Friday, June 3, 2011

Grab some coffee -- this is long....

First --

a super BIG thank you to
(click on the name to go to their blog)

They had a contest during their
Hound of the Book Review
and I won!

I won a cool book called
A Famous Dog's Life!
I can't wait to start reading it!


Second --

The weekend is here!

Ozabella and I are getting ready to work
in the yard and clean Billy the Bus!

It is suppose to be very nice weather too!

Here is what the Weather Channel said....

Jun 4 Saturday

Abundant sunshine. Highs in the upper 70s and lows in the low 50s.

Jun 5 Sunday
Mix of sun and clouds. Highs in the mid 70s and lows in the mid 50s.

AND you know they are ALWAYS right!
Looks like a good start....

So until Monday I will leave you with
some pictures of my
Zone 3 friends....
(plus some from down the road....)

Mr. Blue Jay

Mr. Woodpecker

Lil' Chipmunk
(that's his rap name)

The Geese Family
(from down the road)

Mr. and Mrs. Grosbeak

Mr. Porcupine
(from down the road)

Have a fun filled weekend, my friends!

I think I will try to get some reading in
before I start working....

See you Monday!

Later -- Remington --
I love the weekends!
-- out!


Unknown said...

Enjoy your reading and the gardening for the weekend.
It seems Billy Bus will be on the road soon!
Happy Weekend!!!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Happy Friday Weekend. Enjoy the weather. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a great great post!

Of khourse, the weather is just perfekht - well, khould woo had a smidgen of snow to it?

Happy Weekend My FuriendS!

PeeEssWoo: Khongrats!

Unknown said...

Have a fun weekend Rem!

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy Friday Rem....what a wonderful forecast for you all. I know you must be doing a happy dance. OMC Mom is in bird paradise you have a red headed woodpecker in your Zone 3....and a rose breasted Grosbeak...
Hugs Madi

The Daily Pip said...

A porcupine! I have never seen one of those creatures before! Have a great weekend.

Your pal, Pip

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

CONGRATULATIONS ON THE BIG WIN REMINGTON. That is a super prize pressie!!!

Your poke u spine thingy looks different from the ones around Sarge's house.

Oh boy.. Billy the Bus.. I see an adventure in your future.

HH and The Boys said...

Looks like you're enjoying that book already. Have a great weekend. Perfect temperatures....

pawhugs, Max

Gus said...

Wonderful weather for your busy weekend. Just watch out for tornadoes and snow.


GRAÇA said...

Good weekend
Ronrons Girlfriend

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh boy, billy the bus is getting ready to GO. i have never seen a porcupine in the wild. wow on that one. you have lots of critters. have a wonderful week end Rem

Marilyn said...

Good weather and gardening-can't get any better than that! Calm morning, so out to do more pots. ♥♫

Scooter said...

HAve fun working Remington and love all your friends and neighbors!!


Corbin said...

Enjoy your reading!

rottrover said...

What a great weekend forecast, Rem! Have a wonderful time. Love the bird photos :-)

Rottie Kisses!

Whisppy said...

Congratulations! You have very nice friends on your street. :) Have fun with Ozabella this weekend!

booahboo said...

Looks like you have the entire Winds in the Willow peeps living near you. How very fun and exciting.

Have a great weekend at the yard with Oza!! and Mike.. and Beth :D

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Sounds like a busy and fun weekend! Enjoy it!

the booker man said...


grats on your book, and enjoy your grrreat weekend weather! you totally have cool animal neighbors, btw! i've nevarrr met a porcupine before. that is so nifty!

the booker man

Ginny Hartzler said...

Congratulations on winning the book, Ram! I LOVE ALL your visitors, you even have a red headed woodpecker, we have never seen a real one! Lil' chipmunk is too cute. Gosh, even a porcupine!! Hope you have a blast in the yard with the good weather this weekend, Rem!

Suka said...

hey Remington,

Congratulations on winning the book! Looks like a pawsome book, can't wait for your review.

You have the coolest Zone 3 friends. They are so bright and pretty and colorful! Today my favorite is Mr. Porcupine. Very cool!

I may have to run over to your place for the week-end. My weather calls for super hot 90s and humid. Your weather sounds much nicer. Enjoy!


Ms. ~K said...

Hi There Old Friends,
Remember us? Sorry we haven't visited much lately....we have all been giving all our attention to Buddy, in an effort to get him all better!
Look how big Ozabella is...such a pretty girl!
Enjoy your weekend,
~K and The Pups

Holly said...

Congratulations on winning the book!! That will be a good one to read!! Love all of your friends! Lots of love, Holly & Mom

Sagira said...

Congrats on your win!
That sounds like a great weekend. Still think you should talk Billy the Bus to driving to OHIO to see me! haha

Oskar said...

Sounds like your headed for one pawsome weekend!

Nubbin wiggles,

Soggibottom said...

you are going to have to take your coat off some time young fella.
It's going to be hot hot hot..... One huge cuddle for you and your puss puss friend that looks so much like Mew...... from Soggibottom Cottage. x x x

Zona said...

Yay!!! I'm glad it's time to clean Billy the Bus! That means road trips are right around the corner! Umm.. so... my mom wants me to ask you something... do you sit with your paws crossed naturally or is that your picture pose? She's so weird.... Either way we both think it's SO cute!


Duke said...

Enjoy your weekend, Remington. Let us know how the book is!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sam said...

Congratulations! Enjoy your new book and your weekend!


Lorenza said...

Congratulations Remington!
Sounds like you are going to have a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

We're still marveling at your art lesson and the fact that you can hold a pencil in your paws and actually draw! Your estate is looking really sharp, thanks to all your hard work. You do know to keep a respectful distance from the porky-pine, we're sure. Mama had a Dane once who learned that lesson the hard way.

Jed & Abby

Anonymous said...

Hope the weekend weather is as perfect as predicted and that you get Billy the Bus all spiffy! Have a wonderful weekend!

White Dog and The White Dog Army

bichonpawz said...

Hey Remington!! Congratulations on your book!! You look stunning in your reading glasses! LOVE the look in your eyes in the pic with Ozabella!! YAY for Billy the Bus!! Have a great weekend!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Alfie said...

congrats! hope you enjoy your new book! you have some really cool animals where you live. we have annoying city pigeons hehe

SquirrelQueen said...

Congrats on your win, that looks like a really good book. Your weekend weather sounds perfect, we are suppose to have lots of sunshine too.

You have some really cool friends in Zone 3.

Have a super weekend!

Deborah said...

Have a super weekend!

The Army of Four said...

Those are some awesome friends you've got there, Remington!
It's supposed to be hot, hot, hot and sticky here, so we'll walk Mom and Dad early, then spend the day chillaxin'.
Play bows,

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Oh Remington! You are a riot! We hopes nobody bothered you while you were reading your new book! Congratulations on the win!

FiveSibesMom said...

Have fun in the sun! Great pics of our friends! Enjoy your book and Happy Saturday!

Chatty Crone said...

Congrats on winning the book - hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you have a great weekend going on Remington! So exciting to know Billy the Bus is getting prepped for adventures! Enjoy the warmth and sun my furiend :)

Waggin at ya,

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Ah I see we caught the same "its summer" enthusiasm! SQUIRRELS GALORE can we ask for more?!! Birds to chase, flowers to taste and books to chew... wait, Becky NO! Books are to read. Oh dear.

Chicco said...

Congratulations for the book Remington!
I love seeing the pictures of a lot of different animals.
Happy sunday.
Woof, woof,
