I just found out that today is Mike and Beth's anniversary. This is a picture of them....

I didn't know what that meant and Beth told me that this was the date that she and Mike were married. Then she went into this big LONG speech about love and commitment and blah, blah, blah....I kinda tuned her out. I know that wasn't nice but I wasn't really getting it and if I asked any questions I thought it may just get more confusing.
What I did get out of it was that when you find someone very special to you that you may want to share the rest of your life with them. That would mean good and bad times. I wondered if I would ever find someone like that. From what I hear my sister Miss Anna likes another Newfoundland named Aaron. I wonder if they will get married? I was telling Beth that I really like blonde's....Golden Retriever, Great Danes, Mastiffs, even some of the little ones.... I asked her if that was wrong, I mean not being attracted to a Newfie. She said no that love doesn't come in any specific type -- it's only what is right for you. She said that being different isn't bad....there is nothing at all wrong with that! She has this saying -- Always color outside the lines.... When she would say that I always thought -- and you call yourself an artist? You don't even know how to color! But now I know that it means to be true to yourself and not to do just what others do. My, my....what I don't learn as time goes on....
Later. Remington -- always learning something -- out!
Happy anniversary to your hoomans!
Remington, I'm blonde and "available". I'm a little older than you, but you know what they say about older women...
Let me know if you're interested,
Hi Beth and Mike and a very happy Anniversary!!!
Remington it is ok to like blondes. Your first love Beth is blonde!!!!
We hear the weather is not so nice outside....will Beth and Mike celebrate at home or wait until the weather is better in MN....like maybe June
Our best
Madi and Mom
Hmmm, I used to know a lady named Anna Versary, but I only saw her once a year! :)
I don't know about this love thing yet, but if there's any kind of food involved, I'll find out more and let you know!
Oh, and Happy ANNA VERSARY to B & M - and many many more. I've heard that you get puppies on your 50th! :)
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