Thursday, June 21, 2012

Update and BIG birthday!

Have you missed me?
I am STILL packing!
I can't believe how busy it is keeping me....

everything went through with the house
in Wisconsin....
the moving company will be here on Monday
morning and we will leave for WI right
after we finish loading.

Hard to believe -- everything is going

This last weekend Bailey 
(you all remember Bailey, right?)
ran in the state Hershey's track meet
in North Dakota!

She did an awesome job!
3rd place in the 200
5th place in the soft ball throw
2nd place in the 4x100 relay!

We are SO proud of her!

In the midst of all this mess at 
our house we are still going to 
celebrate today....
it is Forrest's 17th birthday!

He is an awesome kitty brother!

Happy 17th Birthday, Forrest!

Sorry I haven't been around much 
but will be back soon....
please don't forget me!

Later -- Remington --
soon to be a in a new home....
-- out!

BTW -- we have been getting a lot of rain too....

I mean A LOT!
ha ha!
(FYI -- the above pic has been
altered....isn't photoshop great?)


verobirdie said...

Congratulations to Bailey!

Remington, how can you imagine we could forget you?
But yes, you are moving fast! I hope things keep going smoothly.

Unknown said...

I will never forget you! Have fun moving! Happy Birthday Forest!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Unknown said...

Wow Remington, a lot has been happening, new changes coming up and rain. And your human, Bailey sure did well in her competitions. Plus, Forest turned 17! Time passes and we never think things will change, and suddenly, everything is different. But we are glad you are always out there in bloggerland:) Don't ever change that!

Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

BordoggyTerrier said...

I do so envy your wardrobe there my friend - no-body wears a hat better than you! Forrest looks most distinguished for 17 - it must run in the family! Gruff Respect to Bailey too! x

Pippen said...

That's a pawesome hat, dude! Good luck with all the packing and hope the move goes smoothly.

Happy Barkday, Forest! Our kitteh brother is also 17...

Sam and Pippen

Marilyn said...

Packing is not fun! Ask me-I even moved my garden rocks and whiskey barrels full of dirt! Thank goodness we were farmers and had a loader and trucks and didn't move more than 10 miles each time. Now as far as unpacking-that's a whole different story!! Good to see you again.♥♫

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Of course, we have missed you. We were worried about you and your family with all the flooding. Congrats on the new house and good luck with the big move. We will cross our paws that all goes smoothly for you.

Congrats too to Bailey - job well done. And love that smile:)

Happy Birthday to Forrest!

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Millie and Walter said...

Of course we have missed you Rem, but we completely understand. Moving is a lot of work.

Happy Birthday to Forrest!


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Aren't moving days fun? I never had to make a move but only because when Mom and Dad moved from Michigan to Florida, they said...NEVER AGAIN!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO FORREST!!! Save me some cake!

Unknown said...

Remington nice to get an update and good luck with the move and we will see you in your new home. Looking forward to it!
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the move big guy... I'm sure it's exciting, but stressful too. HB kittie!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

YES YES i miss you lots. happy birthday Forrest. and tell your mom that is a great shot of the rain and kitty. are you moving billy the bus with you? so much to do so little time. i will be waiting

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OOPS i forgot to say congrats to Bailyey, you go girl

JC said...

I did look to see what was new but remembered that you were packing.

Happy Birthday to Forrest !!!

Congrats to Bailey on her fabulous meet. My d did that in High School.

Why are you moving ? To retire or for work ...

Send me your new addy and I will send you all .. cats included .. a little something something.


JC and The Purr and Fur Gang

Scrappy Angel said...

COOL! A new home! Lucky for you and your family!

My human brother's middle name is Remington. He loves it.

My other human brother is a distance runner. Watching those humans run sure is fun. They work so hard at it.

We;ve had nothing but rain here in Montana. Sure hope summer's comin'

Keep on packing. Mom says she feels for you.

The Army of Four said...

Great to have an update from you, Remington! I hope everything is going well and that you're not working too hard!
Congrats to Bailey - and WOW!!! Happy, happy birthday to Forrest!!!
Play bows,
PS: We could NEVER forget you!!!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...


YES!!! We certainly HAVE missed you!!! Butt we been tellin everybuddy who have asked... that you are really bizzy packing and stuffs.

Anonymous said...

HI Remington - Nice to catch up on your news..I'm doing the same thing as you across the water in France...we're moving too on Monday! Good luck Buddy..let the humans run around and just go take a long nap I say!

HH and The Boys said...

Yes, we have been missing you, Rem, but you know we'll never forget you. We just keep watching for you to post. So glad the move is almost here and you can get setteled in your new home. We are gonna watch for your next wonderful post.

Take care, pal.

pawhugs, Max

Kathy said...

How can we forget you, Rem?!
We've been worried about y'all
with so much rain and severe weather up by you!
UH OH!! That doesn't look very good!
Especially for a house you are SELLING!! I hope you can use a
shop vac to get all of that flooring dry!
Bailey is really winning lots of track competitions!
She must have a wall of ribbons!
May the sun come out to dry things out!
Cyber Belly Rubs to you big guy

Kathy said...

PS Happy Birthday, Forrest!
He doesn't like all of the water in the house like Ripley!!!

Asta said...

I hope you have a gweat time celebwating in the midst of all the moving stuff (we know how hawd it is)
Happy Biwfday Fowwest! you awe one gowgoos kitteh! and Congwatu.ations to Bailey on that pawsome win
smoochie kisses

Scooter said...

We have missed you SO much Remington!! WOW there is alot here.
Happy Birthday Forrest,
CONGRATS to Bailey,
Happy moving day
and stay dry ok? Cant wait to see your new place.


Duke said...

Congratulations to Bailey! Awesome job!
And Happy Birthday to Forrest! We hope he had the most wonderful birthday!
Happy moving, Remington!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,


Remington, we can't wait to hear all about your move and unpacking! We'll be watching!

Just wanted to stop to see how your week is going. Hope it's great! Wishin' y'all a great and a wonderful summer! Stay cool!

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

GOOSE said...

No way you could be forgotten. 17! WOW big happy birthday to Forrest. Make sure you don't pack the birthday cake.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Congrats to little one and her team, Happy Birthday bug boy and yes we missed you Remington
Benny & Lily

Sketching with Dogs said...

We are all missing you very much Remington! We can't wait to see you in your new home.
Congratulations to Bailey, what a star.
And a Very Happy Birthday to Forrest, he looks like a very wise puss.
We too are back to rain after all of one days sunshine, sigh.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

SquirrelQueen said...

Yay to Bailey! Those are some impressive finishes.

Happy 17th Birthday Forrest!
You are one very handsome fellow.

Packing up to move is always a chore but then comes the unpacking. We have missed you Remington!

Ann said...

Happy Birthday Forrest and congratulations to Bailey.

Mary Lou said...

I owe you a complement. Ready? "You look great in a hat, dude!!" Seriously.... ;)
Everything went through with the house in Wisconsin?! Whoo-hoo!! ;-0
Congrats to Bailey!! Good job!! ;-D
Happy 17th Birthday, Forrest!! ^..^
And, last, but never least, WE WILL NEVER FORGET YOU!! ;op
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Dachshund Nola said...

Congrats Bailey! And happy birthday, Forest!

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh you are not kidding - that was so fast - and before you know it you'll be posting from Wisconsin. sandie

Lorenza said...

Packing is not funny...
Unpacking is not funny...
Congratulations to Bailey!
She did it grrreat!
Happy Birthday to Forrest!
Kisses and hugs

Keith Andrea said...

Hi Rem, we missed you...I haven't visit your blog for how many days., hope everything is going well..

Dog Fence

Lynn said...

Happy packing Remmy (dontya just love it) can't wait to see you in your new home, it looks awesome ! ..xSlip n Billyx

Ziggy Stardust said...

Remington, my sweet and very special pal(dare I say boyfriend?). I miss you terribly, but I understand how busy you must be and I am dreaming of sitting on your deck watching the sunset, perhaps sharing an ice cream or an apple. I miss going for walks with you, going for ice cream, playing football. My heart aches for you. Please take your time in packing your things and have a safe trip. Call me when you can please.

Happy Birthday to Forrest and a big congratulations to Bailey!

Loveys Sasha

p.s. missing you

The Thuglets said...

Happy Birthday to Bailey!

Take care moving..don't overdo things. Best of luck and hope all goes well.

Have a great weekend

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

My Mind's Eye said...

Yay Remington we are so very very very very happy to read your update. Beth was very smart to get all the packing done and now all you have to do is load up Billy the Bus and head to your new fantabulous home. I can hardly wait to see pictures of you all in the new house.

HAPPY HAPPY 17th Forrest
Hugs Madi and Mom

My Mind's Eye said...

Yay Bailey Tooooooo!!

Suka said...

hey Remington,

We would never forget you! Take all the time you need, your family is going through a lot of exciting changes, and we know moving can be very stressful. Congratulations on the house! Great news, and so happy to read that everything is going smoothly so far.

Yay to Bailey! Congratulations to her track meet successes!

And a super Happy 17th Birthday to your brofur Forrest! He is a handsome fella!

Good luck on your move!


Bassetmomma said...

Boy your move is going fast. Sometimes I find that's better anyway. Congratulations to your Bailey! What an awesome job and a very happy birthday to Forrest! He is a gem!

Good luck on Monday! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new home! Wow! So exciting! :D

Happy Birthday Forrest! You are one handsome B-Day Boy :D

Way to go Bailey! Run like the wind :)

Hoping your move goes smoothly Remington. Catch up with you when you get settled in to your new digs! :)

Waggin at ya,

Ellen Whyte said...

Happy Birthday, Bailey! 17 years old is pawsome. And you don't look a day over 7.

Moving house is such a nightmare. We feel for you.

bichonpawz said...

Hi there Remington! Hope you haven't forgotten US! We have been gone for a LONG time and you will NEVER guess where we have been!! We were in MINNESOTA and WISCONSIN! How about that?? We had such a great time, which would have been a whole lot better if we had been able to meet you!! Perhaps next year...Glad to hear that all is well wit the move and Congrats to Bailey and Happy6 Birthday to your Kitty Bro!
xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Alfie said...

You have photoshop skills! Happy 17th birthday to Forrest! 17 is such a wise age! I hope he has a great one. P.S. I love your hat! You must have a collection of cool hats and clothes! Hope the moving pawcess goes well!

Stewey said...

Congrats to Bailey - she did a pawsome job! Happy Birthday Forrest! Good luck with your move!

Rouky said...

Happy birthday Forest! What a long, great life you are living!
And congratulations to beautiful Bailey!
We are so happy that your move is going smoothly. It's such a big thing!
We are super proud of all the member of your fantastic family!

Mary Lou said...

Hello Blogging Friends!!
You earned the Very Inspiring Blogger Award!! Head over to Beautifully Unique and see its rules!!

Teddy said...

Happy birthday to Forest, I bet you had such a great pawty! hehe
Glad the move is going so well :)

Teddy xxx

K9 Katastrophie said...

Congrats to Bailey! Happy Birthday to Forest! And you look cute in that hat!
