Monday, May 9, 2011

The Festival!

Saturday we took Beth to
Lake Elmo, MN
to the
Shepherd's Harvest
Sheep And Wool Festival.

It was so much fun! 

The day started out with God
painting us a beautiful sky to
look at....

Then within an hour He changed
colors and gave us another beautiful sky
to look at....

He certainly knows how to show us
the beauties in this world....

We got to Lake Elmo before lunch....

This is Mike and I getting ready to go in....

There were SO many people there....
AND the weather was just right!

We even saw this cool airplane!

Everyone was so nice to me.
I met many, many, many new friends!

We left mid-afternoon....
tired and very happy!

Beth got a lot of cool things!
She will be busy spinning and knitting
for quite awhile!

Beth said it was one of the best days EVER!

That made me happy....

Later -- Remington --
Festivals ROCK
-- out!


Unknown said...

Sure sounded nice! My mom might get jealous about any yarns Beth got though. Is she ever going to spin your hair?? Billy

Unknown said...

God certainly creates a beautiful world for us and you help show the beauty of it! Thanks for the beautiful sky pictures, they are indeed gorgeous! A tired family is a happy family : )

3 doxies said...

Dat is one heck of a sky...beyond beautifuls! I am so glad ya'll had such a wonderful time at da prolly tuckered out from all da shoppin' and meetin' peoples.
Did you get a llama fur your mama? Bwhahahahahaha!

PS: you may wanna skip my blog today:)

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning handsome!!
OMC what a beautiful picture of the sunrise.
God is the ultimate artist!!
Look at you soaking up all those loving rubs from the pretty girls. You are one slick fella!! I'm just jealous I wasn't there to rub you.
We are so glad Beth had a good day and we look forward to seeing her projects.
Hugs madi

Gus said...

Oh Yeah! Love festivals and craft fairs and ....despite all the folks who think I am an airedale! You are lucky. I'll bet they just ask, not assume, huh?

Happy day after Mother's day.


jen said...

Those are beautiful skies!
You are so great to give Beth such a beautiful day!

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all!

That was a beautiful morning sky! I do so love it when God does his fingerpainting!

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

The Daily Pip said...

Wow, you are right about the sky! Just beautiful! Glad you had fun!

Your pal, Pip

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a great week end you had, and all that petting, hope it did not spoil you to much. I mean who in the world would NOT want to pet a handsome devil like you. i sure would. you are so right about the God paintings, they are gorgeous. glad you are home safe and sound.

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Looks like you all had the best time and that you were the star of the whole thing, Remington. And why not?

♥I am Holly♥ said...

What beautiful pictures!! Remington, it sounds like everyone had a fantastic day! We bet people were so happy to meet you! Lots of love, Holly & Mom

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Lovely sky pics and it sounds like you had fun.

The Army of Four said...

God does AMAZING work, doesn't He?
Did you get to see any llamas at that festival? I've heard they have very soft fuzzies!

Peggy Frezon said...

Love the beautiful colors in the sky, God's green (and pink and yellow and...) earth is so beautiful. What a great comment, one of the best days ever! Yay!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Those skies are beaWOOOOOtiful!!!

I bet so many of those humans are still talking about the handsome Newfie fella they saw at the festival!

Thanks fur sharing your special weekend with us!


Corbin said...

Looks like it sure was a great time! Beautiful pictures of the sky!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We got a quadruple bonus in this post, Remington. Beautiful sky shots, pic of you with Dad, pic of you with Mom, and you wowing all those peeps at the festival. So glad you all had such a great day.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Unknown said...

Looks like you had a great day. You are a very good pastor dawg too, Remington. Your sermon about the sky stole our breath away:)

Your pawrishioners,

Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love these pics, sky, fun, dog is gorgeous. Just looks like a nice day!

Anonymous said...

You are such a good dog greeting all those people. Glad you made Beth happy.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so glad you had such a beautiful day, Rem! You make friends wherever you go!! Maybe sometime you will show us some of Beth's creations!

Chatty Crone said...

Hello handsome one - glad you had a good time.

I so loved the pictures of the sky and how much they changed in an hour. Beautiful!


Elaine Pritchard said...

Sounds a fab day - and what beautiful pictures of the sky. Thanks for sharing them.

Love and licks, Winnie

JacksDad said...

You take the best trips!!! I hope none of the llamas spit on you! :)

rottrover said...

What a wonderful day you and Mike planned for Beth! Thanks for showing us those beautiful sunrise pictures!!

Rottie Kisses

Duke said...

What a fun trip! We hope we get to see Beth's knitting project!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Marilyn said...

Of course you made lots of new friends-you are a charmer! The skies were gorgeous-my favorite is the first. Don't get tangled up with the wooly supplies that came home with you or you might end up in the dog house. ♥♫

3 doxies said...

I'm just glad you lives up north so I don't actually has to see da disappointment in your eyes.
So why aren't Newfies called da gentlegiants.

PS: mum is watching me extra close cuz da ground hogs has been out aaaaaaaall day!

Diana Chiew said...

The skies are beautiful and that was indeed a great outing for you, Beth and Mike. Look at those friends you made!

Lorenza said...

Sure she had the best time!
Those pictures are so beautiful!
Kisses and hugs

Two French Bulldogs said...

what a fun day and yes, festivals rock
Benny & Lily

bichonpawz said...

What beautiful skies!!! Glad you all had a good day!!! Festivals really DO Rock! We totally love them!!!

Scooter said...

SOunds like a great time with your family Remington. I bet everyone just loved you huh??? what a fun day!!

Jazzi and Addy

Anonymous said...

A great time had by all Yippee! Festivals are fun. Glad you got to go Remington :D

Waggin at ya,

SquirrelQueen said...

With such a beautiful sunrise it had to be a great day. Glad to hear everyone had a good time.

Sagira said...

The sky was beautiful Remington.

I bet you have LOTS of people wanting to pet you and talk to Beth and Mike about you huh? Glad that Beth had such a great time. :)