Hmm. I could use with some bulking up myself. What is that, Sallie? No. I am not telling Remington that he is a stud muffin.


Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Remington! Boy have we missed seeing you while mom has been working! We think you are looking great - the ladydogs must be falling all over themselves to check out those muscles! And boy, we are impressed with how many you can do!!
Hi Remington! This is Gus. I was hoping you could do me a favor and give Ozabella a message for me - I have not been able to visit with her because of mom's work but her work is better again so I will be able to visit more. Please tell her I hope she isn't mad I haven't been around and that I still want to be her only boyfriendcat in the future when we are older. She is the only ladycat that could ever be in my heart, and I will try to be better and make mom better too. Please tell her that and thank you very much. Your friend Gus.

JacksDad said...

Only a thousand? Jack does a thousand every morning before he wakes me up. At least that's what he tells me! :)

On another note, I've got an iPad and I absolutely love it. It's especially great if you do a lot of traveling!

The Daily Pip said...

You stud, you!

Your pal, Pip

White Dog Blog said...

And your WORRIED about finding a date for Valentine's Day?

Lorenza said...

1003?? Wow! That is a lot!
Now I know why you are in super duper shape!
Kisses and hugs

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

Keep up the good work, Remington!

Neeko said...

Wow! You look sooo macho!!!
I do those too but my counts are lower ;o)

Neeko :o)

3 doxies said...

BWhahahahahaha...OMD. dis is da bestest post EVERS!!!!!!!! Hehehehehe! I am blushin'!
I am so glad you invited me to da gun show. Nows I am at peace.


3 doxies said...

PS: Now I knows why they won't to limit Gun Rights,,,,hehehehe!


The Thuglets said...

You look like you are in incredible shape to us!

A very fit guy!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

You the dog!

Sagira said...

A fine looking man working out ::: drool :::