Friday, October 14, 2011


We aren't doing much this
weekend so if you would
like to stop by for a quick
game of football....

I'll be waiting....

Don't forget --

Vikings vs Bears

Let's hope for a repeat performance!

Have a funtastic weekend,
my friends!

Later -- Remington --
the #1 Vikings fan!
-- out!


Ms. ~K said...

We'll be right over!

We just got caught up on all your fun this week...Trevor and Bailey are the BEST!!
Happy Belated B'day to the little, big man!!! :)

Unknown said...

My Mom can't bring me, and I am to young to travel alone 8*( Lovies, Miss Mindy Have fun though!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

I am on my way my furiend! Happy Friday!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

HH and The Boys said...

Get the football warmed up, the boys are on their way. Have a good weekend, pal.

pawhugs, Max

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Oh Remington ... it will be a great game. GO BEARS! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Kathy said...

Beam me up, Scottie! (Trekie talk. I know, I know it dates me!)
I would love to be there, Rem!
You are such a handsome guy, I'd just love to give you big hugs and toss the football for you!

Do Newfies shed all of that lovely black fur?!
Beth must have enough to knit another Newfie by now or at least a nice blanket for your feline siblings! LOL

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

I would luv to play football wit you, butt could you get a smaller football? My mouth isn't that big!

Haves a nice weekend!


Chatty Crone said...

Oh no I am from Chicago - this is going to be tough for me! sandie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

if you were not a few thousand miles north of me I would be the first one in the door, after i stopped to admire the vision in the glass door of course.

jen said...

I wish we lived closer! We would live to stop over and play a game of football with your Rem!

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all!

I practiced my tackle on my Human this morning...uht oh!

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

Unknown said...

On the way!

Scooter said...

Hey Remington!
Wow, I'm going out for a long one!! Throw, throw, throw! Woooooohooooooooo
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Handsome!!!
I don't play football but I do like to cheer for handsome players. I'll be over with my pom-poms and some chip and dip!!
Hugs from your BFFF,

The Daily Pip said...

OK, I better make sure my Chicago friends aren't listening ...GO VIKINGS!

Your pal, Pip

Whisppy said...

Have FUN this weekend, Remi! I LOVE to see you play football.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This should be the most exciting game yet after last week!!! Wish I could play ball with you, Rem!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We will be there, Rem. Mom says I-35 is open now so we think we just head north - see you soon.

Lots of luck to the Vikings.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Stewey said...

I'll be right over, Rem! to get there?
Go Vikings!

Anonymous said...

Ohh I just love playing ball Rem!

I sure hope that you have lots of fun this weekend!

woos, Tessa

Two French Bulldogs said...

Looks like a good day for some football
Benny & Lily

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

It's too hot here but it looks beautiful there!

Tucker The Crestie said...

I think we live too far away, Remington, but we'd love to play football with you!

Hope the Vikings do well again this weekend!

Unknown said...

Sookie and Darcy would join you for a game but may be confused that the ball is a different shape - it's all round in this household!!
Have a pawsome weekend =^..^=

Soggibottom said...

I can bring my ted and you can share him.. but I have to share your ball and want a quick go of your hat....luv's Freya Rose Blossom X

Asta said...

I have to help my pawents pack all weekend, so i don't think I'll be able to come, but i'll be thinking of you and hoping you'we having a most wondewful Fall football time
smoochie kisses

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Go Vikings!!

The Rocky Creek Scotties and Ivy

Duke said...

We would love to play a quick game of football with you, Remington!
Good luck to your Vikings!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hope you get ANOTHER WIN!!!!

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

Slobbers from Buster! :o) You are so gorgeous Remington.

SquirrelQueen said...

The Kitty Krew is on their way. The boys are looking forward to a game and the girls want to get together with Ozabella for some girl stuff.

The Army of Four said...

Oh, yeah! I'll be there, Remington!!! I love a good game of football!!!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Monty will be right by!! He loves his football! I on the other-hand am chicken!

Anonymous said...

I'd luv to practice with you Remington! One request though...go easy on the tackles. I'm not as big as you! :O Best wishes for your Vikings tonight!

Waggin at ya,

Sagira said...

A game of football sounds like fun! :)

Alfie said...

hope you enjoyed your football weekend! that pic of you through the glass window is so cool!

Ellen Whyte said...

Did your team win? Maybe they should ask you to play too.