Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Just be happy....

Sometimes in life we 
admire someone and want 
to be just like them.

Today I was watching my 
little friend Harriet flying about....

Then I realized that little
Wilson the woodpecker 
thinks it may be better to
be a hummingbird....

I think I will have a talk
with him....

He is just perfect with how
God made him....

Later -- Remington --
we need to be happy 
just the way we are today....
and enjoy our life!
-- out!


HH and The Boys said...

You betcha, Rem... Great advice.

hugs, Max, Bugsy, and Knuckles

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Hummingbirds are such pretty birdies. We don't think we've ever seen them "life" before. Just those annoying, loud, rude crows.
Better have that talk with Wilson before he gets his beak stuck in the nectar holder!

How Sam Sees It said...

You are so right, Remington!


Unknown said...

Enjoy the day Remington. Have a fun filled cool one.
Best wishes Molly

My Mind's Eye said...

Rem you are wise way beyond your years!! Truly words to live by today.
Hugs from your BFFF

Unknown said...

It's so true and you're so right!

JC said...

What a great new yard you have. Almost like my woods. We get little woodpeckers that entertain Riley each morning.


JC and The Purr and Fur Gang

Patrice and Higgins said...

Very wise Rem! Have a great day!!


GOOSE said...

Remmington you are so wise.

Finn said...

Good little lesson for everybuddy. Hope you have a super day!

Mary Lou said...

I love this Blog post!! Emotions are soaring through me as these words are being typed. Because. You may as well have had me in mind when this Blog post was being written!! ;->
"He is just perfect with how God made him....". We are all perfect with how God made us!! I struggle mightily with being discontent in this area.... :-(
"We need to be happy just the way we are today.... and enjoy our life!" Great advice!! ;op
Thank-you, Friend!!
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Sometimes it is FUN to pretend you are somethingy Else... just fur a little while.

The Army of Four said...

Beautiful thoughts, Remington!
Play bows,

Kathy said...

Rem, the Wise One, you are so correct!
So glad you still have hummers there in WI and a dainty Downy Woodpecker at the hummer feeder! LOL

rottrover said...

You are so wise, Rem!!

-Bart and Ruby

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! YES can totally relate n agree ... Just Be Happy :) Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Scooter said...

Very true Remington!! Couldnt have said it better myself!!


Suka said...

hey Remington,

You are so very wise. Wilson and Harriet are both beautiful and I hope Wilson sees he does not need to change himself. He is lucky to have a friend in you, Remington, to help him see his own beauty and specialness.


Two French Bulldogs said...

Good words to live by
Benny & Lily

Sketching with Dogs said...

Very wise words Remington!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thank you Rem for the reminder. I needed that and agree completely but keep forgetting it.

Anonymous said...

Good message, Remington! Sometimes it's easy to be unhappy, but we feel the best when we just relax and be thankful to be ourselves!

Elyse and Riley

Duke said...

We hope your talk went well with Wilson, Remington!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Murray's Mouth said...

Well said :)

Bailey Be Good! said...

Happy Tuesday woofs & huggies! <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Ann said...

Well said Remington. Happy Tuesday :)

Chatty Crone said...

A woodpecker on a hummingbird feeder. Quite unusual. sandie

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

UhOh...I think that woodpecker is a little confused. That's not wood he's pecking on!

Sweet William The Scot said...

Sound advice Remington. I have a cardinal who comes everytime I go out my door. Bird sits on the railing waiting for me to come out. I think he loves me.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Absolutely, Remington. Nothing better than being happy with who we are.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Dachshund Nola said...

Great advice!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Remington my sweet, I agree with you and thats how I like you just the way you are and I like me also. Call me soon.

Loveys Sasha

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

So nice that you have feathery friends! Good to see you, Remi! Buster sends love and drool. xo

bichonpawz said...

Excellent advice as always Remington!! Beautiful picture!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

I'd like to try being a bird for a day...

Kari in Alaska said...

Very wise

Stop on by for a visit