Monday, November 22, 2010


My hat says it all....
Vikings 3 -- Green Bay 31

That was a hard one to watch....

Don't know what is going on
with the Vikings right now.
Mr. Brett Favre talked after the game
as though he was not
going to play any more.
A lot of the fans want the
head coach to be fired.
It is some what of an exciting year --
but not in a good way.

How I look at it is --
I love football --
I love the Vikings
win or lose --
None of that is going to change for me!
They are like a good friend to me....
and I would never turn my back on
any friend just because they
were down on their luck....

Next Vikings game
will be on Nov. 28.

Vikings vs. Washington Redskins

 Later -- Remington --
STILL the #1 Vikings fan
-- out!


The Vikings have fired the coach....


The Vikings have fired the coach!

Defensive coordinator
Leslie Frazier
named interim head coach....

 What a year....


Unknown said...

I saw a little bit of Farves speech. He really did not appear to be to opptemistic (sp). Maybe it it justnot the Vikings year. I sure am glad you still are their #1 fan though!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry! Well, they didn't have their luck with them this time but it doesn't mean they won't fight back for the next game! Watch out for the next one!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Sorry Rem, better luck next time, i will cross my fingers for them. Hubby feels the same way about the Cowbows as you do the Vikings, no matter what he loves them. when i saw your sweet eyes covered i knew it was bad news.

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Oh, they are having a bad year, but we doggies understand about loyalty, don't we? As I said before, our family are Mets fans. We know all about bad years. And our Giants did get beat by Michael Vick's team. I soooo did not want that to happen. I wanted them to sic him. Or do I mean sack? Either way.

lotsa licks, Lola

My Mind's Eye said...

Rem It is not your have done everything humanly possible to help them. Mom loves old sayings such as,'You can lead the horse to water but he has to drink it'!!

The cap is very cute on you though!!
Hugs Madi

Gus said...

Remington. We know that we will be the only Vikings fans in about 150 miles on the 28th, but we will be rooting for them

Unknown said...

Oh Rem, I feel fur ya is so dis-heartening to see YOUR team struggle! Butt, there is always next year.

And, of course, you shall remain a LOYAL fan.....through da good and bad times! That's just how you roll.


The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

time to haul out the secret play book

Rouky said...

Yeah, bad year for the Vikings... You are right about true friends Remington and you really are a good one. Next year will be much better. Keep the play book.

Corbin said...

Sad day in Giants Country too... what's going on with these teams?! My paws are crossed that they get back on track... Dad went out to watch the game, but the momma was yelling at the TV lots. I went into my crate in the other room when the VICK was in the game. I just can't stand to watch him.

jen said...

Sorry that your team lost Remington! The Browns lost too, it was a tough one:(

Pippen said...

The head coach must not be using your playbook, Rem... maybe you should contact the media?

Sam and Pippen

JC said...

My team is so bad ... we stopped watching and did chores. Hope both our teams get better.

Ms. ~K said...

We hate to see you so sad...
Sending you huge hug, big fellow!!!!
Wroooo wroooo,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Christmas-etc... said...

The nose knows, as they say!! And you've got one handsome nose there, made even nicer with the beautiful accessory of a hat!
have a great week dear Remington!

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear that Mr. Rem!

Cocorue said...

hey Rem
do come over for your award

♥I am Holly♥ said...

We are so sorry Remington. They seem to be having a rough year but it's not over yet!! Next week maybe they will win!! The Redskins...I think that is who everyone in my area is for but not me really....I'm for the Vikings!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

KT and Easton said...

Thick or thin Rem, that's just the way a real Viking fans think. You'll get 'em next year.

Erin @ The Impatient Gardener said...

Don't worry, Brett will change his mind! ;)

Seriously though, he has a bad game and then he rallies. I predict a Vikings win next week!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your loyalty is admirable, Rem!! There's always the next game!! Can Brett Favre quit, doesn't he have a contract? Hubby tells me that players get out of contracts all the time. Apparently he is not quite as loyal as you? Perhaps he will rebound in a few days.

Piappies World said...

Hello Rem!

Cheer up! If only they listen to your game strategies. We have a good feeling that next week will be yours. We'll keep our paws for a victory just to see your dance of joy.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

Gail Wilson said...

I am sorry that your team lost but I would sure appreciate it if you would stop sending all this snow to my house. After all, we do the at the sea and it has been snowing for 24 hours already. ENOUGH ALLREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs and snowballs to you, Mistaya

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Mom and me is wif you all da way on dis one Remington. Once a Vikings fan ALWAYS a Vikings fan. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Taffy said...

Remington, I'm sorry they lost. We totally understand since we are Chiefs fans. They have had some pretty rough years lately. We are not "fair weather fans" for our team either! You sure do look cute in your cap!

Gail Wilson said...

Hey Rem..Fox just said the team fired the coach!!!You may be getting a call from the team!
Hugs, Mistaya

The Army of Four said...

We feel sad that the coach was fired. He has a son serving in the war, so we have a special place in our hearts for him.

Alien said...

I'm sorry, friend. Hmmm. If Brett leaves, let me know. I could use a good man to help defeat evil gnomes.


Ms. ~K said...

Beth, Thanks for the head's up about JM on Oprah today...I didn't know, and would have hated to miss it!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Awww Remi, we are sorry your team is having a rough time. It is good that you are a true fan, not just a fair weather fan. Our Grandpaw is like that with the Raiders.

Noah said...

Rem, we both had a bad Sunday! But you were right, mine wasn't as bad as yours but a loss is a loss. Better luck to both of us next week! Go Colts and Vikings!

Duke said...

Our dad knows just how you feel, Remington. He has suffered with the NYGiants for years! He's a Giants fan forever and ever until the end of time!
We hope your Vikings kick butt next week!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sagira said...

Ruh roh...better luck to those Vikings next time.

Anonymous said...

Sorry The Team lost Remington my furiend lets hope the next game is an improvement fer dem

xx xx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So very sorry, Remington. But if we had a team, we would sure like you to be a fan. You are a truly loyal one.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

bichonpawz said...

You know what they should do? They should invite YOU to play on that team. We are so sorry that your team lost but we know that you are still their NUMBER ONE FAN!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

White Dog Blog said...

You are a loyal friend with a noble character. I would want you next to me if I were on the skids...or needed someone to mind my six.

Suka said...

hey Remington,

Oh My Dawg! They fired the Vikings coach? Has the team really been doing that bad? Woofs...I had no idea. Hey! Perhaps they will hire you as Coach or Asst. Coach!

I love how you are so loyal, and I love your sentiments about loyalty. You are my kind of pup! And I wish more humans followed your wise ways, it would certainly make for a better world.

I think you deserve an honorary Box in the stadium to watch all the games!


Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Remington! We are sorry about that game - we know that one is a big rivalry (our mom told us - she knows most about football at our house - even more than dad). She said that sometimes there are good years, sometimes bad - she can sympathize because well, Chicago is known for having bad years with all its teams. But they always turn around (well, ok, maybe not for the Cubs but most of the time it does work out). We hope they do better next week. We know you like Brett but maybe he is just getting too old for this job (he is even older than our mom). We hope things turn around soon!