Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Well, I am confused....
I got up this morning expecting it to be
MARCH 1....
and much to my surprise it is STILL

Where is the world did this extra day come from?

So I was off to 
Remington's Research Center 
to find the answer!

This is what I found....

Why do we need Leap Years?

Leap Years are needed to keep our calendar in alignment with the Earth's revolutions around the sun. 
It takes the Earth approximately 365.242199 days (a tropical year) to circle once around the Sun.
However, the Gregorian calendar has only 365 days in a year, so if we didn't add a day on February 29 nearly every 4 years, we would lose almost six hours off our calendar every year. After only 100 years, our calendar would be off by approximately 24 days!
Who invented Leap Years?
Julius Caesar introduced Leap Years in the Roman empire over 2000 years ago, but the Julian calendar had only one rule: any year evenly divisible by 4 would be a leap year. This lead to way too many leap years, but didn't get corrected until the introduction of the Gregorian Calendar more than 1500 years later.

I also found that.... 
Leap day is the day when women are allowed to propose to men (though these days most women don’t wait if that’s what they want to do.) According to tradition, this practice started in the fifth century.

So there you go!
Now you know why it is not 
March 1st!

Later -- Remington --
 Just think I will over
7 years old the next Leap Year....
-- out!


Mr. Winter contacted me and said
he "JUST" received my memo!
(Must have gotten misplaced somewhere along the way)
He was so sorry and said he would
make up for all the inconvenience 
he has put me through....

I will have a full report tomorrow
after his visit!

I can't wait!


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Lots of Golden Thanks for your research information. WHAT?'s the braking news ... gotta a wait. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

the teacher's pets said...

I completely forgot that I could propose to any man of my choosing today without it seeming too forward. Trouble is, I can't think of anyone I'd like to marry!
I do wonder where spring is b/c I am tired of these gloomy days!

Unknown said...

Hmmm......don't think I want to get married yet. More snow huh? Lucky!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Gus said...

We are hoping that Mr. Winter comes a bit more slowly at your place than his reported speeds through the lower Midwest last night

gussie n teka

My Mind's Eye said...

Hey Rem...and if Mom's memory serves her correctly in Leap year the girls get to ask the guys on dates!!
So you wanna go get a milkshake?
Hugs from your BFFF,

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great research, and now i am wondering who was the first person every to figure out how many times the sun goes around the earth and think up a calendar to go with it. now my brain is hurting. on our news last night they had a brother and sister, who were both born on feb 29 she is 26 and he is 16 today, and it iwll be a long time until another birthday for them.

Bassetmomma said...

Geez! Thanks for all the great information on leap year. We didn't know any of that! Wow! Invented by Julius Caesar, that was a long time ago! You are just too smart buddy! I can't wait to hear what Mr. Winter said. :)

Unknown said...

Have you received any proposals, Rem?

Unknown said...

Happy Leap Day, Remington!

Douglas said...

Remington, you are so smart! Thanks for enlightening us this morning about Leap Year!


purplepit said...

I'm a little worried that a dog, even a very smart, handsome dog, knows more about history than I do.

Happy leap day!

rottrover said...

Yep! Mr. Winter finally made it to California this week. SHEESH!!

-Bart and Ruby

The Furries of Whisppy said...

That's very informative, Remington! We hope for a favourable report on Mr Winter tomorrow! :)

How Sam Sees It said...

We had an article in our paper about a winter visitor born in 1928 - she just had her 21st official birthday!


Stewey said...

Very informative post, Rem! So, did
Sasha propose to you?

Sketching with Dogs said...

Interesting bit of research.
We are sure Elliot would marry Bridget given half the chance but we don't think she will ask him any time soon, bol!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

The Army of Four said...

It's amazing to think that they were able to figure out the whole Leap Year thing that long ago. I mean, they didn't have iPads or anything! Woo!
PS: Mr. Winter still hasn't gotten our memo! We had horrible Spring-type tornado storms last night. A town between us and Topeka was 40-60% wiped out. :(

The Thuglets said...

Remmy thanks so much for the research information.
Happy Leapie Year Day to you!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I LOVE RRC reports...

Hope Mr. Winter brings you some snow.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Nice to get that extra February day - and we do hear you are in for some good snowfalls. Too bad Mother Nature forgot about us and sent us bad winds and t-storms instead - lots of damage not too far west of us.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Mee is soooo confused! I was expectin to get me heartworm meds today and now me needs to wait till tomorrow!

Dachshund Nola said...

Leap days are weird!
Dachshund Nola

Soggibottom said...

Remmington me ol furball your just one mind of information. I NEVER KNEW THAT.... it's my first LEAP YEAR........... lovs Freya Rose Blossom X

Ginny Hartzler said...

Golly, I can't wait to hear what Mr. winter told you. In fact, you can tell him for me that I am starting to wish he would stick around longer!! That's right, another pre-springtime tornado watch here this morning and thunder that shook the whole house!!! It made me jump out of bed and get heart palpitations, thinking that the Lord had finally come!!! So tell me some good weather news, Rem, I'll be waiting!! Oh, and one more thing. You had better stay away from the lady dogs today if you don't want to find yourself engaged! Now THAT would be some kind of post for tomorrow!

Duke said...

Happy Leap Year Day, Remington!

Love ya lots,

jen said...

Thanks for all the great info Remington! You are the best researcher!
Is Mr Winter bringing you more snow? If you talk to him again tell him to send us some too:))

Chatty Crone said...

Do you know with all of your knowledge if someone is born on Leap year Day when would their birthday be???? Love, sandie

White Dog Blog said...

glad to see we weren't the only ones confused by this extra day thing! Who knew it was so fraught with interesting facts, eh?

Hope Mr. Winter has some good reasons AND solutions to his seasonal shortcomings this year.

SquirrelQueen said...

Great research as always Remington, thanks for the info.
Breaking news? Lots and lots of new snow maybe?

Ziggy Stardust said...

Remington, I was also confused this morning and thanks for clearing that up. Now did you say that woman can propose today??? No I think it is a bit too soon for us, perhaps by the next leap year.

Loveys Sasha

Scooter said...

Thanks for the info Remington we knew we could depend on you!!

Jazzi and Addy

Keith Andrea said...

.,Hi Remington! How's the research going on? What's the breaking news for today?

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bichonpawz said...

Just popping over to say Happy Leap Year Day Remington! Thanks for the info!!
xoxo Chloe and LadyBug