Friday, April 20, 2012


My weekend schedule is completely open!

I hope you will be able to stop by
for a quick game of football!

Don't forget to turn at the exit.....

I'll be waiting!

a reminder that Sunday is Earth Day!

I hope you are all recycling, composting, 
reusing and conserving like 
all good earthlings should....

Have an Earthastic weekend,
(yep, another word for the
Remington dictionary)
my friends!
Later -- Remington -- 
please do something to 
help the earth everyday!
-- out!


Just Ramblin' said...

Wow! Both a free weekend ahead and road named after you. Too cool! : )

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We'll try to hit the road after Mom is done at 6pm Saturday night!


Gus said...

Sorry we have been MIA...pawticularly since we love the idea that you had snow for a bit. Have a great weekend.


MadSnapper said...

so now we have a road named after you. how appropriate! wish I were close enough to pop in for a visit.

Bassetmomma said...

Gee, I hope you have lots of friends come to play football with you this weekend, Remington! Too bad we live so far away 'cause I'm sure Freddie would love a good game! Have a great Earthtastic weekend! Love your new word!! :)

Marilyn said...

It's going to be nice here so no trip to visit anyone this weekend. Lots to do here!♥♫

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,
Wanted to stop and say hello! How are y'all doin'?

Wish I could stop for a quick game with you Remington! My Human is havin' problems solving why my posts have stopped posting automatically. Sigh :(
It's meant I'm not gettin' around to keep up with everyone.
Hope y'all are havin' a great week!
Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

The Daily Pip said...

Happy (early) Earth Day! How about I stop by and we can play some ball, plant some flowers, pick up some litter, etc.

Your pal, Pip

Cinnamon said...

I'd love to come play football with you Remington!
But I better stick around here.
Seattle Center Festival is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the 1962 Seattle World’s Fair.

Sweet William The Scot said...

Earth Day, remember to buy eco-friendly poop sacks ~ the Easth will thank you.
Sweet William The Scot

Val said...

Remington, I had to do a double take on the exit sign as that is the exit just before the exit to my sisters house!! Love that sign :)
Happy weekend to you!

Kathy said...

Beam me up, Scotty! I would love to play football with you Rem!
You are a very good mascot for recycling! It is fun to find new uses for some things instead of tossing them in the trash!
Have a fun weekend!

JC said...

I love that sign !!!

Enjoy your weekend playing football.

I hope to get a few plants for the yard. I love buying them. Color .. love it.

Recycle .. all the time.

The Army of Four said...

You have your own exit ramp?!!? That is simply awesome, Remington! I just know Zim and I can find it!
Mom said as scrap quilters, we always recycle fabric back into quilts - and that's kind to the earth!
I'm off the Injured Reserve list and back on active playing football status --- so hang on! I'll be there soon!

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning good buddy...I'm on my magic tram turning onto Black Dog Road right now. I should be there in two shakes of a cat's tail
Hugs from your BFFF,

Stewey said...

I'd love to play football with you, Rem - but I don't know where the Black Dog exit is...???
Have a great weekend!

3 doxies said...

I am so on my way to your house cuz it has been borin' around heres. I still has my directions from da udder times I has been theres.

We recycle everything possibles and everything be eneregy effecient heres.


Suka said...

hey Remington,

Football sounds fun! I will do my best to stop by for a game or two! And I won't be getting lost with a road name that leads right to you! ;->

Have a super fun week-end!


Unknown said...

Rem, I am with Madi! See ya soon!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Jacqueline said...

How cool to have your own street and now a highway named after you!!...And your portrait is wonderful, sweetie!...Happy Belated Birthday to beautiful Ozabella=she is so adorable!..Have a fun weekend, sweet, precious friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki.

Kari in Alaska said...

Enjoy your weekend!

Stop on by for a visit

Millie and Walter said...

Rem, you look like you are ready for a few rounds of football this weekend. Have fun sweet boy.


Oskar said...

My people are going to a class to learn how to be river volunteers this weekend. Then they will measure the wellness of our river a couple of times a year.

They are not planning on me attending with them, so I am not happy.

Nubbin wiggles,

Tucker The Crestie said...

We'll try to stop by for a game of touch football this weekend! Happy Earth Day weekend!

Ms. ~K said...

Black Dog Rd. sound like a cool place!

Just wanted you to know we are heading out on another cross-country RV adventure, destination- Oregon Coast. We'll be gone a couple of months...please don't forget us!
Kit and The Pups

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thanks for the Earth Day reminder, Rem!! And for putting up a sign to help us find you more easily!!! Hope you have a rockin' weekend!!!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Yes, we will be over as soon as we have cleared immigration - they won't let just anydog in you know, bol!
We certainly do recycle, even though our feet dont reach the pedals - a little chihuahua joke there.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Duke said...

I would love to stop by for a game of football with you, Remington! Black Dog Road - got it! See you soon.

Love ya lots

Ziggy Stardust said...

Remington, I am still walking on air from opening your package. I do know in my heart that you think I am special. I think you are very special also. Thank you for the reminder about Earth Day. We do try very hard to conserve and recycle on a daily basis,but I think a day to remind everyone is a really good thing. Have a great weekend and I look forward to our walk and ice cream.

Loveys Sasha

GOOSE said...

MOM and I are doing our part for earth day, well we do it everyday.
So how did you get a road named after you? Very cool.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are going to try to make it there, Remington. Do you think we could place an order for a little (or a lot) of snow?

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Bailey Be Good! said...

Happy weekend huggies, Remington! :)

Woofs! <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

SquirrelQueen said...

Earthastic! That's a great word Rem.
Happy Weekend!

bichonpawz said...

We sure would love to come and play football with you Remington! You could pretty much squash us with one foot! BOL!!! Happy Weekend!! How'd you get that road named after you?? We will look for it when we get there!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Rouky said...

We love your post Remington! It's so true that we have to do something for the Earth every day. Mom and dad are recycling and reusing as much as possible, buying organic products and they are going to compost in the new house. It's not to hard, isn't it?

Have a great week-end!

Scooter said...

HAve fun Remington and we always recycle and reuse!!


GRAÇA said...

Venho pedir uma coizinha...
Entrei no sorteio do Tigre meu amigo e se gostares da minha foto vai votar em mim a partir de segunda feira ,vou fazer a postagem com a fotografia que entrei e por o link do Tigre é só carregares e vais logo lá ter .
Bom fim de semana
Ronons da amiga que não se esquece nunca de ti

yeewittlethings said...

That road is definitely meant for you! And nice to hear you have a free weekend! Enjoy it :) My kids are very excited about Earth Day tomorrow :)


Lorenza said...

Happy Saturday, Remmington!
I am sure you are enjoying lots of good football games!
Kisses and hugs

The Thuglets said...

We'd love to join you for a ball game Remmy!
Have a great weekend.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

K9 Katastrophie said...

You look very bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!


Alfie said...

I would love to play football. I need to play more sports. Trying to catch birds isn't cutting it!