Thursday, March 29, 2012

Not right....

I am upset today....

Yesterday Beth asked
"Has someone been in the cupboard?"  

Everyone said "No...."

However, Mr. Ripley wouldn't even 
look at Beth when he said it....

Well!  I know better because I saw this! 

(If you remember, Mr. Ripley opens cupboard doors and goes in....)

I believe this is called lying....that is NOT good!

I think I will have to have a 
conversation with Beth today....
even if it means getting Mr. Ripley in trouble.  
This is NOT a good habit to start.... 
Don't you agree?

Later -- Remington --
Truth -- YES
Lying -- NO!
-- out!


booahboo said...

Mebbe Mr Ripley was hungry and he thought he might as well get it himself :)

the picture of Ripley in the cupboard is so adorable!

HH and The Boys said...

The truth always wins out. That's for sure.

But.... ripley does look a little bit cute in there...

pawhugs, Max

verobirdie said...

If not telling the truth upsets you, be aware never to come across a politician :-)
Anyway, begore alking yo Beth have a serious talk with Ripkey!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Nothing good ever comes out of lying.
Uh, how did Mr Ripley get in the cupboard in the first place? :)

Unknown said...

Shame on Ripley for lying, cool that he was able to squeeze in there, hehe.
Lovies, Miss Mindy

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh my word he was caught with his red pawed in the cookie box!! No lawyer in this land will be able to get him out of this. Hugs Mom

Madi here speaking to Ripley....
WTG Ripley. We have a lazy boy turn cabinet too. I've been itching to get in it for years. Well done.
hugs from an admirer

Gus said...

Remi: Maybe you should talk to Mr. Ripley first and offer him a chance to redeem himself by fessing up to Beth? Then if he doesn't do that, you can tell Beth yourself.

(that didn't work with Teka by the way!)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

caught in the act! for shame on Mr. Ripley. you keep him straight Rem, we know you are a good boy.

Anonymous said...

Ha! That Ripley is something! Great gotcha photo :)

Waggin at ya,

Bassetmomma said...

Oh dear! Well, Mr Ripley has got himself into quite a pickle. I know you don't want to get him in trouble, but you are right, lying is wrong and Beth should know. I always say, the thing about the truth is you can always remember it. I did have to giggle at his picture though!

Chatty Crone said...

Okay you're right - not a good thing to lie like that - but she was probably scared! sandie

Marilyn said...

Oh--cats are sneaky critters sometimes. I'm with you--honesty counts!♥♫

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Most Definitely have to set that boy

You have foto proof, so that's good!

Unknown said...

Umm, it's hard, isn't it? However, I think honesty is the best policy, so you should talk to Beth before that kitty finishes up all the goodies in that cupboard.

Cinnamon said...

Lying is not a good thing at all.
I hope you don't get Mr Ripley in trouble.But teach him to tell the truth maybe mom will give you both some peanut butter from the cupboard.

Kathy said...

You are right, Rem, honesty is the best policy!
I can hear my kids voices, "NOT ME!"
Whoever "Not Me" is, he's always the culprit! :)
You need to set Ripley straight!
Course, he's a cat and he'll do what ever he darn well pleases! LOL

Millie and Walter said...

Oh Rem, Mr. Ripley is just a young boy who likes to explore. I would cut him some slack this time, but you might want to have a talk with him about this incident and leave it between the two of you for now.


Val said...

Naughty Mr. Ripley!! you're right Remington about the truth and lying. Hopefully Mr. Ripley has learned his lesson. Be careful Remington, kitty paybacks are bad (or so I've heard :)

Sketching with Dogs said...

We are ashamed to say that our mother started sniggering when she saw this photo of the wicked Ripley.
It is all double standards in this house, dogs are naughty and cats are just being cats,harumph!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

The Army of Four said...

Oh no!! Well, I agree - lying is bad! Maybe you should talk to Mr. Ripley, though - and convince him that he needs to confess about getting in the cupboard. You could even point out to him that Beth might not give him as long of a time-out (or whatever kind of 'bad kitty' punishment he'll get) if he's the one to break it to her. And he'll be the better cat for it!
PS: I posted a quilt pic just for you today! I hope you like it!

Rouky said...

We certainly agree! Cats should not lie. Never. However, rules are different for small dogs who love to steal toys and socks!

AudreyO said...

It's so cute how cats can get into the darndest places.

rottrover said...

Lying IS bad - but sometimes ya just gotta eat!!

-Bart and Ruby

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Uh-oh! Mr. Ripley caught in the act! Yep, honesty is better.

JC said...

It's an orange boy thing. My orange boy, Riley, jumped into the glass cabinet .. so fast when the door was open and I didn't see him .. when I turned around he'd broken four glasses and on the way out .. he broke two more.

I don't leave that door open anymore.

The look on his face though was .. I didn't do it.

And, anytime some noise happens .. he for sure didn't do it.

Brando and Bogart said...

Remington, telling the truth is not always easy, but it is the right thing to do!

Rama's Mama said...

Ruh roh! This is why I am glad I have cabinet locks bc of the kids.

Dachshund Nola said...

BOL uh oh!
Dachshund Nola

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Cats sure are sneaky!!

Duke said...

Mr Ripley is young and he needs to learn right from wrong.

Love ya lots,

Ginny Hartzler said...

What does Rip do once inside, mess anything up, eat things? Well, you might have to get what we had, the baby proof cabinet locks. You can open them easy, but toddlers and pets cannot, and they are cheap. There are different kinds, don't get the hard to use ones!

K9 Katastrophie said...

I think for everytime he lies you should pull a tail hair out of him! Just kiddin'!


Scooter said...

Hey Remington!
Wow, I think that pix will help clear things up a bit! Mr Ripley needs a good barking to about this.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

JacksDad said...

The tall guy put baby locks on all our cabinets just for that very reason! We didn't want Mr. Ripley to get in trouble at our house either! :)

Alien said...

Honesty is the best policy! Unless you accidently crash into someone's roof with your spaceship.


Tucker The Crestie said...

We agree, Rem - but remember - no one likes a tattle tale. So if you're going to snitch - just remember not to get caught! :)

3 doxies said...

I totally agrees dat lyin' is bad...howevers, he does looks kinda cute in theres...but, dat is sooooo besides da point...oh geez, I furgots my point.
Ummm, is he gonna eats all dat PB? I don't usually eats Low fat but seein' how I is starvin, I;ll take what I can get.


Kari in Alaska said...

Bad kitty!

Stop on by for a visit

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

I totally agree with you!!!! You need to tell Beth the truth...

our cat gets in to cupboards too... dangerous!

Scooter said...

I agree, honesty is the best policy and maybe she will cut Mr Ripley some slack this time.


Two French Bulldogs said...

We think it was Ms. O
Benny & Lily

White Dog Blog said...

Better that Ripley learn that lying is wrong now before he makes a bad choice about something REALLY important. The WDA has learned that no matter what the truth is always better, even if you get into trouble...we are still trying to teach Michael.

Keith Andrea said...

Go Rem! Talk to Mr. Ripley, tell him that lying is not good., Don't let Mr. Ripley do this again..

Dog Fence for Any size yard.
Pet Solutions

SquirrelQueen said...

Well that isn't good. But first you need to let Mr. Ripley know that the place he calls the hole where the food is hidden is called a cupboard. In cat speak he might have thought cupboard meant the little corner behind the sofa where my toys live. You've got to think like a cat Rem.

Love that last photo.