Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My awesome weekend -- part two

As promised.....
the rest of my weekend....

We left Galena, IL and the
next thing I knew we were in

Three states in one morning....

We were in Dubuque, Iowa.  

However, things didn't go very well 
for awhile....

Beth doesn't like heights OR

So as we crossed the Great Mississippi 
she was on the floor boards with her
eyes covered.  
Sorry....I just had to chuckle....

The bridge behind us is the one we 
went over....

She recovered just fine....

We went for a nice walk on the

It was a beautiful day....
70 degrees!

There was some cool art work....

It was a lovely time....

There was a tall building in the distance
and Beth did a close up of the top of it
and was surprised to see....

Birdies hang out all over the place!

Then I looked at the clock....

Coleridge's birthday party was
going to start at 5:11!
We had to hurry to get home!

We got lost trying to find our
way out of town so we stopped
to ask for directions....

They were very helpful!

So we were on our way 
back to Wisconsin....

yep, she hit the floor....

We made it home just in time
for the party and it was 
a lot of fun too!

It was a perfect day....

Later --  Remington --
so sweet!
-- out!


verobirdie said...

What a trip!
When I visited Louisiana, someone in the coach was very afraid of bridges, trying to hide his eyes anytime we had to go over the Mississipi. Too bad it was the driver...

Unknown said...

That sure is a super birdie perch! And that old couple......well I just don't know what to say about them! Lovies, Miss Mindy

Unknown said...

That sure is a super birdie perch! And that old couple......well I just don't know what to say about them! Lovies, Miss Mindy

Unknown said...

Ha ha Remington with the old couple. Wow you had a super dooper weekend. Can't wait to see Coleridges' birthday pawty. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL MOL MOL Rem thank goodness Mike was driving when Beth hit the floor!
Did you hide your eyes too. Boy that last pic of you with those giants is amazing. Golly gee you all went to several states too. Did you meet lots of friends?
hugs madi your BFFF

Cinnamon said...

Your such a good tour guide.
We were crouching down too on that bridge. You should see all the bridges here in the Puget Sound.
Mom hides her eyes too.
Glad you found your way back home in time for the party.

xo Cinnamon

MadSnapper n Beau said...

tell Beth she would not like our Sunshine Skyway, it is really really high.. and several miles long.
what a fun day and i love that pic of you with the direction givers.... since Beth was in the floor boards, i assume you took the bridge pic, right?

Marilyn said...

You look like a mini Newfie next to the farm couple. They're so famous, I can't remember their name!♥♫

Pippen said...

Remington! If Beth is scared of bridges, don't take her to Astoria, Washington. Mom says that's one bridge that scared the bejeebers out of her!

Sam and Pippen

Pippen said...

Oops... We meant to say Astoria, Oregon!

Bassetmomma said...

Man you guys had an awesome weekend! Beth was pretty brave crossing that bridge. I too am afraid of heights and won't cross bridges. I totally understand why she would be on the floor! Boy those people you got directions from were huge! LOL!

GOOSE said...

Well Remington it sounds like your weekend was just about perfect. My MOM once jumped off a bridge. She said it was way cool. Personally I think I will just stick to walking across them.

Anonymous said...

I would be on the floor with Beth too! Sounds like you all had fun.

Blueberry's human said...

What a fun trip! Glad those giant farmers were able to help out! Did you actually feel small next to them? ;)

You're the best tour guide! :)

Millie and Walter said...

Rem, you actually looked tiny compared to those giant farmers! Thanks for sharing your fun weekend with us.

Millie & Cindy

How Sam Sees It said...

Oh nice! I've never been to Iowa, but my sister lives there!


Chatty Crone said...

Remington you brought back some good memories - I am from Chicago and we have driven to both of those great places. Stay warm. Sandie

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

So I am guessing woo won't be visiting The UP of The Mitten State anytime soon ;-)?

Woo are surely khwite the handsome traveller!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a grand trip you had with your family, Rem! Your story about Beth and the bridge reminded Mom of the time they took our Grandma to Newport, RI and they had to cross this very high, very long bridge. Grandma had no idea it was there and told our Dad that she was not going back across that bridge to get home. Luckily Dad got lost on the way home and found a different, less intimidating bridge to cross:)

Have a great day.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

The Army of Four said...

What an awesome road trip! Those sure were some TALL people who gave you directions!
Play bows,

Mollie said...

Wow, you got to do all that and have a party in the evening. You sure live the high life Remington BOL xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

JC said...

How cool is that !!!
You live close enough to visit new places but get home in time to celebrate ... what did you get her for her Birthday ?

The Furries of Whisppy said...

We had to giggle at Beth and the bridge. But she did recover very well! :)

Sketching with Dogs said...

What a brilliant place to visit! Thanks for showing us all your photos. Those giant people are hilarious :)
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Rouky said...

You always do such fun trips, Rem! We did not know that Beth had a weakness. We thought she was perect!!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a beautiful area. Beth is such a baby. My 4 knees do get a little wobbly too
Benny & Lily

JacksDad said...

Good thing she wasn't driving! :)

Ellen Whyte said...

It sounds great! ANd you are so dressed for the winter, Remington. Nice thick coat.