Monday, June 20, 2011


You are going to find this as hard
to believe as I do....

Mike and Beth have to leave me....
for SIX days!

So I won't be by to visit you.
I am going to try to keep
you up to date on how things
are going....
I may have to sneak around to do it....
as I will be entertaining.....

They are going somewhere that 
I cannot go....
it's called Wyoming.
I have NO idea why they won't let
Newfies in there....

  SO -- what am I going to do
you ask....

Mike's brother is coming to stay with me.
Beth said he doesn't know much about football or
playing red ball and that maybe I could teach him.
I DO believe I have my work cut out for me....

Beth promised when they get back
that they would take me to see 
Bailey and Trevor!  

THAT'S worth it!

 I have to go for now and
try to let all of this soak in....
I have NEVER been away from
them since I was 8 weeks old.

I hope I can handle this....

Later -- Remington --
anyone have a shoulder I can cry on?
-- out!


Unknown said...

Oh Remy, I would love to let you cry on my shoulder :(

The Daily Pip said...

NO!!!! I have been left (with the grandparents) once or twice and it is no fun! Stay strong.

Your pal, Pip

Maggie Mae and Max said...


You can use both my shoulders to cry on, mom's too. :( I am sure you will have fun wif Mike's brudder, maybe him will give you extra treats. Tell Beth and Mike to have a great time in Wyoming from me.
We will miss you!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! It happens Remington. It is hard for my peeps to leave me too but for sure you'll be fine with Mike's brother. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

verobirdie said...

I'm sure you will grt lots of treat from Mike's brother, and the time will fly by in a wink.
Big snuggles

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Wyoming must be weird not to pawmit Newfies!

I'm sure woo and your Unkhle will have LOTS of fun!

Safe travels to Beth and Mike! Of khourse, woo know they MUST bring woo bakhk something special!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

don't worry Rem, you will not be the only one crying, Beth and Mike will miss you as much or more than you will miss them. have fun with your Uncle

Anonymous said...

Just remember... don't get so mad that you refuse cookies from them when they return!

Sam and Pippen

Unknown said...

Lots of hugs!!!

Time does fly by fast. Beth and Mike will be home before you know it and you'll be busy teaching Mike's brother football.

HH and The Boys said...

We have lots of shoulders over here. Hope you have a great time with Mike.... Just teach him what you want to do. He'll come around.

pawhugs... can't wait until you return, Max

booahboo said...

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.. you too???? oh nooooooooooooooooooooo... What has Wyoming got that you don't have... nooooooooooo... urmm urmmm... that was just the dramatics from me.. hehehehe.. i am sure Mike's brother will be loads of fun and you can always give him the really sad face so that he can gibe you lot of noms.. remember the sad face ya... and have loads of fun with him :) mebbe.. just mebbe you can ask him to help you blog :)

woofs n licks,

Marilyn said...

Colorado is right next door and you could come see me! ♥♫

Soggibottom said...

Come and stay with us little furball. Your puss cat can come too. :-)xxx

Grady and Leonardo said...

Hey Rem,

We just asked Mom and she said you can come stay with us for the six days. Wow how much fun could one family have with three Newfs in the house. That would be one per kid!

Mom and Dad left us with grandma and grandpa(and our kids) once. Grandma said Mom called more to check on me and Grady than the kids.

Mike and Beth will miss you terribly, but maybe you can plan a Sponge Bob marathon complete with snacks.

Let us know if you're coming to visit.
Your BroLeo, Grady and the Mom.

Whisppy said...

Awwwww. Poor Remi. I'm happy that you will still be at home and looked after by Mike's brother.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Dat is terrorible dat you can't go wit dem. But you will have da fun anyway!

Gus said...

You are a great dog and you will handle it well.

Beth and Mike may have more problems than you do!

Gussie n teka

Amber-Mae said...

I can't believe they are doing that to you! 6 days is like eternity! Anyway, hopefully they will bring back something for you from Why-O-Ming.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Remington, we send you our shoulders to cry on!! How could they just leave you like that and why can't you go too!! Oh well...we bet you will have lots of fun with Mike's brother and the kids and time will fly by before you know it!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

JacksDad said...

Maybe they are going to go buy you a cake and didn't want you to see it before they got back!

rottrover said...

Have fun, Rem. Teach your uncle all your moves!! Beth and Mike will be back soon!!

Rottie Kisses!

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

oh no! How horrible when they go away. I bet it will go by fast fast though Remington, don't worry.

My Mind's Eye said...

Remington tell me it isn't so...oh my cats and dogs. I don't know how you all will manage w/o one another. I expect you will manage better than Mike and Beth since you are staying in your home. I bet they will call you every day.
Safe travels to them,
Hugs Madi

Corbin said...

Trust me... it's not that bad buddy! Usually when someone othe than your parents come over, they don't know all the rules, so you can get away with a lot of stuff! And if you look super sad that your parents left, they usually give you lots of yummy treats! Maybe even table scraps! Then when your parents get back... they feel so bad about leaving you, you get whatever you want! Soak it up bud!

Chester said...

GULP! As much as my PUs annoy me, I've never been away from them both EVER. If'n you want, I'll invite some furiends over and we can have a slumber partay. Who knows, by the end of the week, you'll probably be wishin' they would stay in that Wyomin' place.

Woofs and rangin' slobbers,
Chester ;0=)

Stella said...

Hey Remington, Ozabella will still be home to play with, won't she? The time will go by fast, Rem, and just enjoy your uncle and Ozabella. No Sweats!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope Mike and Beth have a really good time, and I know you will too, Rem!! Getting to know Mike's brother will be awesome, I know you will charm him just as much as you have all of us!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh no Remi!!!!! I can't believe that they are getting you a sitter who knows nothing about football or playing red ball. A crash course must be given before Mike and Beth leave!

Once they are in Wyoming, the will be purrty close to us. Do we need to check on them for you?

SquirrelQueen said...

Aw Remington, that sounds like a fun trip but I'll bet you are going to have fun too. At least you won't be stuck at the Pet Hotel.

Terrorzinhos said...

Rem, don't worry, six days will move fast!
And the best will be your reward! =)

Have a nice week!

Duke said...

We bet you'll have a blast with Mike's brother, Remington! Make sure that you tell him that you NEED a cheeseburger every night for dindin and ice cream for dessert!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Chatty Crone said...

You can do it - you'll have a good time at home!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh Remington, having just come home from boarding for five days, we feel badly that you have to be away from your folks. But you are lucky to be able to stay at home and we know you will be getting some excellent care and love. It is probably very tough on your Mom and Dad to leave you too. If you really get lonely, hop on the road and head south, we would love to have you come visit.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Cher' Shots said...

I sure wish we lived closer to you, we would have taken you in in a heartbeat. I'm sure they are as disappointed as you are but the week will fly by fast so hang tough buddy!
'love & hugs from afar'

Unknown said...

Keep your chin up, Rem! I'm sure the time will go by fast.......and we will be waiting fur you!

Safe travels to Mike and Beth.

Lorenza said...

I wish them a nice and safe trip!
I hope Mike's brother will play with you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Two French Bulldogs said...

poor, poor baby
Benny & Lily

Scooter said...

Aw...poor Remington. I know all too well about being left at home. Least you have somebody to come and stay with you. You can teach him all sorts of stuff ok?


Alfie said...

you must be nervous! i cry whenever my people leave me for a few hours! hehe. hopefully teaching your unc-unc to play redball will keep you occupied! good luck, my buddy.

p.s. i will miss your visits ;)

White Dog Blog said...

You can do this Remington! Remember, you are never alone...all of us are sending positive energy and good thoughts of encouragement and love. Can you feel our paws on your yours? At least you will be at home and you can show your Uncle the way things are done on YOUR turf!

bichonpawz said...

There are lots of us out here cheering for you Remington and we just know that you will have LOTS of fun with your uncle...maybe even get a few extra treats!! You are more than welcome to come and stay with us here in NY...but we think it would take more than five days to get here! We will be thinking of you each and every day and can't wait to hear all about your trip! Mama went to Wyoming last year, but they just left us in the RV while they were visiting that "dreadful" place that wouldn't allow us. :( xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Sagira said...

Aww...don't cry. I saw we should have a big ol PAWTY at your place!