Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fat Tuesday!

Today is 
Fat Tuesday!

What is Fat Tuesday,
you ask?
Here is some information I found....
Fat Tuesday is the last day of the Carnival season.  
Mardi Gras is French for "Fat Tuesday."
Fat Tuesday is the cause of 
many events and festivals.
Fat Tuesday falls on the day before Ash Wednesday, 
which begins the season of Lent.
Lent is a time of fasting and praying and concludes the
Saturday before Easter.
This also includes the custom of making 
pancakes in order to use up 
fat, eggs, and dairy products which were 
traditionally restricted during the fasting of Lent.
In some countries this is known as Pancake Day.
The official colors of Mardi Gras are 
a part of most celebrations as well.  
The colors are green, purple, and gold 
and they represent faith, justice, 
and power, respectively.
These were chosen by the
 Grand Duke Alexis Romanoff 
of Russia.
There you go!
Now you have some information about this day!
Have a FUN 
Fat Tuesday, my friends!

Maybe we should all go to New Orleans,
what do you think?
For now I think I will go and make some

Later -- Remington --
could you pass the strawberries, please....


Unknown said...

As a kid, Mom's church always had a pancake supper on Fat Tuesday! She said it was a lot of fun! Think I will ask her to make me some today, YUM!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Unknown said...

Now I know why I've such good appetites today!

Gus said...

We are having Shrimp Et Too Fay....because pancakes are a dinner staple during Lent at our house, and we need to use the shrimpies. All are invited. BYOB (Bring your own Beads!)

And by the way, muzzer says you will fit in well on Canal Street!


My Mind's Eye said...

Good Fat Tuesday Morning to you too

Oh boy you are looking way too handsome for words today!!

Mom's mouth is watering looking at the lovely stack of pancakes.
Hugs from your VBFFF,

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Oh happy FAT Tuesday! mom is having pancake for breakfast ... n she's not sharing. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Jacqueline said...

You look fabulous in your festive, fun costume, handsome Rem!!...And those pancakes look yummy!!...Happy Mardi Gras, precious friends=Laissez les bons temps rouler!!!...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

3 doxies said...

FASTING?????? You has gots to be kiddin' me? I knows I is purty fast but no way, no hows am I not gonna eat.
I knoews bbouts da beads but I didn't knows they pigged out afters da fasting.


Bassetmomma said...

Happy Fat Tuesday! We made jambalaya yesterday. You look awesome in those Mardi Gras colors and your pancakes look yummy too!

Scooter said...

Hey Remington!
Wow, what a fun day! Any excuse to eat pancakes is great in my book!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Scooter said...

BTW: You look perfectly festive today! Great outfit.

Val said...

Thanks for the 411 on FAT Tuesday...didn't know the color fact. Hope you get some of those yummy looking pancakes.

Dachshund Nola said...

Happy Mardi Gras!
Dachshund Nola

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Well, it be Tuesday and me be fat..so..Yahoo...let's eat!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

You are all decked out fur the Big Day fur SURE.

Duke said...

I just came from Blue's blog, Remington. She's got fresh fruit AND ice cream on her pancakes!
Happy Mardi Gras!

Love ya lots,

Chatty Crone said...

Hey I didn't know all that - thank you.

And Remington - ready for action!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

so now we know you COOK tooooo??? pluse handsome in your party duds and Ready to Parttttyyyyy

Millie and Walter said...

Now you have me craving pancakes. Never knew that about Mardi Gras.


The Furries of Whisppy said...

Ah...now we know what Fat Tuesday is all about. All those talk about pancakes is making Mommy hungry.

Debbie said...

wow rem, you look so different to your custom I almost didnt no it was you! Happy at tuesday.

JacksDad said...

I won't even ask how you got those beads! :)

Stewey said...

Love your Fat Tuesday outfit, Remington! Did you get any of those delicious-looking pancakes with strawberries?

Ziggy Stardust said...

Remington, thank you for the lesson. You look wonderful, those colors suit you my handsome pal. I would love to go to New Orleans and party. Will you protect me? I have heard sometimes the crowds get a bit crazy. I am looking forward to it.

Loveys Sasha

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You look absolutely smashing Remi!!!!!

Thank you for the info! We all have a new wrinkle on our brains now!

The Army of Four said...

We didn't know a lot of that about Mardi Gras! Very interesting!
We think you look so cool in your outfit! All set for those PANCAKES!!!!!!! I wonder if I could con our mom into making us some?!!?

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh Rem, you look beautiful!!!!! I would like to borrow your party outfit sometime, I think it might not let others notice MY fat!! In England they have pancake races and if the men want to join, they have to dress up as women with an apron and scarf. Wonder what they would make you wear?

Sketching with Dogs said...

Lovin' the outfit Remy!
We had our pancakes today, with raspberries and ice cream, soooo nommy. Hope you enjoy yours too.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Kathy said...

Thank you, Rem! I never knew it was about the pancakes or the origin from the Grand Duke of Russia!!

You are the man, decked out for the party!

Happy Fat Tuesday!

Ms. ~K said...

We had pancakes for dinner!!!
Can you smell syrup on our breath?

Sweet William The Scot said...

Oh Remington ~ It is time for the yummy Kings Cake. And about your attire you look like you partied really hard at the Mardi Gras! Wearing those shades are your eye balls bloodshot.
Sweet William The Scot

White Dog Blog said...

Celebrate with abandon...tomorrow we will repent. In our family we make big crunchy on the outside, cakey on the inside doughnuts and cover them with sugar and cinnamon.

Brando and Bogart said...

Happy Fat Tuesday! When we lived in Chicago, we used to enjoy Paczki. They are wonderfully fattening! We miss them, they don't have them in New Mexico :(

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Remington, you look so handsome in your Mardi Gras duds. The ladies at the celebration would have trouble keeping their eyes off of you. Thanks for the info on Fat Tuesday.

Autumn and Jasmine the Maltese said...

Dear friend,

Sorry for not dropping in awhile :) I've been busy working (helping mom) thus kind of forgot to update my blog.

I might not be able to post as often as before so please head over to my newest post and leave a comment so I could add you on mom's new site. With this we could still keep in contact and it'll easier for me to drop by often to your page :)

Autumn & Jasmine

bichonpawz said...

What a blast we could have at Mardi Gras together Remington! You look so great...all FESTIVE!

Kari in Alaska said...

you look awesome!

Stop on by for a visit

The Thuglets said...

Rummy..you looked fabulous dressed up for Fat Tuesday!
Hope you enjoyed your pancakes..yum yum
Big nose pokes
The thugletsx

The Thuglets said...

Remmy so sorry stupid spell check keeps changing your name to Rummy! Ggggrrrrrr
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx