Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Just to let you know….

I am okay….
Here is what happened….

I wasn’t feeling very well.  I went to see Dr. Mary in this very nice room.  We all talked for awhile.  Hugs and kisses were given and I love you was said many times.  Dr. Mary gave me a shot to make me sleepy.  Beth and Mike hugged me.  I could feel the love and that made me feel safe.  They gave me another shot….
Beth and Mike were crying….
I heard Beth say “I love you, Remington” 
and Mike said 
“I love you….goodnight, Sweet Prince”….
I felt them kiss me and I went to sleep. 

When I woke up I was in this beautiful winter wonderland.  Two Newfoundland’s and a cat came running to me.  It was my kitty sister, Keisha, and the others told me their names were Taylor and Samuel.  I hugged Keisha and told her how happy I was to see her.  The Newfoundland’s said they use to live with Mike and Beth too.  We talked a long time and they explained where I was.  They said this was called Rainbow Bridge.  It is a place we come to wait for our human loved ones to come and get us so we can all be together.  They said most people think the Rainbow Bridge is sunshine and green grass but not everyone knows that there are two parts to the Rainbow Bridge.  One with sunshine and green grass to play in and the other is a beautiful winter wonderland with soft snow to play in.  I can go to either one….it is very nice.  
Keisha said she wanted to go to 
the sunny side and find a 
nice sun puddle to lay in and 
she would be waiting for me 
when I was finished playing in the snow.

Now I bet you are asking how I can be writing this….
I was looking around and this angel appeared.  We talked a long time and I told her all about my family and friends and how worried everyone must be.  I told her about my blog and how I would love to say a final goodbye to everyone.  So she took me to this room and said it was not a standard procedure but she would make an exception this one time….

So my friends, here it is….please know that I AM okay.  I feel GREAT, no pain at all!  I will miss seeing you everyday.  I will remember all the fun we had together.  And to my Sweet Sasha, my girlfriend, never forget how special you are to me.  
AND that I love you….to the moon and back.

My family, I love you 
and will miss you with all of my heart.  
I will miss all of the hugs 
and kisses that made me feel so special.  
I will miss my walks with Bailey 
and playing with Trevor.  
I will miss Mike taking care of me (you always took the time to make sure I was as healthy as I could be), cuddling on the couch every morning and playing games like Toes, toes, I got toes….” And the all time favorite come and get your glove from me 
they were so much fun….
and Beth….what can I say….
I will miss being with you everyday doing what we always do….dancing the polka with you in the morning, having lunch, listening to the radio, feeding the birds, going for long walks, taking our daily drive around town so I could hang my head out the window to see everyone, talking, laughing and playing football, photo shoots and just being together….for it was you who I spent most of my time with….just know I will miss you very much.

I learned so many things during my life….maybe what I learned could help you out sometime….


Always think good thoughts, they make you happy….bad thoughts just make you sad

Be nice to others and smile a lot….don’t hold grudges and frown, it makes for an unhappy life

Be kind to all creatures....for they all need to be loved

Play, dance and do things that bring joy to your life….
you need to make the most of the time you have….
so why not make that time the happiest you can

Relax, don’t worry so much, 
don’t ever go to bed angry,  
always say your prayers and 
trust in God for He takes care of His children.

I hope you will think of me once in awhile and smile…. when you look at a bright full moon or when the snow is falling lightly on the ground OR when the Vikings or Packers are playing a great football game.  Please know that you will be in my thoughts….I will think of you often and yes, my friends, I will be smiling.

I have to go now.  Know that I am at the Rainbow Bridge waiting….take your time….there is no hurry….God will let you know when it’s your time.

Thank you for letting me be a part of your life and know that I love you….

Until we meet again, my friends



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The Furries of Whisppy said...

Thank you for telling us you are doing well at the Rainbow Bridge. We didn't know they had snow there! Who needs to wait for the 9 - 11" that MAY come when you have plenty of white, soft, fluffy snow, all the time! We will remember your wise words, dear friend.

We love you Remington!

Unknown said...

Such precious words . . . each one causing a tear to fall xxx

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Yor words dids makes our Momster cry so muchly Remingtong jus cos yoo dids lets her know how beeeuuutifuls da bridge is, Fank yoo fur dat deer furiend. Wee look forward to meetin n playin wivs yoo wen our time come cos even tho wee is hairless dogs wee does lovs da snow n playin in its.
Wee is goin to miss yoo so muchli big guy, yoo wos such a hooj part ovs our blogville famly.
Run Free Remington n Enjoys dat Snow
Much Lovs
Uji, Izzy, Ziggy, Missi n Hiro
& Da Momster

Marg said...

That is such a lovely tribute to Remington. We sure are glad that you let us know that you are all right up there Rem. We really liked getting to know what a wonderful guy you were. Mom will sure miss you a lot. Sending lots of hugs to the Mom and family.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

We just heard about Remington's passing. Our hearts are breaking. Lovely tribute to s sweet boy. He wil ever be in our thoughts.

Mona, Weenue & Sarah, the Mommy

tubby3pug said...

To Remingtons parents I am so so so sorry for your loss, and he left so quickly. I can tell he was a very special dog, they are all specia, but the the bond you had with him was above and beyond.

urban hounds

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Full moons and football games we will be thinkin' of you dear furiend plus many times in between.

Maggie Mae and Max

My Mind's Eye said...

Hey Remington and oh how we thank you for one last visit letting us know you are happy and feeling good. How wonderful Taylor, Samuel and Keisha were waiting to welcome you. I love that Mike called you Prince...for that surely describes you.

Dear sweet angel who wrote this...you have touched my heart and soul with this loving and beautiful tribute to our Remington....Yes
our and thank you for sharing his live with us.
Hugs Cecilia and Madi

Annieb said...

Thanks for letting us know your okay, big guy. Thank you for allowing us into you're very short life, and getting to know how wonderful you are. I guess it was easy to leave, knowing how well you were loved, and by how many. Us humans will help mom and dad through this.

haopee said...

I'm sorry I couldn't read through the entire post. It made me cry after reading the first part.

I am glad you're doing well Mr. Remington. I hope Mike and Beth are recovering too.

We will meet again.

Huggies and Cheese,


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much, Remington for your wonderful blog, I read it everyday before I began my work. Hugs to you, Beth & Mike

Parsley said...

Sniff, sniff...tears

Katie http://myminipetpig.com/ said...

Oh dear, you have me in tears. We didn't know Remington until recently but our thoughts are truly with you and we love the way you painted this picture of a happy and free Remington. Our deepest condolences.

~ Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

Katie Isabella said...

What a beautiful letter to your family and furriends sweetest Remington. I hope you saw my little girl Admiral there on the sunny side of the Bridge when you visited. I know she will love you. xoxoxox

Donna said...

Me has a Luv. For u.

GOOSE said...

Thank yo Remington for making our lives oh so much more beautiful. I will take your advise to heart my friend.

Carolina Cats said...

Dear Mr. Remington's family, espeshly Miss Bailey and Trevor, our hearts are hurting for you and we are sending lots of love, purrs and hugs to you. We're glad that Remington was able to send us all one last message from the Bridge. We loved visiting the blog efurry day and hearing his happy stories. We will always remember our furiend.

Lots of love & hugs & purrs,
Finny, Buddy & Jazzy

Unknown said...

You made us cry sweet soul. Goodbye and God bless. We won't forget you , our dear handsome friend. We will always think of you when we see the moon. You and RRC will live on in our hearts. Take care and have snow much fun over the rainbow bridge. To Beth & Mike our love , hugs and we feel for you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Best wishes Molly

verobirdie said...

Remington, I.m glad you made it safely to the other side, and that your were met by friends and snow.
Everytime I.ll see the moon I'll think of you, when I' feel low, I know you'll be watching and send a sunbeam, as you have done everday.
Take care.

verobirdie said...

Remington, I.m glad you made it safely to the other side, and that your were met by friends and snow.
Everytime I.ll see the moon I'll think of you, when I' feel low, I know you'll be watching and send a sunbeam, as you have done everday.
Take care.

What Remains Now said...

Enjoy the snow, Remington, and thank you for letting us know you are okay.

Marilyn said...

Snow any time, any day!! Thanks for all the wonderful stories that started my days. I will miss you. Love and hugs to Beth and Mike.♥♫

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We thank you for letting us know you arrived safely. I hope you get to meet Rusty who left us just 3 weeks ago and also the rest of my pack. You'll have enough to form a complete football team at the Bridge.

We'll never forget you......ever.


Anonymous said...

Dear Beth And Mike
Thank-you for letting us be apart of your family. Remington has a place in our hearts. His life was not long enough, yet that short time had the power to touch so many hearts. We will remember him, and your clever words with many smiles.
Thank-You for being there when we needed a ray of sunshine.
Susan,Mike, Steve,
Cousins to Remington Emma an Lily

Kay said...

The best part of my morning was to see what Remington was up to - I will truly miss him - he was a part of so many or our lives.

Hopefully in time you will have another dog - not to ever take his place but to add to your life.

Kay in Virginia

Taricha and Nyx said...

Thank you for being the best doggie ever! We enjoyed reading your adventures and strive to be as happy as you were.

Scooter said...

Thanks for sending us a last note Remington. You will have fun with your other family there. We are glad that you are fine now and happy and running free.

We all loved you Remington and you will be missed so much by all of us.
Yes, you will be thought of when we see a full moon, the football game and when it snows. Just to let you know, you are thought of TONS today cuz we are getting a TON of snow here in Illinois. :-)

To Mike and Beth and family:
Our hearts are breaking for you and our heart goes out to you and we are sending prayers for your comfort as you miss your furry buddy.

Thanks for sharing dear Remington with us all, we have enjoyed him so much.

Diana, Jazzi and Addi

LP said...

It sounds as though your beautiful spirit lives on Remington. And it is clear that you "got it right" while you were here on earth. We are glad you were so loved by your family.Maybe you will meet our three angels Masala, Allegra and Lewis. Masala especially loved snow , just like you.All of them each had pure hearts like yours sweet boy.

Love and hugs to your family.We know how difficult it is to say good-bye.

the critters in the cottage xo

Corbin said...

You are a good, true friend, Remington. We will all miss you here in Blogville. My dad will miss your football pictures, he always loved seeing the "Viking Dog." I will miss your wisdom, your love for snow and the moon patterns and all the smiles you've put on my face. I wish warmth and comfort for Mike and Beth as they continue on without you next to them. I hope they stay in touch with us bloggers, as we've come close to them as well. Have fun romping around, buddy!
#1 Remington fan,

Cowspotdog said...

We can and never will forget you Remington...special things ALWAYS have special places in our hearts

Shmoo said...

Our condolences... until you meet again, across the Rainbow Bridge

MurphyDog said...

awwwm Remi, you made my Mom's eyes leak.

It was so nice of that lady to let you do one last post and let us all know you were doing ok. Everyone down here knows how wonderful the Rainbow Bridge is, but its nice to actually hear it.

Mom says to keep an eye out for Bristoldog, Tylerdog and Sophie kitTON. She thinks you'd have a lot of fun together.

RIP sweet boy

wags, wiggles & sorrowful slobbers

Just Mags said...

This is so sad but beautiful! We are so sorry to hear your sweet Remington has gone to The Bridge. We will be thinking of you and sending up lots of prayers. Hugs and nose kisses

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm glad woo are settling in -

When we khanines khross, we owe it to our furiends and furamily left on the earthly side of The RB to let them know we've made it -

Some of the humans don't believe but they really should - we send signs - kind of like how we let 'em know we need to go out or fur a walk - they just need to learn!

I'm all excited fur your special shipment is supposed to arrive overnight -

With each snoof of wondrous white, I'll see handsome blakhk furs!

Please say hi to Angel Merdie - she's only been there fur a month now so she might like to meet woo -


Jans Funny Farm said...

What a lovely, upbeat tribute to the handsome and well-loved Remington. Thank you for sharing this, even if it did make us leaky-eyed. And good advice too.

Stewey said...

We will always remember you, Remington! So glad that you are okay and not in pain, buddy! You occupy a very special place in my mom's and my hearts! Run free, friend!

Tucker The Crestie said...

Remington, we will love and miss you always, but we are happy to know that beyond the Rainbow there is a winter wonderland where you can frolic to your big heart's content in snow that will never melt. Thanks for letting us know you're ok!

Stewey said...

p.s. We sure hope that your mom, a very special woman indeed, still blogs with us :)

How Sam Sees It said...

Now Mom has tears at work. Remington, it is wonderful that you stopped by and let us all know you made it to the bridge okay.


Kathy said...

Crying so hard as I tried to read your blog, Rem, for the last time!
I can barely see the screen.
Thank you for letting us know you are safe and pain free!
We will all miss you and send prayers for Mike and Beth, they lost a sweet friend temporarily!
Kathy & Molly

Jacqueline said...

What a beautiful, loving post, although it was hard to read at work because a tear dropped with every word...Rem was very precious to so many and these words are comforting, yet it is terribly sad and difficult to say goodbye to such an awesome sweetheart...I will always remember your wonderful, unique boy for all the fun posts and when I see the full moon...I will think of him in the snow and playing football; as a huge football fan myself, he will be the #1 reason I cheer for the Vikings and Packers!...He touched so many lives and part of him remains with all of us who loved him...Keeping your family in my prayers, wishing you comfort in your sorrow....Big hugs, sweet friends...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

Unknown said...

Oh, Rem...if there was ever a dog the angels let come back for just one more minute, I knew it would be YOU! You are the sweetest big doggy I have ever met.

I will think of you often, especially on the full moons. I will wish upon those "Remington moons" and hopefully you will hear me and say "hello".

Play football...romp in the snow...catch a sun puddle or two...and I will see you when it is time.
*Remington-size Cairn cuddles*

rottrover said...

We'll think of you during each full moon and when we see the special beauty in Nature. Thanks for letting us know that you're OK, Rem. Say HI to Gizmo for us.

-Bart, Ruby and Otto

KT and Easton said...

Dearest Remington's family, I just read the news and all of us here are saddened by your loss. Their time with us is so abbreviated; it's never long enough. You are in our thoughts as is Remy, frolicking in the snow, meeting up with all the other fur-kids at the bridge. So many and so dear to our hearts. Run free beautiful Remington boy, we'll see you on the other side.

KT and Easton

Dawn said...

We are getting lots of snow here in western Wisconsin and I'm pretty sure where Beth and Mike are, they are getting it too. It's Remington letting them know he is at peace and how thankful he was to have such a wonderful family! Thank you for sharing him with us.

Blueberry's human said...

We will miss you Remington - but are glad to hear from you one last time. You will not be forgotten here. So, until we meet again - enjoy your Rainbow Bridge my friend!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! I was so looking forward to meet you since you moved to WI. Just glad to hear you are okay in the Rainbow Bridge. I will think of you when it snows (its actually snowing). I will do extra snow rolls in honor of you. Also, I will surely remember you when it's full moon. Golden Hugs to Mike n Beth. Lots of Golden LOVE n Woofs, Sugar

Val said...

Dear Remington, Thank you so much for this beautiful post. We are so glad you made it to the bridge safely and of course there must be a snowy side of the bridge!! I wish you nothing but peace. Please give my Maddie and Barron a big old hug...I know my Maddie is playing somewhere in that snow. She was a big "old black bear" that loved to play in the snow. I'm just sure you will meet her. Take care and we'll be sending lots of love and hugs to Mike and Beth. Now go play some football. :)

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood remington; eye hope yur mom letz ewe keep yur page up sew ewe can ree port everee now N then frum rainbow bridge...

frank lee we knead a good winter sportsman, a fan oh feetballz anda honest judge ta knot onlee keep things heer at RB runnin smooth lee, but ta let R loved ones noe we iz still with them....

we just haz a diffrunt address...itz called heaven....

trooly eye could use yur help at de SW korner oh de sports feeld wear de ice rink iz coz eye wanna due sum ice fishin and eye cant dig thru de snow ta get two de ice ta get two de fish...

lemme noe after ya get settled in OK N dont forget ta pick up yur biscuit tree at bob's bunch oh biscuits coz ya plant de tree then like biscuits grow ON de tree like 24/7


dude k rainbow bridge cloud 777313

Furry Bottoms said...

So thoughtful and so loving. This was a great post. I'm wiping my nose on my sleeves... and yes, you will be remembered.

MadSnapper said...

Just so you know!!! I will never ever never forget you and your happy tails you told us over the years... run free and I do hope they have snow in heaven.

Sagira said...

We are all sitting here in tears. I'm so sad to hear you are gone. You were my first blog crush and even though it never turned into anything I will forever be your Miss Blue Eyes. Beth and Mike this was a beautiful post. I can't imagine the pain you must be feeling. Everyone just loved Remington and all his wildlife friends and we love Billy the Bus adventures. Our hearts go out to you. So sorry for the loss of a great boy.

Pippen said...

Remington, Dude! Thanks for letting us know about the snowy side of the rainbow bridge... when it's our time we'll be sure to come looking for you so we can all do some zoomies and play a game of football!

We'll be howling at the 'Remington' moon later this month - hope you'll be listening for us!

Sam and Pippen

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Remy, we're crying and our Mom is crying but our tears are both sad tears and happy tears mixed together. We will miss your wisdom and your wonderful blog posts but we are so happy that Beth and Mike loved you enough to give you the best gift of all - no more pain.

While you're up there, if you see a goofy Chocolate Lab ride by in the back of a pickup truck, tell him that we miss him. And if you see a couple of young wheaten Scotties that left this world too soon, let them know we'll be there someday and we'll all rejoice together.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Mike and Beth - a big guy like you leaves some big holes in one's heart.

Lilly, Piper, Celti and Ivy

Chatty Crone said...

I believe that you are doing well and out of pain Remington. But for awhile I feel sadness. Some things are hard to understand, but then life does go on. You will be so missed. I am glad you are happy.

Donna said...


Unknown said...

PTL! It is so wonderful to know that you are OK Remington! Me and my Mom could NEVER forget you! We'll both see you again someday!
Till then.....our love always,
Miss Mindy and Mom

Anonymous said...

We'll never forget your dear friend. We are sure glad you are OK and we loved that you were able to send us this quick note too.

Oskar said...

Thank you Remington for letting us know that you are okay. I bet you have fifty yard line seats to all of the football games & you view of the moon must be amazing.

Hugs & love,
Pam & Oskar

Anonymous said...

Bye Reminton - sorry, I can't say not more... my tears are running.

Duke said...

You have us smiling through tears, Remington. We will never forget you, buddy.
Please share an ice cream with angel Maggie. We know she'll be looking for you.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Sketching with Dogs said...

Remington, our lives were all made richer for knowing you.
We are glad you are safe and with your brothers and sisters.
You will be missed by everybuddy in Blogville.
Gotta go, Mum's eyes are leaking all over the computer.
Bye, big guy, we love you.
Dip Bridge and Elliot xxxxxx

H Ski said...

We are so sorry to hear about Remington. Remington - your family is in our thoughts. You will be missed by so many, but you memory will love on. Enjoy your winter wonderland and run free.

H & Lola.

Neeko said...

You ROCK my friend!
Indeed, until we meet again... you will be very much missed.
Neeko and my Pack ♥
P.S. Thank you for the Pawsome words of wisdom!!!

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Just Shiloh here while Diva Shasta iz at the dogtor gittin'her toofiez cleaned - wish we Beaglebratz had bin aable tue git'over here more tue vizit with u. So glad u found sum snow tue play in an;that u stopped by tue let us know u iz good. We will miss u big guy. Our bruther, Angel Oreo iz around there sumwhere - he lookz a lot like u when hiz hair wuz growed out only way smaller - mom sez he wuz a YorkiPoo butt he wuz all black an'had curly hair when growed out. Anyway, may-b u cood find each other an'toss that football around - he really like tue play an'we wuz best budz. Well, gotta go now 0u take care up there - we all miss u bunchez.

JC said...

Oh Remington ...
I will miss you so much.
Sounds like you have a few friends to play with in the sunshine or the snow.
It was an honor to have been able to watch you each day in your costumes.
Telling us the moon report.
Playing in the snow.
Reading the latest book.
Your kitties will miss you for sure.
And, dancing, oh you did that so well.
Rides in your bus.

I will remember you fondly.

You have a permanent place in my heart.


Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Long may you run Remington. You will be beloved forever.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Of course, we'll think of you. We're happy all the pain and fear are gone.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Sue said...

We're glad to hear there is snow and we're sure our Tsar is rolling in it. You'll meet lots of new friends and have great sing alongs too.
Morgan, Sebastian, the Porties, Syd and Mac

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH REMINGTON we are so happy to hear these wonderful things. Thank you for telling us that it REALLY IS exactly like we had heard that it would be. Thank you for telling us that YOU will be there when we arrive. THAT makes us all feel so much better.
You are a WONDERFUL WONDERFUL Furend, Remington.
THANK you for all the memories that will keep us happy... Until We Meet .

Matthew Day said...

Thank you Beth for sharing your wonderful boy with me. I would check to see what Remington was up to everyday and many days I would then tell my Newfie that he needed to try harder. My boy came from Dace and Mary the litter just before Remington.
You had a wonderful boy and he was so lucky to have you. I am going to miss hearing from him but can not imagine your sense of loss.
While we have never met I would love to be able to give you a hug and say thank you to you. You have had a profound impact on my life and I thank you for what you and your best boy did for me.

kalon said...

Run and play big fella, although you will be missed you will always be loved

To Dog With Love said...

Hi Remington,
I'm so sorry we didn't get to know you before now, but I suspect there's a reason we're learning about you today from the Rainbow Bridge. I bet our Cosmo Havanese will find you soon and the two of you can share your stories and continue to romp and have fun together. Cosmo also recently left us, far too soon. I'm glad you're running again, pain-free OTRB. Lots of hugs and support to your family.

Anonymous said...

Remington, I just brushed up on your history. Isn't it something that four years ago today you posted that you were having second thougths about going to Beth and Mike. I'm glad you did. It was so nice being able to share in your life, you will never leave us. Enjoy the snow big guy.

houndstooth said...

What wise words! We wanted to offer our condolences to Mike and Beth and everyone else who is missing you. We know that saying good-bye is never easy!


Angela said...

So sorry about Remington. He is a big furry angel now <3

Bobbie said...

I don't know if I am ever going to stop crying here... Oh dear Remington.. Like many others, I wish I would have got to know you better. God speed beautiful one...

HH and The Boys said...

What beautiful blog post We love you, Rem.

Love Max; Bugsy, Knuckles and HH

HoundDogMom said...

What a wonderful beautiful post. We love you Remington and thanks for letting us know you are safe. Hugs to your entire family. The HoundDogs and Mom (Sherri)

Mary Lou said...

I have been absent from Blogville for a few days, as I've seemed freakin' busy. However. I have still periodically checked up on you. Now back, I just read the news on Nola's Blog. I miss you already.... You'll never be forgotten, my Friend.
--Raelyn and Rose

Peggy Frezon said...

Your letter brought tears to my eyes. I know your family misses you Remmington, and I'm sending them lots of love and prayers.

Ann said...

A very touching letter that has me crying like crazy. You will never be forgotten Remington

Ruby and Penny said...

Angel Remington

Thank you for letting us know that you are ok and that the Rainbow Bridge is a wonderful place for us. We will miss you.

Love Ruby & Penny

Dar said...

Remington, dear puppy-love, You will be so very missed from football, to plowing nose first into the snow and rolling in the green, green grass.
I'm glad you no longer feel pain, as the tears flow while missing you already. You know what, there's another star in the night sky and you are it...I will be smiling at you.
LoveYa and BlessYa

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Thank you Remington for thinking about all of us and letting us know you are okay at The Rainbow Bridge.

bichonpawz said...

Remington....thank you so much for letting us all know that you made it safely to the bridge...we have one request...if you could please give our Zippo big hugs for us and maybe the two of you can play football together! Love you...you will be so very missed. Hugs to Beth and Mike.
xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug (we read this in the morning, but the tears were flowing so we had to wait until we could type this now...)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tribute, brought tears but that's what beauty brings. Remington is happy and amongst so many friends, I am sure all of us have a furry friend with him. He will be missed and in that we will miss you both, Mike & Beth, You are wonderful and I know how sad you feel now but he will always be with you.

Take care, thoughts & prayers for you,
Lucy (Troy,Ohio)

Two French Bulldogs said...

We are all crying over here. Sending lots of love to you and your family. Run free sweet Remington, you will always be a part of Blogville
Love you
Benny & Lily

♥ Sallie said...

We love you Remington!

We will always be friends in this world and beyond!

((((((((((Big Hug))))))))))

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh Remi, you have made our Meowms eyes leak. You know how these humans are. Really so frail and not recalling all the time how happy we are at the bridge. We hope you have been able to visit with our brofur Junior and our sisfur China. We are glad you are a-okay now and we hope to meet you one day.

Kat said...

Dear Mike and Beth,

We are so sorry for the loss of your sweet Remington. We are also sorry that we've only heard of you now, during this difficult time. We are glad that Remington has made it safely to the snowy side of Rainbow Bridge and that he has met up with some old family members. Although I didn't know of Remington until today, this post was beautiful and brought a tear to my eye. He must have been such a special boy to you. We hope you find solace during this time.

Sending you well wishes,
Kat, Beamer, Audi, and DK

Anonymous said...

Sending you our deepest sympathy in loosing of our beloved friends Remington, it's hard to know that he's gone, but I'm sure he's so blessed to have a family like you. He will remain in our prayer and thoughts we love Him so much! we will miss you remington!
Dog Supplies

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post.

Hope you and Winnie have me up now.

Love Elaine xx

Kari in Alaska said...

So glad you felt the love

Stop on by for a visit

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Wishing your family peace during this difficult time. May the love you shared bring happy memories and joy that are with your family and friends until you meet again.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...here come the tears! What a beautiful post, Remington! Glad to hear you are having fun over at the Rainbow Bridge. We will miss you VERY much, but know you are looking down on all your furiends and family.

Elyse and Riley

3 doxies said...

Thank you for this post...I have had a hard time with you leaving us Remington, but I am gonna be okay now that I know you are in a beautiful place, playing lots of football, and being with Taylor, Samuel, and Keisha.
I will always remember what you have taught us, the love you gave, the loyal friendship, the laughs and smiles, your cards...I will always remember you and love you. Thank you for always being my friend. I will see you at the bridge oneday, don't forget me.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, I know that heartbreak all too well. I was linked here from Mollie and Alfie, they told me to bring a tissue but I didn't listen. Beautiful tribute to a beautiful dog.

Genevieve said...

I’m sad we didn’t know Remington. He was only a young boy.

PlayInPeace, buddy.

Homer said...

Dear Beth and Mike,

I found out about Remington's condition a couple of months ago...I am so sorry. Cancer sucks.

Big hug,

GizmoGeodog said...

What a beautiful farewell Remington...All of your friends are glad to hear from you and know that everything is fine...Sounds like you're gonna have a great time over that Rainbow Bridge and you'll make lots of new friends...Those of us here will miss you a lot and will send all our best thoughts to Mike and Beth cause we know how hard this is for them...You are truly a dog who left us all too soon...Be happy Remington and know that we will think of you every football season as you were the greatest fan

K9 Katastrophie said...

Goodbye Remington. We will miss you so much.

K-9 Katastrophie

Maureen said...

You take a piece of our hearts with you.

Love to those you leave behind,

Miss Fendi HoneyBuzz & Mom

CATachresis said...

We are so very sorry that Remington has gone, but such a lovely post. We did not know him, but weep with you at your loss. love Caro, Austin and Tigger from CATachresis xx

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear this, losing a pet is always hard. Each pet takes part of us with them and leaves part of themselves behind. Our heart grows bigger with each pet we love.

Piappies World said...

A very beautiful post from one of the sweetest and most gentle friends we have here in the bloggie world. We thank you for sharing Remington's life and your adventures with him with all of us, Beth and Mike.

You've shown us the wonderful side of Rem. Shared a lot of laughs and precious moments.

Run free Remington! Constantly watch over your parents and your kitty sibs. Please don't forget us Piappies. We'll see you one day.

Lots of hugs,
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

KB said...

We don't know each other very well but I wanted to express how deeply sad I am that Remington was called away so soon. My heart goes out to you. My deepest sympathies.

Run Free on the Bridge, sweet Remington.

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Mama started crying when she read this post and the one Beth posted on Monday. But Jed came over and licked her face and told her not to be sad, because he knows you're happy and safe and surrounded by love. Feel free to play with all mama's Danes you'll meet over the Bridge; there are quite a few of them and they'll enjoy running and playing with you. Hugs to your family. We know your kitty siblings will miss you as much as Beth & Mike and the grand bi-peds will.

Angie said...

Oh Remmington, just the other day I was thinking of you and realized I hadn't checked in on your adventures in awhile. We don't really know each other, but you've had kind things to say about my Newfoundland Kahlua and she sends you her love, sympathy and lots of drooly kisses. She is sad to hear you were called away soon, but we thank you for your adventures.

Khady Lynn said...

Oh no! We have been away from blogging for a long time and have just gotten back into it when I saw that Remington had gone to the bridge. We are SO very sorry! We know there was a huge party to greet him there and he is playing and having fun.

Run free sweet, handsome Remington.

Hugs to your humans,

Holly & Khady

Terrorzinhos said...

Good bye Rem!
We will miss you, and we will never forget you!
Say hi to our brother Jack for us...

We will meet again!

Kaiser & Farrusquinho

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Rem. you're the greatest! We're so glad you're settling in. If you see some Aby kitties caled Ikkyu, Sen-Chan and Yuu-Chan, give'em a lick for us.

We'll see you one of these days. Until then, we know you will be as much a star at the Bridge as you were down this way.

Tommy (and family)

FiveSibesMom said...

Absolutely beautiful...stunning photo of you, Remington. Your words brought tears, but also comfort in having you report to us once again! Just knowing you are well and happy beyond the Rainbow Bridge makes us smile through our tears. You will certainly be missed here. Our thoughts are with your hu-family, and we are dedicating our blog to you tomorrow...you will never be forgotten, and will always be missed.

White Dog Blog said...

Thank you for making the world such a beautiful and magical place filled with joy and wonder. May Beth and Mike hold that incredible legacy in their hearts and be at peace knowing that in sharing so much of themselves they created an amazing ambassador for living life fully. Blessings, cmofort and peace to you all.

Karen Jo said...

I am sorry that you had to leave your beloved Beth and Mike, but you seem to be having a great time at the Rainbow Bridge. Enjoy yourself!

Scout and Freyja said...

I will always remember you, always.

Unknown said...

Don't you worry. We are thinking of you, and we will be in the future. Until we meet again... sweet Remi. We love you too, always...

Pippa Sheltie said...

Oh Remington...
Have fun up there, maybe we will meet there one day!
Your words were touching and beautiful...
Hugs and wet kisses and happy woofs
Pippa :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Just stopping by to tell you that we are thinking of you, Beth and Mike, and hope you are doing OK.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Duncan said...

Thank you Remington for letting us know what it is like there. My mom had another Westie before me who went there really young and has never quite gotten over it. You have made her feel so much better that all is well and you and he have probably met and are having a blast in the snow together. You will be missed and my mom sends big hugs to your mom and dad cuz she knows how sad they are probably feeling.

Dogs N Pawz said...

Mommy has been sick and we haven't been able to visit blogs for awhile. We are so sorry to hear about Remington. We are all crying tears as mommy writes this. We bet our Shiloh was there waiting to greet Remington. RIP Remington. You are a very special doggie and you touched all of our lives.

M said...

My heart is with you- we lost Jessej just in October, the same way- I will always remember Remington as I will my Jesse. Words cannot express our love for our friends other than "What a wonderful soul they were." margeaux

Marilia said...

We´ll miss you forever!

Stewey said...

Beth & Mike - I wanted to stop by to let you know that my mom and I are still thinking of you and holding you both in our hearts and prayers.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Hi Beth and Mike, We just wanted you to know we're thinking of you as you deal with your loss of Remington. Take care.

Ellen Whyte said...

We just can't believe he's gone. We're thinking of you all.

Missy@dawsondogs said...

We love you Remington. Thanks for being our friend.

Beth said...

I am so sorry...I know he is at the Rainbow Bridge with my kitty, Ash. I read every word he ever wrote....he was my inspiration to write by blog. All of us are thinking of you. Beth, Lizzy, TJ and Tank

Anonymous said...

Oh! I just found out. I didn't know you very well, but a short time was better than not at all my friend Remington.

DawG be with you always. Thanks so much for letting Us know what the bridge is like.

Arooo to you, Stuart

Murray's Mouth said...

I will miss you dearly Remington. I know you are happy and safe and my prayers go out to your people. Rest in peace my friend.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Tucker said...

We are so very sorry to hear about Remington. Our thoughts are with you.

woofs & purrs - Tucker, Vader, and Rugen

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are missing your Remi!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Oskar said...

We just wanted to stop by to let you know that you are still in our prayers. We hope your broken hearts are starting to mend.

Oskar & Pam

Unknown said...

We will always remember you, Rem.Thanks for letting us know.

We will always remeber your wise words, always think of all the beautiful things we shared as blogging pals...

Sad but wagging for you,
Ginger, Buddy, Shadow n Mummy

Sagira said...

Beth and Mike, just wanted to let you know that our family is still thinking of you. <3 to you from all of us.

Patrice and Higgins said...

Sounds like Rainbow Bridge is amazing...enjoy your time there buddy! Thinking of your humans and my paws are crossed for them as they are missing you!


Blueberry's human said...

Full moon coming...makes me think of you. Blueberry will howl at the moon in memory of you, Remington. :)

Duke said...

The moon was fabulous at our house last night, Remington, and we heard you loud and clear!
(((hugs))) to your family. We miss you, buddy.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Scooter said...

My whole pack is thinking of you today and remembering Remington with the full moon. Frankie did a sweet post today about it. Maybe when you are ready, you'll find another furiend to bring into your lives and let all of us in Blogville share the adventures. Until then, love from us to all of you.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Furiend

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We have been thinking of you as the Moon has become more and more full. We know that Tonight you will hear all of Blogville out sending our thoughts to you, dear furend.

Lovable Lily said...

I just know you're going to hear us all tonight Remington as we bark at the full moon in your honor.

We'll be thinking of your family tonight too and praying that they are slowly starting to heal.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Ziggy Stardust said...

My sweet Angel Remington, it took me a while to come back and read this. I have to admit, it still hurts without you here. I am so glad that you are in a good place with no pain surrounded by friends. When I think of you like that, my heart feels happy and I even giggle thinking of you playing football and leaping through the air. I will always love you, you and no other. You are my sweet Remington and I know you loved me. I think you watch over me sometimes when I feel very sad, I feel your love surround me and I smile.

Loveys and hugs your Sasha

p.s. you and no other

Carolina Cats said...

Thinking of our friend Mr Remington tonite as we enjoy the light of the full moon.

Purrs & hugs to your fambly from
Finny, Buddy & Jazzy

Deborah said...

I'm so sorry. Remington did love you both until the very end.

K (Suka's Mom) said...

Dear Beth and Mike and Family,

I am very so very heartbroken to read of Remington's passing. He was an inspiration and always made both Suka and I smile, laugh, and think with his wonderfully silly, insightful, fun posts. I cannot believe he is gone. Your tribute to him is wonderful. You are in my heart and prayers during this difficult time. Remington was a beautiful Soul and I will miss him greatly.

Remington, sweetie, thank you for the update. I am happy to read that you are enjoying your family and friends in the snowy part of Rainbow Bridge. We all miss you! I hope Suka has found you and you both can play and spend some time together. Hugs and kisses beautiful big boy!


Mary Lou said...

I saw the moon this morning. It was so beautiful against clear blue skies!! Now every time I see the moon, Remington comes to mind. EVERY TIME. And I consider that a positive!! Because I will never, ever, ever forget him. ;)
Happy Easter, my Friend!!
--Raelyn and Rose

bichonpawz said...

Stopping by to wish you and Mike a Happy Easter Beth...thinking of you.

bichonpawz said...

Dear Beth and Mike...we have our tribute post up on our blog today...per Sasha's request. Still thinking of you guys. Hope you are doing ok.

TimberLove said...

We thought of wooo today and smiled...


Unknown said...

Rest in peace you beautiful big boy!

I know your pain, I lost my two Akitas within a couple of months between each other. I miss them very much.

Remington, you are never to be forgotten you gentle giant of love and laughs!

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Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Still miss you Remi!

Carolina Cats said...

We heard that tonite is the Pink full moon! Wishing owr furend Remington was here to tell us why. We'll listen for his howl tonite.

Lots of love & hugs & purrs to his fambly,
Finnegan, Buddy & Jazzy

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Oskar said...

We just wanted to let you know that we are still thinking about you & missing Remington.

Oskar & Pam

Kat said...

We are so sorry, please accept our prayers and condolences.

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

You popped into my thoughts today Remington... Hope you are having fun with my uncle Fergus at the bridge...

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Sagira said...

Beth, I just wanted to let you know that you are all still in our thoughts. I really miss hearing from you. I hope time is healing the heart but boy did he leave a big hole. Such a special boy. You're in our thoughts.

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K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Beth, we miss you very much!

K-9 Katastrophie

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Bailey said...

Dear friends,

First I want to apologize for not knowing about this sooner -- I have been pretty much absent when it comes to visiting everyone... and I am so very sorry for that.

Second, I am so sorry to hear that you have gone to rainbow bridge. But I know you are in such wonderful company! I do hope that you look after my furry sister, Nala, when her time comes... she is going to be 15 in just 6 months.

I think of you often, and hope your family is doing well. Mommy still looks at your drawing and posts it online on many websites. What a beauty you are. :)

Loving woofs & huggies, <3

Your friend always,

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

cinnamon said...

Thinking of you today as one of our Hero's.

XO Cinnamon & Linda

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ShellePenn said...

The BIG Super Moon is coming June 22-23... and the very first thing we thought about is we will be saying "Hi" and "We miss you" to Remington!! :)

Sending you love from Kentucky..
Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Mary Lou said...

Hi Remington.
The Super Moon is out!! We can see it though our living room window!! Gorgeous!! It is oft overcast where I live, even on the first day of Summer. During times such as this, I miss you so much it hurts....
--Raelyn and Rose

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

Hi Beth.. saw Remington's picture on Pinterest this morning and just had to pop by for a visit to look at some more pictures.. Remington Stole My Heart. ;) I hope you and Mike are having a great summer and had a wonderful 4th. xo

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

Hi, Beth! :)

Here's the link.. I tried to email you back but your email address is blocked from the blog, it shows you are a no-reply blogger, so I came back here.. sorry for the lengthy comment.. here's the pin link:
Someone probably "pinned" it from a blog post. Do you do Pinterest? I follow a lot of "dog" and "Newfie" boards so that's how his pic popped up in my feed probably. There is a way, too, that you can check to see what images have been pinned from your blog or website.

Keep in touch! I miss Remington and reading all about him. He was about a year older than Buster I think? Buster is almost four now. Remington stole a piece of my heart and Buster has the rest! I love to look at all of the Newfie pics on Pinterest. Hope you're having a great summer so far!


Bailey Be Good! said...

Stopping by to drop off some woofs & huggies. We are thinking of all of you lots. <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Unknown said...

I'm very sorry for your loss. I know several months have passed, but I only just found out about poor Remington. My mom, who looked after two of Remington's sisters, was a huge fan of your site; after she passed away last year, I kind of lost track. This is quite a big shock. Again, our family is very sorry for your loss.

Sagira said...

Was thinking about you and Remington today. I hope you guys are healing and doing okay. Miss hearing from you. xoxo

Bailey Be Good! said...

Stopped by to drop off some woofs & huggies! Much love to you all! <3

~Bailey & Nala (Yep, we're girls!)

Carolina Cats said...

Another byootiful full moon is coming owr way. We'll pop outside to listen for Mr. Remington's woofs and howls.

Sending purrs to his fambly,

Finny, Buddy & Jazzy


Dear Beth,

I am so saddened to hear about Remington. He was and still is a blessing to everyone who knew him.

Thank you for sharing him with all of us, he will be greatly missed and never forgotten.

Love and prayers to you and Mike.
Stephanie, Riley and Star.

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Mary Lou said...

Hi!! I created another Blog today--just for diverse Writing Projects!!--check it out at this address, if you would like!! ;)
http://writing--projects.blogspot.com/ .

Cinnamon said...

Missing the Full Moon and Football updates! Mr Remington the season just won't be the same without you.

xo Cinnamon

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hey Rem. Just to let you know that we think of you every time we see the full moon, and miss you.

The Poupounette Gang

challenge coins said...

Writing Projects!!--check it out at this address, if you would like!! ;)

Kootenai's Summit Post said...

Remington-I will miss seeing your daily posts. I am so glad that you are okay and at peace. My heart hurts for you mom and dad. My prayers are with them.


Anonymous said...

Hola bloguer@: veo que tienes un blog maravilloso, con muy buenos posts.

Quisiera compartir contigo y tus seguidores más información interesante sobre la raza de perro Terranova (Newfoundland) y un video de imágenes del Terranova.

Espero que te guste mi blog de "Perros y Gatos" y dejame un comentario si te apetece.

Un saludos desde España

Mary Lou said...

Mom looked up the moons the other night. It made me miss you so badly....
--Raelyn and Rose

Unknown said...

Hi Remington! Just was thinking of you and wanted to see whats what. Hope all is well on the rainbow bridge. We hope your mom and dad have a new furend in their lives!

Pippen said...

We've seen 12 full moons and have thought of you every time. Hope all is well at the bridge. We are thinking of your mom and dad as the anniversary gets closer.

We miss reading about all your adventures...

Sam and Pippen

Soggibottom said...

Will miss you so ol furry coat. xxx

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We always think of you when we look at the moon, Rem!

Tommy (and the rest of the Poupounette Gang too)

Linda said...

Sending you a Happy Easter
Miss you so much.

xo Cinnamon and Linda

TrixieAndLily said...

We've been away for so long and we just started our new blog. Going back and trying to visit all of our old friends. When we saw that Remington has passed away, we got so sad! Mama loved reading about him, and how gentle he was with his kitten friend. We lost our Sammy-Joe way back last February, and Mama still cries for him. Maybe Remington and Sammy-Joe can play together while they are watching over us all!

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