Thursday, January 31, 2013


From RRC's weather center....
Meteorologist, Remington Steal, here to
bring you up to date on the 
weather in southwest W"ICE"consin....

It has been quite the roller coaster
ride weather wise in our area.

Sunday brought us the ice storm....

Tuesday a thunderstorm with 
lots of thunder and lightening....
(which scared my kitty brother, Coleridge....not nice....)
We got 1 inch of rain.

And now winter has finally gotten 
it right and we have

As far as I am concerned 
that is all the weather I need!

9 inches of snow!

Keep it coming!

Have a nice day and 
travel with care....

You stay classy,

Later -- Remington --
why do I suddenly feel like
Ron Burgundy?
-- out!


Mollie said...

I'm coming over, Oh what fun and sooo deep :) Keep safe though, don't go slipping on ya butt..BOL xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Unknown said...

I sure hope you have a ball in all that snow! Lucky you!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning handsome!!
OMDs you are right the weather has been off the charts this year.
We had ice on Friday, hot as May for 4 days followed by horrible rains and tornado warnings and now winter has returned here. No snow though
We do love seeing you in your favorite element!
hugs madi your BFFF

Cowspotdog said...

Remmie you look like a yeti all covered with that snow...but you are much more handsome

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are much more my type than Ron is..we are having a roller coaster of temps here, the past week in the 80's every day, record heat, now the next 3 days will be record cold down in the 40's... so happy you got snow

Unknown said...

Rem, I love, love, LOVE that last photo of you all covered in snow! You really are suited for that cold and blustery weather. It suits you.

3 doxies said...

Bwhahahahaha...Okay I lost it when you went and said dat classic line from da movie! Oh me, I needed dat laugh.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, poor Rem, you look so miserable and icy in your last picture! But you are a very handsome weather man!!! Just don't wear your anchor man suit out in the snow! We had storms and high winds yesterday, flooding, very warm. NO snow!

JC said...

You finally got your snow !!!

Jodie Belle would love to come over and play with you. Maddy Jean will just watch you two play.

Our cats don't like the noisy storms either. That's what closets and under beds were made for.

Tell your Mom that she has too much fun dressing you up and taking your photos.

How Sam Sees It said...

OMG Remington! That looks cold!


Kathy said...

YIPPEE it is snowing in your area, Rem!! We had toes, fingers and paws crossed for you that it would!
Just love the live action shot of you being snowed on!
Howled with laughter that Beth got you in a shirt, tie and coat!!
Have fun in the snow!
Kathy & Molly
PS Does Beth have any magic cure, as a fiber artist, in getting stickers out of my purple sweater, besides tweezers?!

Love Molly

Unknown said...

Yikes do not stand in one place too long Remington or someone might mistake you for a snowman? That is some weather. Stay warm and hope all your furry friends are doing OK with the weather. Have a Terrific Thursday
Best wishes Molly

Brevard Art News said...

What a great weather report. We are very glad we live in Florida after seeing you with all that ice on you. If you need some sunshine, feel free to come visit us. If you can't do that, we'll try to send you some sun in a letter.

We are also glad to be back...commenting. HH was so busy with the paintings...

Now, we have time on the computer. YAY..

Have a great day.

hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

HH and The Boys said...

OOPs... HH forgot to sign out and put our avatar back. Sorry... that comment above was us.

Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

Helen P. said...

That tie definitely "suits" you! :)

Marilyn said...

Please keep those snow piles up your way! Last Saturday night we actually had rain in the middle of the night (in January!!) but didn't get up to investigate what was happening. I didn't enjoy driving to school on the ice earlier this week. Be careful when you are out and about!♥♫

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I think that the weather is playing tricks on ALL of us.

Ann said...

I enjoy your weather reports much more than the one on our local news. We are getting snow and wind here too but thankfully we don't have as much snow as you do

Sketching with Dogs said...

Well, you are all spruced up there Mr Remington.
HOW can you stand in that blizzard like that, BOL!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Unknown said...

So much snow!! You're so lucky Rem, i wish it woulds snow that much in Liverpool!
Love Milo :)

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Our weather has been kerAzy too! Yesterday was 60 and cloudy but this morning da wind and rain started!
We still have da wind but now it is sunny and cold!
Enjoy da snow!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Duke said...

Lucky you, Remington! We wish we had some snow!
We had 60 degrees early this morning and it's 50 now. It's January!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Dachshund Nola said...


Deefor said...

Must be contagious. We got 7 inches in the last 24 hours-- in the mountains where it belongs. A powder day for Arrow to roll in.

Mary Lou said...

Snow!! What fun!! I love that third picture of you!! Get caught in a blizzard, by any chance? ;op
Love, Raelyn.... Plus Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Sorry to hear the thunder and lightning scared Coleridge, we don't like that noisy stuff either.

We are glad you finally got some snow Remington. Maybe it will stick around for awhile this time.

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
PS, you are much more handsome than Ron Burgundy!

Sagira said...

Have fun with your snow

acd6pack said...

Hi Remington - we've had crazy and lousy weather here too. Now we're getting snow and it's very windy. Since the pack is quite a bit smaller than your handsome self, they aren't too happy with this weather, although Callie would like to have the nine inches of snow because playing Jolly Ball is more fun in deep snow!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Hi Sweety, I am so glad you got some more snow. I was really scared the other night when we had storms. Thank you for talking me through it. I wish I wasn't so afraid, but the loud noises do make me nervous. I felt so much better after talking to you. You look very handsome in your suit and tie. Wow, it made blush and get a little dizzy, thinking of how handsome you are. I will see you on Saturday for Sled Day. It is my Dads birthday and thanks for saying yes to stopping by for cake. We have new snow also, maybe we can throw the football around with my Dad.

Loveys and hugs from your Sasha

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I looked at the sky and saw more snow flakes headed your way! They will be there soon.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

We hope you get lots and lots of snow, Remington!

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

You look like a snow monster!

Kari in Alaska said...

We need more snow in AK!

Stop on by for a visit