Sunday, May 1, 2011

May 1st....

Happy May Day!

May 1st is May Day
and is a celebration of the arrival of spring.
It is believed that the holiday originated
 in Roman times as a festival of flowers.

One of the most popularly known May Day
traditions is to hang a basket full of
spring flowers and/or
other small gifts on a neighbor's doorknob.
The trick is you don't want the neighbor
to see you!
If you get caught, you are supposed
to get a kiss.
So DON'T get caught!

Being I don't have enough money
for gas to come to all of your houses
I made a May Day basket
and filled it with flowers just for you!

My May Day gift to all of my friends!

So if you have some friends
you would like to give a
May Day basket to --
today is the day to do it --
remember -- don't get caught
 -- or else you might get a kiss....

Later -- Remington --
Have a GREAT May Day!
-- out!


HH and The Boys said...

Thanks for the May Day wishes... Right back atcha. I love the picture. Have a great day.

pawhugs, Max

Tracy said...

Awww, same to you's really hard to believe it is May! I love the photo-you look so divine draped with flowers!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the May Day flowers!!!
Have a great spring!!!

Gus said...

Thank you for the (virtual) may day treat. We hope you have a wonderful day.

gussie n teka

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Happy May Day Remington! Thanks for the beautiful flowers!!! You are always so very sweet to everyone! We hope you have a wonderful day! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Scooter said...

Hey Remington!
Wow, great post! Love that pix of you and I really love the flowers. Spring has finally arrived!! I thought it would never get her. A kiss huh...well I better get to Zona's house right away. I think if I make plenty of noise, I'll be sure to get caught!!
Grr and a Smooching Woof,
Sarge, COP

booahboo said...

If you get caught.. won't it be wonderful to have a kiss today :) Happy Mayday to you Remington and Ozabella!

Unknown said...

Great pic! You look good in flowers! hehe I remember doing that as a child. Happy May Day Sweetie! Gloria and Billy

MadSnapper n Beau said...

if i were there to hang a basket on your door, i would be sure to knock so i could get you to kiss me... thanks for the basket of flowers.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Happy May Day to you too buddy... Those are beautiful flowers.. THANK YOU.

Cher' Shots said...

I just knew you wouldn't forget us. You are the most thoughtful of all! Happy May Day to you too!
'love & hugs from afar'

~mel said...

Happy May Day right back at cha!

rottrover said...

Happy May Day, Rem! But Mom wants a kiss from you!!

Rottie Kisses from us!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thank you so much, Remington, for the pretty May Day flowers. It is such a dreary cold day here that they really helped to brighten our day. We did find a basket at our door when the Momster came back from church - some little bipeds must have been sneaking around:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

The Army of Four said...

Happy May Day!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thank you so much Rem!! Wish I could take it from your paws personally! I didn't even think what this day is, and loved learning this! But you make every day special, Rem!!

Duke said...

Happy May Day to you, Remington! Your flowers are lovely!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh, thank you for da flowers. Butt....I wants my smoochy too. :o)

TimberLove said...

Happy MayDay Remington!!

RA & Isis

The Daily Pip said...

I always learn so much from your stories, Remington. I better hurry and deliver some flowers to my neighbors!

Your pal, Pip

Oskar said...

Well Rem, you look terribly handsome with all of those flowers! Happy May Day to you.

Nubbin wiggles,

FiveSibesMom said...

Happy May Day Remington!

Grady and Leonardo said...

Hey Rem,
Happy May Day!

When our Mom was little she and Grandma use to weave baskets with forsythia branches. The yellow flowers made the baskets beautiful, and a true sign of Spring.

Have a wonderful day.
Your BroLeo, Grady and Mom

Tucker The Crestie said...

Happy May Day, Remington!

Scooter said...

NIce flowers!! HAPPY MAY DAY!!


SquirrelQueen said...

Happy May Day!
The flowers are beautiful Remington, thank you.

Sagira said...

You're such a sweetheart Remington