Have you ever had one of those days when you just want to put a pillow in front of the fan? Well, today is that day.
Remington -- just leave me be....thank you (hey, just cause I am grouchy doesn't mean I can't be polite) -- out!
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Hi Remington...Madi and I believe you would feel chipper if your ground was not so deep with the cold white stuff. Can you, Beth and Mike take many walks when the snow is so deep?
Madi and Mom
Ask Beth to make some hot chocolate. She can drink it, but you can smell it.
Ok, we get a pillow and a fan, but we think you have the order backwards?
Too chilly for a fan huh?
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
We don't need any fans at the moment either! We enjoy the snow but it is cold......
Martha & Bailey xxxx
I KNOW! You just did not want to have a Bad Hair Day, hence the pillow in front of the fan!~
How about a heater??? No pillow, of course!
That's funny, I have a fan too. Must be a Newfie thing. Leo
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