I am sure everyone wants to know why I was grouchy yesterday. Well, I was reprimanded! That almost NEVER happens! It all started with Beth trusting me in the front yard -- unassisted -- meaning no leash. Well, me being the playful spirit I am I decided to take FULL advantage of the situation and I just ran ALL over the yard! When Beth said I should come in I just laughed at her and kept running. I was in every snow bank I could find. When she would come to get me (she was going through snow banks) I would run the other way. It was SO much fun! She finally had to call Mike and he came home. Not good! I was so excited to see him I went right to him and he put my leash on and in the house I went. He had to leave right away because he had a meeting to get to. Well, Beth said she was very disappointed in me and then proceeded to do the worse thing in the world to me....she ignored me. Yes that is right....she ignored me. It was the longest 15 minutes in my life. I barely survived. When I would go to talk to her she would turn away and not say anything to me. Finally she sat me down and explained that I could of gotten hurt or maybe lost my sense of where I was and ended up in the street or the neighbors yard. I was so sorry. She said that it was okay and she would be smarter next time....whatever that meant. I am just happy things are back to the way they are suppose to be! ALL HAPPY!
Later -- Remington -- the "I get it" Newfie -- out!
oh Remington!!! I believe yesterday's episode is what referred to as 'sewing ones wild oats'!!! Dear friend we hope you sewed all your oats in yesterday and are over your rebellious stage. I agree with BETH that was bad and you did need a stern talking to and at the same time learn that in spite of yourself you are still LOVED and forgiven. Have a good weekend sweet boy and remember LISTEN to Beth and Mike they know BEST.
Madi and Mom
HaHa Remenington, you sure are a rambuncious little boy arn't you! Can't say as I blame you though. Trying out all those snowbanks must have been fun!
Oh Remington!!! Hope you got all that creative energy out yesterdar on your little jaunt around your yard!!! Being reprimanded is so not fun,but I bet it was worth it?!?!? Have a great weekend!!!
lotsa licks,
As your attorney, I think we should plead temporary insanity. And if that doesn't work, we can ask for probation with time served. And if that doesn't work, we can always appeal!
Woof! Woof! Oh! Oh! Remington ... what can I say??? Hope you learned your lesson ... being reprimanded is not fun. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Hey Bro... Been there, done that, got reprimaded also and didn't like it but still try it every once in a while.
Hi Remington, It's me your brother Leo. Happy Belated Birthday. Sounds like we had the same kind of day yesterday. Mom let me out last night and I brough her back a present she didn't appreciate. It was a one of those animals that pretends to be dead when it isn't. Mom called it a possum and tried to give me a piece of hot dog so I would let go of it. I decided the furry thing was way better than any ol' piece of hot dog. When I finally put it in her flower pot on the deck she made me come in and wouldn't give me any kisses for the whole night. That's almost just as bad as being ignored. Then to make matters worse, she brushed my teeth! The last time I played with a furry friend in the yard it was a black and white kitty cat. I found out it wasn't our black and white kitty when Mom made me take a bath in the middle of the night. I don't think I'll bring Mom any more furry presents unless it's something really cool. I miss getting my kisses and don't like baths when I'm suppose to be sleeping. Have a good night. Leo
A loving family is a loving family. We all have our little spats. You be a good boy, Remington so that you don't have to be grouchy again. Very glad to hear you're safe.
It's no fun being in trouble with your mom. It sounds like you learned your lesson and will listen to her next time. We know it's fun to play but we don't want you to get hurt.
Hugs & purrs,
Judy and Cindi Lou
Hi Remington,
My name is Byron
I can tell by your picture you were really sorry for your little outburst of excitement. I'm sure everything will be fine. Hey, we've all been there!
Licks and slobbers,
Hi Remington! 15 minutes isn't so bad... I've been ignored for a lot longer than that. No leash = permission to go wherever you want (how could people not be aware of this??) It was totally not your fault!
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