Friday, February 17, 2012


I am SO thankful for friends....
Yesterday the Blogger gave me quite a scare....
They DELETED my blog!
I was so scared it was gone forever.....
but with the help of my fellow bloggers
Jack and Madi....
(click on their names to check out their awesome blogs!)
they helped me through it!

First  I contacted Madi and her mommy
 by telephone they
  quickly posted on their blog that I 
was having trouble.  They guided me through
some of the new things that the blogger has
come up with....

Then I got contacted  
Jack and the Tall Guy.  
They are miracle workers....
they know their way around the computer!
We were on the telephone 
for a LONG time and sent
many emails!
 I couldn't have done it without their help!

Needless to say --
it's back!

And I am grateful to have
such knowledgable and caring friends!

you are the BEST!

I hope everyone 
has a fun weekend
and nothing like this
ever happens to you!

Later -- Remington --
I am still trying to recover from this scare....
it's is worse than Wiggle Pants!
-- out!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I got skhared fur woo -

My tasty khat pals in UT had pawed me - saying did I know what happened to woo -

But then they pawed me bakhk to say woo were BAKHK!


Happy FrEYEday!


Charlene and Storm said...

wow stressful, glad you made it remington. stupid blogger its really going screwy lately. xxx

HH and The Boys said...

OMC what a horrible thing.... So sorry your blog was hi-jacked... What is going on with blogger, anyway?

Yea to Jack and Madi for helping out a pal.

So glad you're back today..

pawhugs, Max

Gus said...

That is a terrible thing! All of the world would be deprived of your wisdom and handsomeness. We are glad that friends stepped in to help

gus n teka

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we were all scared to. so happy they could help, now i will be paranoid about it happening to ME. oh no blogger stop this crazy stuff. another blogger lost one year of her archives, all gone, she is getting them back one at a time. glad you had friends to help and to see you back on line

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I know JUST how you felt.. It happened to ME Last MONTH... I got it back by myself.. butt it took me like 87 minutes to do it... and THEN this TUESDAY (You Know VALENTINE's Pawty night) it happened to SARGE and I helped Him get back on...
Sorry it scared you. GLAD you got it back from THEM !!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Great Bloggie Friends. Glad you are back ... heard many Bloggers were having the same problem. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Martha said...

Thank goodness you are back Remington - even though we don't visit so often these days we still like to check in and see your handsome face.
The human says she has had some blogger problems herself and it is very stressful.
Thankfully we dogs don't know about stress with computers.....!
Much love
Martha & Bailey xxxx

Unknown said...

Whew.....that was a close one, Remington.

If crazy Blogger had done something to hurt YOUR bloggie, we would prolly have riots in the streets of Blogville!

Glad you are back.....

JC said...

Well, I'm glad you're back. What would I do without you with my morning coffee.

Marilyn said...

WOW. You ARE very lucky to have fine friends! I would be NO help, sorry to say. Have a great weekend yourself. I think my kids get to come home!!♥♫

Scooter said...

Hey Remington!
Wow, I feel your pain fur sure! I had the same terror just the other day. Luckily Frankie helped me out. This is totally frightening and I'd like to say pthththtttt to Blogger. I'm SOO glad you're back with us!!!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

How Sam Sees It said...

Mom is always afraid that happens! If it does, she is glad to know others know how to fix it!


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! I would have had to stop blogging forever if I lost you! So glad Jack and Madi helped you out!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

3 doxies said...

Frankie tolded me what happened to your bloggie. I bets you and Beth was freakin' out! I am so glad da TG and Madi's mum was ables to help you. Dat would has been terribles if I couldn't come sees you...ugh!


Bassetmomma said...

Wow! That must have been sooooo scary! So glad you're back, take the weekend to shake it off!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We were very worried for you too when we heard from Madi's mom. We are so glad you were able to get good help. We all know where to go now if it happens to us.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

The Daily Pip said...

Oh no! That must have been so scary. I am glad everything worked out.

Your pal, Pip

Berts Blog said...

That sure put a lot of us into a thinking mode. What if this happened to us and we lost all our posts forever. You should do a seperate page and tell us how you got yours back, just in case it happens to others

So glad your back. Missed your big black face and your great sense of humore.

purplepit said...

So glad you are not gone for good big guy. I would miss reading about your adventures.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

So glad you're back...all safe and sound. I agree with Bert. You'll have to tell us how you found your blog so that WHEN it happens to the rest of us, we'll know how to fix it.


Stewey said...

So glad you were able to get good help and are back with us! Have a good weekend, Remington!

My Mind's Eye said...

OH REMINGTON YOU AND BETH ARE MOST WELCOMED!! You and I have been BFFs since 2009 we are always here for you and vice a versa!!

Mom and Dad go out to breakfast every Friday morning then take a power walk so they are just getting home. Mom and I were nearly as scared as you and Beth...we could not imagine Blogville w/o our tall, dark handsome friend and his most beautiful assistant!! I've heard several folks are having problems.
Blogger evidently made some 'improvements' between Wednesday night and Thursday morning.
Hugs and purrs and have a most lovely weekend
Your BFFF,

HoundDogMom said...

We are glad you are BACK, that had to be a horrible scary time for you and your Mom Peep. We see Madi and Mom said blogger made some improvements. We are not sure what those improvements would be right know because we are just not seeing it or feeling it. Have a great weekend. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

The Army of Four said...

WHEW! I'm so glad you're back! That was SCARE-EEE!!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We were very concerned!! And since Khyra knows so many of the woofie blogs, we checked with her. Then we checked here again and there you were!!! Thank goodness for helping hands and brains!!!

Pippen said...

What would we do if you weren't around? Who would tell us when to watch football? Who would let us know about the full moons?

Glad you are back!

Sam and Pippen

Ms. ~K said...

Whew, our Rama would have freaked out for we know who to call!
Jack and Madi, Thanks for your help!

Scooter said...

Glad that you are back. I bet that was scary. MAdi and Jack are the best!!

Jazzi and Addy

The Thuglets said...

Remmy..we are sooooooo pleased you were able to sort this. So scarey!
We lost emails today (outlook) and it took 12 hours to finally repair it! grrr
have a great weekend
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Dachshund Nola said...

We were so scared you were gone!
Dachshund Nola

Sketching with Dogs said...

That must have been such a scare for you. Our blogs are so precious to us, it is a diary of our life.
Blogger is crazy just lately, posts don't appear on our dashboard so we can only hope we don't miss anyone out.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

JacksDad said...

The best part was getting to have such a nice talk with you on the phone!!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Remington, yesterday was very scary for me also. I feared loosing you my sweet pal and I couldn't bear it. I am grateful for your pals helping you and glad that all is well now. Pals on here are truly the best and I am so glad that you and I are pals. Rest now and dream of running down the field football in mouth looking right at the goal post and SCORE. REMINGTON SCORES AGAIN!! Whew even I could see it in my head. Have a nice weekend.

loveys Sasha

p.s. I sure said pals a lot didn't I, oh well never too many pals.

bichonpawz said...

Oh NO! We would have freaked out if that happened too!! Hope Beth wrote it down in case it happens to any of us! We will go and visit your friends!!! Thank goodness we have great blogging buddies!!
Chloe, LadyBug and Jeanne

Duke said...

Blogger has really been bad lately. Thank goodness you're back up and running, Remington! Jack and Madi are the best!

Love ya lots,

Sweet Purrfections said...

Our blog got deleted several months ago (along with Sweet Praline's) and Mom Paula freaked out! We finally got it back.

Truffle and Brulee

Ginny Hartzler said...

You gave me a big scare, Rem!!! I didn't have your e-mail, but my best buddy Sandra DID! I couldn't imagine what had happened, but nothing I thought of was good! So glad you are back!!!!

bbes tribe said...

That sounds awful. SO happy for you that you had some wonderful help from some special people.
Ernie and the pack

Chatty Crone said...

Aren't bloggers the best? I hope you wrote the instructions down. lol

Kathy said...

Thank Goodness Madi & Mom and Jack & TG helped you, Rem!!!
That would have been a disaster to lose your blog!!
(I was going to say a "catastrophe" but you're a handsome canine! tee hee hee)
I hate when things change and they don't give you any warning!
Have a good weekend after that scare!!

Alfie said...

wow! I don't know what blogger would be like without you! I dont even wannta picture it ;)

so glad it all worked out. blogger world NEEDS Remington :D

Teddy said...

That is pawsome you were able to get your blog back, I would have never met you if you hadn't! hehe
Your blog is great!

Teddy xxx

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

What a great thank you note you made Remington! Hope you're having a great weekend!

Adien Crafts said...

OMD!!! What a scare, we are worried this might happen to us because it happened to another buddy's blog recently. Better get the peeps teched up on this stuff just in case. thanks for the heads up Big Guy! Dex and Lou xxx

Tracy said...

Oh my Remington, so glad it all worked out and guess what? I got to meet Madi's mom yesterday and it was so much fun; what a great lady and she sent me over to visit you and find out what your blog is all about. I like it and you are absolutely gorgeous! I think I'll stay for awhile!

SquirrelQueen said...

That must have been really scary Remington, I'm glad Madi and Jack could help you and Beth get your blog back. Isn't it wonderful how our blogging friends pitch in when we need them.

Ellen Whyte said...

OMC, we're shocked! How could that have happened??? So glad you are all back in one piece.