Friday, April 6, 2012


Remington, your full moon reporter, at the
(Remington Research Center)  

Keep your eyes to the sky tonight for the
Full Pink Moon!

After hours and hours of research I have found out
this about the Full Pink Moon.
Full Pink Moon.
The grass pink or wild ground phlox is one 
of the earliest widespread flowers of the spring.

That was a lot of work for that little 
bit of information but it makes sense now!
Let's hope Mr. Mike will be able to get a great
shot of the moon for us.

Once again I will be out giving you all a 
howl -- this time I will go out at
So be sure to come on out and listen carefully
and then give me howl back, okay!

This is always so much fun!

Also this weekend is 

I wish you blessed Easter, 
my friends!

Later -- Remington --
I hope to see the Easter bunny this year....
-- out!


Anonymous said...

I saw the big beautiful full moon Remington! It wasn't pink though butt that's okay :)

Happy Easter to ya pal! Hope you get to see where the Easter Bunny hides all the goodies ;)

Saw the incredible drawing Bailey's talented Mom did for you. Wow! Bet you have a very special place picked out where it will be displayed :)

Waggin at ya,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Thank fur the report!

We know we khan khount on woo fur the HOWL Full Moon report!


3 doxies said...

Ooooooh a pink moon? My mum loves pink...our kitchen is pink...I knows you wanted to knows dat. Anyways, we has them phlox stuffs in our yard.
I'll be listening fur you at 8:48 pronto!


Bassetmomma said...

I'll be looking for this pink moon to see if I can get a picture! I hope Mr. Mike gets a good one, too! Have a terrific Easter weekend my friend! :)

MadSnapper said...

i will be asleep when you howl, so don't be to loud please. happy Easter enjoy your week end.

Laura S Reading said...

We were admiring the beautiful moon last night. I will have to check to see if it turns pink or brings about pink phlox in the yard. Right now we have a lot of Daffy flowers and bluebells.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Hmmmm...The last 3 full moons have been hiding from me. Hope me can see this one.

Happy Easter to all!

Scooter said...

Hey Remington!
Wow, what great information! I know you work hard at these Moon posts and I love them a bunch. The Moon is really fun for my pack and we'll all be out howling tonight. Even my peeps will give it a shot! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

The Daily Pip said...

Pink moon? Gosh, I will have to check that out!

Your pal, Pip

Asta said...

I went out last night and can you believe it? I saw the same pink full moon as you did..thank you fow the weseawch!
I hope youw Eastew is full of blessings and the Eastew bunny bwings you lots of tweats
smoochie kisses

Chicco said...

Dear Remington,

Happy Easter to you and your family.
Woof, woof,


HH and The Boys said...

Have a great weekend.

pawhugs, Max

JC said...

I love it when you report about the moon. I'll tell my girls. They love to bark in the dark.

Does the Easter Bunny give out dog bones ?

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Handsome oh you just make my heart go pitter patter when you wear your glassed!!

I'll give you a yowl at 8:48...I haven't perfected my howl yet.
Happy Easter and hugs from your

My Mind's Eye said...

ps I meant glasses...I got excited

Kathy said...

Rem, the moon sure looked almost full last night as it rose over the Dragoon Mountains! Pink Moon you say!
I will be listening for your howl!

I wish you and your family a Blessed Easter, too!

BTW you would love all of the bunnies that run around our RV Park! (I know one guy who would have loved to chase the little rascals across the desert!!)

Belly rubs to you

Marilyn said...

With the wind we're having I'm sure the skies will be clear for a good view of the moon. It's strong enough that the Easter bunny will be needing wings!So you might see him getting some flying lessons in tonight when you are out watching the moonbeams.♥♫

Dachshund Nola said...

Can't wait to see if it it's not raining again here. Happy Easter!
Dachshund Nola

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Saw the moon mmmmm but not pink ... Happy Friday. Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

The Army of Four said...

Me and Zim will be listening for you - and we'll lift our voices in song with you! Wooooo!
We'll also send our mom out. Should be a beautiful, clear night here. And that was REALLY interesting about the Pink Full Moon!!!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Seriously? A PINK moon? We hope Mike gets a great shot. :)
Happy Easter weekend, everyone!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Remington, I love the story and am happy for a pink moon. I love pink. Thank you for the great info. I will be out at the same time and I will wait for your howl and then I will howl back. Will you listen for me?? I will close my eyes and pretend we are howling together. Happy Easter to you and I hope the Easter Bunny visits us both. I am nervous cause I have been sassy here and there.

A blessed Easter to you and your family from me and my family.

Loveys Sasha

Ginny Hartzler said...

This one should be called The Easter Moon!!! I did get some good shots of it last night, and am hoping for the same tonight. So I will be howling along with you, Rem!!!!!

Sweet William The Scot said...

A Very Joyous Easter to you Remington, Beth & Mike!
I will be giving you a howl back at 8:45.
Sweet William The Scot

Corbin said...

My momma will be lookin' out for a pink moon for sure!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Happy happy Easter to you Remington and your family!!!!
Have fun tonight!!!

Scooter said...

we will be on the lookout Remington!! Thanks for the info.


Sketching with Dogs said...

Ooooh, a pink moon! Is that anything like pink champagne, if so Mum will be slurping it down.
Hope you and your family have a very Happy Easter Remington.
Dip Bridge Elliot and Lynne x

Duke said...

I'll be listening for your howl, Remington! Happy Easter to all of you!

Love ya lots,

Golden Daily Scoop said...

We will be out listening for you Rem! Our little sister is a huge fan of the moon!

Happy Easter!!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I'll explain all this to Ernie and then take him out to lissen fur you.

Happy Easter to YOU and Yours!

Smile With Your Tail said...

We wish we could see this moon, but its overcast her tonight, thanks for the head up though Rem!


Ms. ~K said...

You know, whenever we see the full moon, we always think of YOU!!!!
Happy Easter to your entire family!

yeewittlethings said...

Wow, I've never heard of a pink moon! Great little piece of info there Remington :) You look so professional in that picture, what a smart fella! Happy Easter to you and your family :)


Oskar said...

We went out and found the beautiful big moon, but it doesn't look pink from where we are. I wish it was.

May you & yours have a blessed Easter too!

Nubbin wiggles,

SquirrelQueen said...

Remington, you are the best researcher I know. I never knew all the full moons had names until I met you.

Happy Easter my sweet friend.

Chatty Crone said...

Have a blessed Easter. Sandie