Thursday, August 23, 2012

Time flies....

As I sat home playing Bejeweled yesterday....
do you know where 
Bailey and Trevor...I mean Cowboy....were?


It was their first day of school!  
Bailey started 4th Grade!
Cowboy started 1st Grade!

They certainly looked ready to go!

 Seems like only yesterday that I 
visited Bailey's Kindergarten class....

why does time go by
so fast?

Later -- Remington --
I really miss those two....
-- out!


Finn said...

HOpe they had a great first day! Can;t believe it is back to school already!

booahboo said...

How very fast they grow don't ya think so? Bailey's growing up to be a very pretty girl :) hope they both have loads of fun at school.

verobirdie said...

Those kids are gorgeous.

Ps, great fan of Bejeweled myself...

verobirdie said...

Those kids are gorgeous.

Ps, great fan of Bejeweled myself...

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Those little humans grow up so fast!

How Sam Sees It said...

We hope they enjoyed their first day!


My Mind's Eye said...

OHDs Rem I know what you mean! We've known you 3.5 years so I guess Bailey was in 1st grade then. What a cute pic of you sitting in the midst of all your adoring friends.

Happy, successful school year to
Bailey and Cowboy
Hugs madi your bfff

Unknown said...

Remington wishing the little ones a great day back to school. Have a terrific Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

GOOSE said...

Time is the one thing we can't stop. I hope their first day was fantastic.

Unknown said...

Kids grow up fast, don't they?

Marilyn said...

Love that excitement that is always found the first day of school. We've been in school for a week now!♥♫

Bassetmomma said...

Time really does fly doesn't it Remington. That's a great picture of when you visited Bailey's kindergarten class and now she's in grade 4. Wow! Bailey and Cowboy look pretty happy about school. :)

~mel said...

Summer vacations go by so fast! Cheer up Rem ~ they'll be home soon and you'll be able to help with homework.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Do you believe they took off and went to school. Looks like they had fun
Benny & Lily

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Yup, time does go by fast....when you's havin' lots of fun!

Kathy said...

LOL Rem, what's your score on Bejeweled? Is it higher than Rip's?!
Oh wow, Cowboy and Bailey are growing up!
You must have been the BEST 'show & tell' for Bailey's class!
Cyber Belly Rubs,

Dachshund Nola said...

Hope they have a nice first day!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Well now... I suppose they got some of those SUPER New Paw Covers. Kidlets LOVE their back to school paw covers and backpacks and stuffs.

You are RIGHT... TIME does FLY.

The Army of Four said...

They look so grown up!!! What a great pic!
Hmm... Bejeweled. Mom's going to have to check into that one. Since I'm her Guide Dog for the Color Blind, I'll make sure I'm close-by to help her!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i had no idea you went to kindergarten. i am IMPRESSED and the kids look like they were to.

Sketching with Dogs said...

You are right Remington, time does go too fast.
It won't be long before you are going to their graduation!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Scooter said...

Yep. they are growing up so fast. Do they live by you?


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom says it is always nice to see kids excited and happy about heading off to school. Cowboy and Bailey look very happy and very nice too. We hope they both have a great year.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Time does just FLY by when you're having fun. We love how happy Bailey and Cowboy looked in the photo.

Ann said...

Time does fly. I wish someone could figure out a way to slow it down a bit

Chatty Crone said...

Hope all went well! Love, sandie

Duke said...

Summer sure did go by fast this year for the kids! Mom says that she always thought that the first day back to school was so much fun!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Sorry your little friends are back in school Rem. But it is lots of fun when they get home.

Mary Lou said...

They grow like weeds when nobody is looking, huh? ;op
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Lorenza said...

You are so right. Time flies!
Sure they look happy to go to school!
Kisses and hugs

Murray's Mouth said...

Hope they had a great first day of school!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Remington my sweet, I hope Bailey and Cowboy have a super great day. They do look very happy and excited to be going back. How nice that you got to visit at school. I can imagine you had lots to teach those little ones. Guess what?? We love bejeweled blitz! We have so much in common. Call me soon please.

Loveys Sasha

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I bet school was awsome!

Ellen Whyte said...

Maybe there's a Pet Day when you can go too???

bichonpawz said...

It goes WAY too fast Remington! We love that game too! Bet they had fun at school! Xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

SquirrelQueen said...

They look so excited about their first day of school. I'll bet they had a great time. Love the photo of you in the kindergarten class Rem.