Friday, May 4, 2012

Star Wars fans....and LOTS going on this weekend!

Just call us Rem Skywalker 
and Princess Oz Organa....

See the resemblance?

Tomorrow -- May 5 is 
Cinco de Mayo....

Party on --
Cha cha cha!



The Full Flower Moon!

Remington, your full moon specialist, here to 
tell you to keep your eyes to the sky on Saturday 
evening for the Full Flower Moon....

The research I have done says....

May in most areas, 
flowers are abundant everywhere
during this time.
Thus, the name of this Moon.

Not only is it the Full Flower Moon 
but it is also the "Super Moon".  
This is when a full moon coincides with the
moon's closest approach to Earth.
The Super Moon will be much brighter
than a normal full moon.
So we should ALL be able to see it!
As long as the clouds stay out of the way!

Mr. Mike will go out to try to 
get a picture for us!

I will be out at 10:05 pm giving 
a howl out to you!  
Hope you howl back!
I'll be listening....

Have a funtastic weekend, 
my friends!

Later -- Remington -- 
what a busy weekend!
-- out!


Asta said...

The wesemblance is uncanny
You and Ozabella look pawfect

I will be celebwating Sin co de Mayo wif you and looking at the moon twying to feel closew to you by seeing the same thing
Thank yoo fow all yoow weseawches
Smoochie kisses

Bassetmomma said...

Hee!Hee! I just love that "May the 4th Be With You"! That was pretty clever! I do see the resemblance for sure. Have a great weekend! Happy Cinco de Mayo and I hope to hear you howling at the Full Flower Moon tomorrow night! I hope to get a picture too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it must be a tough life trying to be a star wars guy and a moon specialist and all the portrait posing for mom, i am off to cha cha cha... hugs sweet rem

Pippen said...


If they ever do a remake of Star Wars, you and Ozabella are shoe ins for the lead roles!

Sam and Pippen

Douglas said...

We're going to the beach to watch the moon rise tomorrow! Have a grrreat weekend Remington!


Sweet William The Scot said...

Oh Gosh we have Cinco de Mayo, Kentucky Derby, Flying Pig Marathon and a Full Moon in the same weekend. All those combined buzz my brain. I will be howling back at you at 10:05. Going to take a nap and rest up now.
Sweet William The Scot

Unknown said...

I promise I'll stay awake and wait for your howl!

Have a great weekend! Can't wait to see the Full Flower Moon, it must be very beautiful.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Rem Skywalker... you look terrrrrific.

EVERYBUDDY on the talking box have been going On and On about how BIG the moon will look. I'll be watchin and lissening fur YOU.

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see the moon! I will be listening for you too! It is a busy weekend for sure!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Rem Skywalker and Princess OzOrgana!! You two crack me up!!
Rem you have trained Oz in the ways of poses she is nearly as good as you are!!

OMC/OMD Amigo i love to cha cha cha
and I love hats. Cinco de Mayo will be my fave day.

Happy weekend,
Hugs from your BFFF,
Madi and my the 4th be with you too.

3 doxies said...

Oh My gosh...I DO see da resemblance and I am just amazed, how kerazy is dat.

I likes Sam and Pippin's comment bouts da moveie but I sees you more of a broadway star...but, movie or broadway, it all works.


Kathy said...

Rem, you are too funny!
I will be listening for your howl and hope to see the Super Moon!
Wishing these storm clouds would go some where that needs the rain!
Felize Cinco de Mayo!
Have a great weekend!

JC said...

You have too much fun over at your house !!!

I love your moon reports. I'll send Jodie Belle out to see it tonight.

The Daily Pip said...

I definitely see the resemblance! My parents are big Star Wars fans.

I will definitely give you a howl back at that beautiful moon.

Your pal, Pip

Ginny Hartzler said...

Rem, you are wildly beautiful in your Cinco de Mayo outfit!!! But now I'm confused, is there some connection between Cinco de Mayo and Star Wars? Is there some kind of Star Wars thing going on this weekend! I am ever so grateful for your moon info and here's why. A friend of ours called last night to tell me all about the moon. Phil did NOT write it down and could not remember!!! All he knew was that it was something special about the moon...needless to say, I was MIFFED!! Then he told me not to worry because Rem would be posting all about it, and here you ARE!!!

GOOSE said...

My MOM is going to a Pawrty tomorrow but it's not for Cinco de Mayo. She is going to a Testicle Festival! I am totally serious. Along with the testicles there will be deep fried pickles and sweet potatoes and more. I how ever will be waiting for that moon and send you a howl right back.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, Rem, I just turned on the T.V. and what did I see but all this Star Wars stuff on the news! How cool! And the news man said that a Wookie has been spotted on Court Square! So I am headed that way after my doctor appointment and if I spot him, I will post a picture just for YOU! May The Fourth be with you!!!

Dachshund Nola said...

BOL that was so funny
Dachshund Nola

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Hahaha. Rem Skywalker and Princess Oz Organa....that sure made us laugh!

Stewey said...

OMD - so much going on this weekend! And, I definitely DO see the resemblance - BOL :)

Sketching with Dogs said...

We thought it was them for a sec!
Ooooh, we like your 'partay' clothes Remington.
Hope we get to see that moon on this side of the globe.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Tucker The Crestie said...

Happy Cinco to you, too, Rem! Have a great weekend!

BordoggyTerrier said...

GruffHello there Remington, though I have been a paw plodding by a few times now, I have never commented on your fine, masculine and most handsome a blog here before but thought I must simply put paw to Ipad here to say "May the Furs be with you" - ha ha, ok, not my best one, but you certainly look like you know how to swing a lightsaver - "Use the Force, Remington" - I could go on, but I will refrain for all our sakes!!! love Barnie x

Smile With Your Tail said...

Happy Star ways day!

Are you a jedi master rem?


JacksDad said...

The tall guy is more than a Star Wars fan.

He's a whole Star Wars air conditioner! :)

Chatty Crone said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this - love Star Wars. Love, sandie

Lorenza said...

Of course I can see the resemblance!
Sounds like you are going to have a super weekend!
Enjoy it!
Kisses and hugs

Marilyn said...

You always look commanding. Take charge! Pretty moon tonight-am looking forward to seeing it tomorrow night!♥♫

Ziggy Stardust said...


I am just practicing for tomorrow. I will be listening for you and watching the moon. It will be so bright maybe I will see your shadow.

It will be a lovely day tomorrow if you have time for a walk and maybe we could share a taco.

Loveys Sasha

Duke said...

Thanks for letting us know about the full flower moon, Remington. We won't be missing it thanks to Miss Molly's all-night whining!
I need my beauty rest!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Mary Lou said...

I read about the "Super Moon" in this morning's local newspaper!! Uh, problem. It has been unseasonably overcast and rainy around here!! Seriously. It is May.... And I am wearing a sweatshirt!! Sigh.... :-(
Oh, well. You probably did not want to hear my Beagle cross howl anyway!! Because she bays!! China could hear her!! ;op
May the Force be with you.... ;)
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Chicco said...

have a great weekend, Rem!!
Have fun!
Woof, woof,


Anonymous said...

HaHa :) Luv the photos my furiend :D

May the Force be with you as you recoup from all your activities :)

Waggin at ya,