Yesterday morning Mike left for work and Beth and I looked at each other like -- now what???? Beth said, "Hey Rem, want to road trip?" I got all excited and said "You bet, just say when!" So Beth grabbed a BIG cup of coffee and I grabbed a toy and we hit the road! It was so much fun. No plans just took off. We ended up in Minneapolis. Beth went to a store and got some stuff and then I got to go to my favorite store -- Petco -- and I got a toy. We talked to a lot of people and laughed and had a great time! Beth stopped at a book store (imagine that?!?) and then we were on our way back home. She said she needed a Chai Latte so she stopped at this coffee house and said she would bring me a surprise. I thought I wonder what that would be....I don't drink coffee. I watched her as she went in and got her drink and then she came out and went into another store next door. Soon she was back with a bag and guess what was in it? A NEW SMOKED BONE! Yep, a brand new one! In fact she bought 3! But I was happy with the one. I chewed and chewed on it. About half way home I was out! I couldn't believe how tired I was! I slept the rest of the way home. Beth laughed and said I was snoring.... When we got home she told me to leave my bone in the truck, I kind of pouted but when we got in the house she gave me another new one! She is the BEST! When Mike got home I just about knocked him over because I was so excited to tell him about my day. He listened and said he thought I was one happy guy! I AM! It was such a nice day....just me and Beth....road tripping on a boring winter day. SWEET! Sometimes the unplanned days are the best!
Later -- Remington -- no more cabin fever here -- out!
Madi and I wish we were closer to you all. Mom said she'd bring Madi over to visit with Dudley then Beth, you and Mom could take a road loves coffee, books and road trips!!!
She said she would ride shotgun because she doesn't like driving in bad weather!!!
What do you think?
Madi and Mom
Wow Remington, that sounds like the perfect day!
Licks and slobbers,
Sounds like a lovely day! Coffee, books and bones, YEAH!
Hey Rem, never been on a road trip like that!!! Sounds like you had a blast!!!
lotsa licks,
Can't have any more fun than that for an unexpected road trip! I love to drive with my coffee too!
Hi Remington,
thanks for visiting our blogs, it's very nice to know you. Hope to see you around *wiggles*
Adele, Vincent & Bella
HIYA Remington-nice to meetchya! What a gorgeous big galoot you are-and just a little over 1 year old!!! Thanks for stoppin' by my blog! I hope to see you around.
2 bones in one day-your PUs (parental units) are AWESOME!!
Chester ;0=)
hey Remington - that sounded like so much fun and you seemed to have really well trained hoomans......good job
it'll be pawsome if i can get my 2&3legger to be so obedient
Hi Remington, that sounded like a fun road trip and how nice to get a new bone.
You do sound like a happy dog and we can see no reason why you would be miserable - you are living the good life!
love and kisses
Martha & bailey xxx
Thanks for stopping by our page, very nice to meet you. We are always looking for new furpals and hope you keep in touch! :)
Lucky doggie!!!
Oh my yes!
Smoked bones are soooo furry tasty!
Tank woo fur sharing your trip with us!
So I called you a couch potato yesterday and today you're out and about painting the town red and even going to Petco? Go you! I didn't know you were so active. I'm impressed, Remington
Hi Rem,
Wow what a wonderful trip. We hope you did some front seat driving just to make it more excite'in!
Luv you pal,
Riley and Star.
That sounds like a GREAT day!
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