Thursday, February 16, 2012


Well, my friends, I have been 
tagged by Miss Sasha....

Not the way you think....ha ha!

This is a game that she asked me 
to participate in --
here is how it works....

she gave me a list of questions
 and I am suppose to answer them.

After which I am suppose to name 8 others 
to do the same.  I, however, am not 
going to do that....
if anyone would like to -- please 
consider yourself now tagged....
that's just how I roll....

So here we go!

1. Describe yourself in 7 words:
 did I mention athletic? 

2. What keeps you up at night?  

That says it all....

3. What would you like to be? 

Depends on the day....
I have many professions....

Today is a Sheriff....
4. What are you wearing right now? 

Just my casual attire....

5. What scares me?  

Wiggle Pants….
I have never seen him but when 
Mike and Beth say his name
 I get all nervous….
I have NO idea why….
I am certain he is a 

Knock it off Ripley!
More like this!

6. The best of blogging:

The worst of blogging:

not a thing!

7. The last website I visited: 

Amazon – shop there A LOT! 
Did I mention I like to get mail?

(last winter's picture....
see all the snow!)

8. What is the one thing I would change about myself? 

I am happy just the way God made me! 

9. Slankets, yes or no?? 

 What is slankets?

10. Tell us something about the person who tagged you: 

the most beautiful lady EVER!  
No need to say any more.... 
except....thank you for 
including me in your game....

So there you go, my friends!
I did as I was told....
see I could be a good boyfriend....
I hope Miss Sasha sees that!

Later -- Remington -- 
did I mention I was athletic?
-- out!


HH and The Boys said...

What a wonderful post, Rem. It's always fun to learn more about our blogging buddies. Have a great day.

pawhugs, Max

Unknown said...

That was great Rem! Gosh I never realized your were so athletic! BOL
Lovies, Miss Mindy

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Rem....
I would like to add and 8th description of you!!

Debbie said...

Thanks for sharing rem! so nice to no you better

Smile With Your Tail said...

Thanks for all the info about yourself Remington, you make a very good sherrif!

Kathy said...

I totally agree with Madi!
You are perfect just as you are, nothing to change!
What does Ripley do at night that keeps you up?
He looks so innocent in that picture, I can't imagine what he could do! lol

MadSnapper n Beau said...

never change a thing, we love you just like you are, big and beautiful. i smiled all the way through this post, that is what i like the mostest when i come here.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

So hap-pee to nose more bout you! And is purrfect in my book too!


The Thuglets said...

Remmy..some brilliant information about you.We love your casual attire photo. You are just such a cool guy!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Bassetmomma said...

BOL! I am still laughing over wiggle pants!

Helen P. said...

Remington, I love your casual attire. Looking very spiffy! And Amazon is the best!

My Mind's Eye said...

YEAH YOUR blog is BACK!! What a scary and aggravating morning you and Beth had.
Hugs Madi and Mom

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

It is fun to learn more about you Remi! Meowm can relate to what keeps you up at night, but ours is gray and white.

We were a bit concerned earlier, we tried to visit you and it said your blog no longer existed!!! Thank goodness that wasn't true!

rottrover said...

You're athletic?? BOL!! We crack ourselves up!!

-Bart and Ruby

Chatty Crone said...

I like what you are wearing - that red vest makes you so handsome. sandie

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

You did an EXCELLENT Job on this.

PeeS.. Sasha is GLOWING today!!!

Sketching with Dogs said...

We enjoyed hearing all about you!
We already knew you were handsome and athletic and look suprisingly good in human clothes.
BOL, to the kitty cats!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Ziggy Stardust said...

OMD Remington I was in a panic today. Madi told me that your blog was gone and I tried your cell, but you must have been out playing football. I am so happy to see you. Thank you for playing tag with me. I love learning things about you. I can't think of anydog who would make a better boyfriend(hintity hint hint).

loveys Sasha

Anonymous said...

OMD Rem, I cannot believe how ATHLETIC you are!


woos, Tessa

Anonymous said...

and CUTE, you furgot CUTE!

woos, Tessa

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hey Remington... did you know that the same thingy happened to Sarge's blog... Tues. about 5:30 PM??? It just suddenly Disappeared.. Glad you are BOTH BACK. Whew.

Unknown said...

Gosh! Madi told me your blog was missing! So glad you found it!!! WHEW! I sure woulda missed you, I couldn't even check on it till the Mom got home from work.
Many Lovies to you my friend! Miss Mindy

White Dog Blog said...

Don't you just love this game? It is so great to learn what our friends think about themselves and thier worlds.

We HATE the new word validation system, too, and wrote to complain about it. We don't understand why they changed it. Please don't stop visiting because of the difficulty.

Dachshund Nola said...

Those were great Rem!
Dachshund Nola

Unknown said...

We're so glad to know more about you, Rem! You're definitely a kind and loving athlete who is so understanding, faithful. modest and happy!!!!

kissa-bull said...

we think you would be the bestest sheriff ever to be wont you apply wiff sarge and see if any positions are available

pibble sugars
the pittie pack

Soggibottom said...

I've 'ad a tag too :-) WORKING ON IT
Love your answers fluffy.........
Give my love to Mr Ripley, Frank and Ripley would be best buddies :-) X
Lov's Freya Rose Blossom X

Keith Andrea said...

.,oh great post... I like the question and answer portion., I like your're so

Dog Fence for Any size yard.
Pet Solutions

bichonpawz said...

You are the BESTEST Blog Buddy EVER Remington!!! We love you! Great Job on these questions!! Our mama spends WAY too much time on Amazon too...almost more than blogging...can you imagine??? BOL!
xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Cher' Shots said...

Hello there Viking wanna-be! Great answers and such great pics.
'love & hugs from afar'

Scooter said...

That was great Remington. Very informative and yet very obedient!! Sasha will like that part.

Jazzi and Addy

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Remington, we're so happy for you and Miss Sasha. We don't know her yet, but we know she is one lucky lady to have you. Your post was most interesting and, yes, we knew you were athletic :) That is just one of your many stirling qualities.

Jed & Abby

The Army of Four said...

What a great post, Remington! I was waiting for the word "footballophile" in your list of 7 words. I guess "athletic" covers it, though! Woooo!