Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ozabella update!

(Ozabella now 4 1/2 months old)
No snorts are good snorts....ha ha!
Just a quick update on my little sister Ozabella.
She has now been off of her meds for
 a week and no snorting at all! 
We are hopeful that she has had a full recovery.
She is very playful.
  She really likes her feather toy.

I am still keeping a close eye on her and if there
is any change I will break out
my stethoscope and medical degree....
Later -- Remington -- the good doctor brother -- out!


Unknown said...

You're such a great doctor brother, Rem!!!
I'm so glad Oza is getting better and is having a speedy recovery!

Martha said...

Doctor Remington, we are confident that Ozabella will make a complete recovery under your care.
Martha and Bailey xxx
she is certainly looking happy enough!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Glad to hear. OZA is so cute. Sending Oza my Golden Healing Thoughts for her quick recovery. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

The Daily Pip said...

Good news! I hope things continue to go well. You are such a good big brother!

Your pal, Pip

Gus said...

That is good news! Teka congratulates you on your skill as a Doctor and a Brother. She says she has not been so lucky.


My Mind's Eye said...

Mom and I are sure Ozabella's recovery was 99% due to all the TLC you, Mom and Mike gave her!!!
Of course meds helped but love is a cure all.
She is a beautiful kitty
Hugs Madi and Mom

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Thanks for the update on Ozabella. Mom and me is so happy she is feeling betters.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Unknown said...

What a wonderful bedside manner you have Doc Remy! Do you think you could cure what ails me?

jen said...

She is getting so big!
I am glad she is finally feeling better:)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You are growing into the most beautiful ladycat, Ozabella! We're so glad you got rid of the snorts ad we note tat you are very good at yoga!

The Chans

brooke said...

Shes growing out of her tiny fluff ball stage! So cute!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are so very happy that Ozzabella is feeling better! We know it is because of the love and care of her big brother..... ;)

3 doxies said...

Oh yay da little Ozebella is doing betters. Boy her has grown bunches and bunches. You'vr done good withs her Remington, you should be prouds!


Scout and Freyja said...

You keep a close eye on your little sisfur. We know that she is in the furry bestest of paws with you around.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

She's nice and bendy!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You are such a great doctor, and a kind one too. We wish we had a doctor here who could get Phantom to stop scratching his face:(

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Ginny Hartzler said...

So glad to see you're keeping a close eye on your little sister! We used to have a cat who looked exactly like Ozabella! Great that Ozabella is all better, and hoping it stays that way!

Jacqueline said...

Love the photos=Ozabella is beautiful and you two are just gorgeous and precious together!!...We're glad to hear she is doing well and we know she appreciates her sweet big brother watching out for her!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Dr. Remington, we are so glad that Ozabella is doing better! We sure know she is in great paws for care. You are the best doctor and brother we know! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Corbin said...

Good job, Dr. Remington! She's lucky to have a doctor in the house incase she needs you!

JacksDad said...

My she is getting big. Maybe one day she will be as big as you! :)

Anonymous said...

I packed my wisdom and came right over for a long overdue "howdy". :) Glad to see your Ozabella is recovering and that you're still doing what you love most (Vikings in 9 days), but I can't quite understand the cauliflower fetish.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I bet Ozabella loves to play with you!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Remington! You are such a good big brother to Ozabella! We are so happy she is feeling better. Ok, now Gus wants to send his own message to her (we hope that is ok and not too forward - you should of course chaparone the message).
Hi Ozabella! This is Gus, you know the orange guy from the House of Cats ::blush:: Um, I think you are super pretty ::blush:: Um, and I am very happy you are feeling better - that is great news! Um, wow you are getting very big - that is great, I am big too! I am 5 months old today::blush:: and I know we are way to young, but um, when we are older, and um, you are a young ladycat, um, I would like you to know I would like to be friends with you ::blush:: and um maybe even be your boyfriendcat - when we are older of course! And of course Remington can be there to make sure I stay nice and respectful (and of course I will, cause normally I am shy - but you are so pretty it makes me a little braver - enough to talk to you at least!) Ok, by now! From Gus - from House of Cats!
Hi Remington - sorry Gus is so silly - he is still young and shy, but he really has a big crush on your little sister! He is still young and not good at expressing himself!

Duke said...

We're so happy to hear that Ozabella is getting better! It's all of the good care that you're giving her, Remington!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

bbes tribe said...

Glad Ozabella is better. With you watching over her & taking care of her, she just has to be better. What a great "big brother" you are.

Zona said...

You are such a good brother. Ozabella is a lucky girl! And she's getting so big!!!


White Dog Blog said...

Glad to hear Ozabella is over the snorties! And wow! She is VERY flexible...can you do that, too?

the booker man said...

hooray!! i'm so happy that miss ozabella is all betters! you are such a good big bro, remington.
the booker man

Scooter said...

SO glad to hear that Oz is doing better. You do a great job taking care of her so just keep up the good work okie dokie??


Anonymous said...

Yay! Ozabella is BETTER! She looks so happy :)

Keep up the good work Dr. Remington,

The Army of Four said...

Give her a little nuzzle for me, Remington! Hope she continues to do well!
Tail wags,

Sagira said...

Wow, she is getting big. Glad that she is all better. You take good care of her! :)