Friday, March 23, 2012

Weekend is here!

This weekend is going to ROCK!

I get to go to the spa!
I love to get a bath 
and Saturday is the day!

I will be so shiny you will need 
sunglasses when you see me....ha ha!
Yep -- promoting my new line of sunglasses....

More news....

I got to go to the Dr.!
Another thing I enjoy!

I went to Ozabella and Mr. Ripley's 
Doctor because mine is so far away.
We decided for my wellness check up
Dr. Zebro would do a great job!

She is as nice as Ozabella and Mr. Ripley
said she would be!  And treats!  
This Dr.'s office knows which ones
 are the best!  
I think everyone should go to see her!

My check up was great too!
Everything was excellent --
Dr. Zebro even said so!
I guess she gave me some shots
and took some blood but I didn't
even notice that.
I got all my medicines to 
keep the worms from my heart
and the fleas and ticks off of me.

I haven't even gained an ounce this
past year.  I still weigh 155 pounds.
Beth was surprised....
I don't know why....I eat the 
same thing everyday!
Do the same exercising everyday!
Why should it change?  

Here is a picture of 
Dr. Zebro (on the right) and 
her awesome assistant Dee (on the left)
and me!

It was so much fun --
I can't wait until next year to go again!

I hope all of you get to have a bath
this weekend too!

So until Monday --
Have a Bathtastic
(new word -- 
you knew I would do that,
didn't you?)
my friends!

Later -- Remington --
the soon to be the
awesome smelling one!
-- out!


Anonymous said...

Got my shades on. Thanks for the warning ;)

Have a great weekend!

Waggin at ya,

Martha said...

Oh Remington, you will be even more handsome if that is possible!
We are so happy you had a good check up - you look very relaxed!
Enjoy your weekend.
Any tips on getting shots and having blood taken without noticing would be good........!
There are no treats known to dogs or humans that have that effect on us.
Martha and Bailey xxx

Gus said...

Oh my...we got baths last weekend. Gussie gets a bath next Thursday at the spa. We sure hope the muzzer doesn't get any silly ideas about this weekend....

Glad you had a great checkup. Those people at the vets look awesome.

Teka toy

MadSnapper n Beau said...

baby loves to visit the vet just like ou do, she loves for the vet to look in her ears and at her teeth. she has as much fun as you did, but i don't have a photo of her with the vet. maybe next year. she gets the same thing you got. but she only weighs 49 pounds. glad you held your weight big guy.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Have a good time Remington!
You'll never get us in the bath OR the vet, nomatter how nice they are!
We think Dip weighs more than you now, hehe.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

A bath and vet visit all in da same postee!! Oh me tinks me is gonna be depressed!

Have a great weekend!

3 doxies said...

OMD, you LIKES havin' baffs? Dat is just da keraziest! But het whatevers floats your boat...bwhahahahaha. Ahem, okays...wells it do be very important to looks nice fur Sasha.
Wonderful news bouts your visit to da VET. It's so funny cuz da hoomans weight always seems to "fluctuate" and ours don't. They needs a diet like ours.

PS: mum is gonna leaves da couch cuz her said hers couldn't win against all my furiends...hehehehe.

The Daily Pip said...

What a positive attitude you have on life. You like getting baths and going to see the doctor! I am scared of both.

Your pal, Pip

Sweet William The Scot said...

What's wrong with you, have you lost your mind "hope all of us get a bath" Holey Moley Remington.
Glad you are well.
Sweet William The Scot

Cinnamon said...

Have a fun weekend.
At least you got to go to the Spa.
I need my nails done so bad but mom
gets those cutters out and I run from her.

Millie and Walter said...

I bet it takes a long time to get you dry after that bath! Nina needs a good brushing and bath to get all her undercoat that she is blowing out, but she hates baths like so many others. Have a great weekend.


Unknown said...

Mom already warned me about a bath this weekend, but I don't really mind. Then Sunday we are going to the Pet Smart doctors for some shots and to set up my girl surgery. Happy weekend too my friend!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

The Army of Four said...

I haven't had a bath recently, but we've had lots of rain and Mom said my coat is super soft from the rainwater. And I smell like fabric softener from all the towels. This seems to make Mom happy.
Glad to hear you had such a good check up!
Play bows,

Pippen said...

Dude... we have our spa treatment tomorrows too! What's the dog world gonna do with THREE hawt dogs wandering around???

Sam and Pippen

Furry Bottoms said...

Uh, you were excited to see the doctor? Perhaps we need to adopt your attitude!! :)

Does your fur grow out? Buddy's does that and then he looks fatter. But then when he gets his hair cut, it always shocks us how small he really is!

Kudos on a good wellness exam!

Kathy said...

Great news your check-up went very well!
Holy Moley, you're a big puppy!!
Have fun at the spa! What Newfie could resist going in water?!
Smart thinking, Beth, taking Rem to a spa for grooming! What a work out that would be!
Have a great weekend!

JC said...

You look so nice already but a bubble is always fun. Maddy Jean needs one too. I need to do that today .. make an appointment.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Ernie and I have to take baffs TODAY beclaws we are going away tomorrow..

Do you have to be brushed and Shedded and stuffs?

Glad that you had a SUPER check up and got all your No Bugs fur Me stuffs.

Scooter said...

Hey Remington!
Wow, you're a brave one fur sure! I hate the dogtor...all that poking and proding and ouching. Blech. I also hate baths...last time, my peeps turned the garden hose on me! Maybe that's why...I should try a spa instead! Thanks for the ideas. Enjoy!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Remington
With all your good news for sure you must be looking forward to a grand weekend! We have our sunglasses ready
Benny & Lily

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great news on the vet visit - your vet and helper look very nice and their big smiles tell us they love you too. We think we will skip the bath and let you have all the bathtastic fun:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

My Mind's Eye said...

OMD Remington I don't know how you could ever be more handsome and fragrant than you already are....but we'll look forward to seeing your shining furs and inhaling your wonderful Newfie-ness on Monday

MOL My vet's name is Dr. Szabo...
very similar to yours.
Hugs from your BFFF

JacksDad said...

Go outside after you have your bath so we can smell you from here! :)

Bassetmomma said...

Heehee! I love that word Bathtastic! Enjoy your bath and your weekend!!

Dachshund Nola said...

Got the shades on! Glad your V-E-T visit when well!
Dachshund Nola

The Furries of Whisppy said...

So happy your vet visit went well. Dr Zebro sure sounds like a very nice vet. Have a great Bathtastic weekend!
PS/ You are quite a bit heavier than our Mommy. Hahaha.

Tucker The Crestie said...

Have a great weekend, Rem!

bichonpawz said...

How cool is that? We are surprised you love both baths and the vet! Good for you! We wish you could come along with us when we go to show us how not to be afraid! Your doc and asst look very nice and we can tell that they love you! Got our glasses ready! Happy Weekend! Pls ask Beth to check your Facebook page...Our mama asked her a question. Thanks! Xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Ziggy Stardust said...

Remington, I am so happy that you are healthy, not that I doubted it. I envy that you love your bath, I do not and actually dread them. I wish I could be brave like you. I will try the next time and let you know. Have a lovely weekend, enjoy everything and call me when you can. I look forward to our walk and especially sharing ice cream. I bet you are going to smell wonderful.

Loveys Sasha

Val said...

Bathtastic, BOL...I will have to use that term on my girlz to trick them into getting a bath!! Can't wait to see you all shiny.

Duke said...

I think I'll pass on the bath. Have a wonderful weekend, Remington!

Love ya lots,

Kari in Alaska said...

enjoy your weekend!

Stop on by for a visit

GRAÇA said...

Esses óculos devem de te ficar lindamente ,quero te ver com eles
Ronrons da sempre amiga

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

My furbabies are getting spa treatments this weekend too!!! Maybe we need some of those spiffy glasses too!

Marilyn said...

A perfect weekend for a bath--nice and warm!! Thanks for the new vocabulary word, too.♥♫

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

I am very happy you got a good report from the doctor. I love bath day too. I bet you that your baths take longer than ours.

SquirrelQueen said...

Bathtastic! We like that word. Oh, our mommy just told us what that means. Water, that is bad stuff except to drink. You are one very brave guy Rem. We will have our sunglasses ready for Monday.

Glad the vet visit went well.

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Anonymous said...

I'll pass on the bath and the vet... sounds like you enjoy them way more than most of us. I'll be sure and sniff in your direction tomorrow.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Remmington
Your such a brave soul! Not even afraid to go to the dr.
I hope you have a good time at the spa!

Scooter said...

Oh Remington I love going to the DR too. Sounds like yours is as nice as mine!! Have fun at the spa and we will be looking for after pics!!


Ms. ~K said...

You always look handsome to us, big fellow!!!
Happy Weekend!

Chatty Crone said...

How did your bath go - I bet if you were not a sweetie there would be a BIG problem. sandie

Soggibottom said...

Oh you look your usual hugable self ol bean... a bath ?
I had an enforced one this morning. I one had one last week too. The duckies kept bobbing under the water.... I look nearly as fluffy as you now... good to know your so sprightly and fit.... luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

HH and The Boys said...

The boys (Bugsy and Knuckles) said to tell you that you can take their turn at the bath since you like baths so much...

Have a great day.

pawhugs, Max

Chicco said...

Have a great time, my friend!!
Have a nice day and happy spring.
Woof, woof,


Cheyenne -Millie said...

You are so lucky to gets a bath! Our Monty is is bad need of a bath! He hasn't had one for months and months and months!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

My mom would love to weigh what woo do ;-)

Maybe I should take her on 87 walks a day - maybe THAT would help!

Great news on the chekhkup!


Keith Andrea said...

Hi's your Weekend. I hope it went well..

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Unknown said...

Good to hear it from you Remingtong, I'm glad that you spent your weekends great with your Mom! I love your shades, it's really cool :)

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