Thursday, May 12, 2011

Gotcha Day!

Today is Ozabella's Gotcha Day!

I can't believe it has been one year already....
time goes so quickly....

Remember how little she was?

Here's her story....
Mike and Beth's daughter Amy lives
on a farm and this cat wandered in
their barn and had kittens.
One night something got in there
and killed mommy and the other kittens --
this one made it....
Since Amy works full time she
would not have time to feed him
every 2 - 3 hours, Beth said being
she works from home she would do it!
She was only three weeks old.
Beth and I drove to Fargo to get her
and then we went RIGHT to
the vet to make sure we would do
everything the way we are
suppose to for this little girl!

If you all remember we thought she
was a boy when we picked her up
and we named her Oz. 
Then a few weeks later the
vet said "It's a girl" and
her named then changed to Ozabella. 

We all love her SO much!

Still BEST friends!

Later -- Remington --
thankful for my little sister
-- out!
We are going to have lots of fun today!


My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Oz let us be the very first to wish you a very happy Gotcha Day. May 12 was certainly your lucky day....and Rem's because we can see in your eyes how devoted you two are to one antoher. Have lots of fun,
Hugs Madi

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that she was so tiny, yet she wasn't scared to go cuddle with you (or climb on top of your head)! I mean, you are a VERY gentle guy, but you are also a big guy!

Happy Gotcha Day to Ozabella!! She is looking as beautiful as always!

Elyse and Riley

Debbie & Holly said...

Happy Gothcha Day Ozabella!! You and Remington are adorable together!! Lots of love!

Unknown said...

Love the story of how you got Miss Oz even though I've known it well as I'm her faithful follower too.
What a tough little girl she is, she has grown up well and she is a beautiful young lady now.
You two sure look great!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i think this means i have been following you for a year, how can that be? Ozabella looks so cute as a furry little hat on your big beautiful head. you have a wonderful sister

Dar said...

Ozabella is adorable with those gorgeous green eyes of envy lying next to her best friend, Rem.
Love this story. Sweet ending.

I also see you have black bear visits too. They sure can do a number on our feeders. Guess it's time to bring them in each night. It worked here.

I see that zone 3 is yours too. Do you garden and have deer invasions besides the bears.grrrr

Good luck fishin'

Chicco said...

Oh remington!!

You're a perfect couple!!!Ahhaha i love the photos where you are so big and she was so small!!!
Woof, woof,


Unknown said... year already!?!? I do remember when Oz became Ozabella. BOL!

Have a wonderful GOTCHA day, Ozabella!!! You found da purrfect home!

Unknown said...

Wow the year sure has gone fast! You are such a wonderful big brother! Love the pics and Happy Gotcha Day Ozabella! Love Billy

Grady and Leonardo said...

Happy Gotcha Day Ozabella.
You have such an amazing family and a big brother who loves you so much.

God works in mysterious ways, and I think you were always meant to be a member of the family.

Have a wonderful day and love to you all.
Leonardo, Grady and Mom.

Elaine Pritchard said...

OH what a lovely story and pictures.

Happy Gotcha day Ozabella. Hope you have a great time together.


Amy & the house of cats said...

Happy Happy Gotcha Day Ozabella! We totally remember when you first moved into your new forever home - and we remember when they thought you were a boy! Either way though we knew what a super cutie you were! And you have grown up into such a beautiful ladycat!

We are so glad you had such an awesome big brother in Remington who could teach you stuff and keep a good eye on you - and who would play with you and not mind your kitten antics (which always makes for a cute picture!)

So before Gus comments we have to sing you our favorite gotcha day song!

What day is today?
It's Ozabella's Gotcha Day!!
What a day for a Gotcha Day!
Let's all have some cake!

Ok, Gus wants to comment now!
HI Ozabella!! Wow your Gotcha Day - how awesome! I didn't get to meet you on your gotcha day last year because my mom hadn't gotcha'd me yet, but oh you were such a little cutie! I am glad that you were gotcha'd by Beth and Mike and that you have Remington to play with (and the other kitties too of course). And I am so glad I met you because you are the most beautifulest ladycat ever! Sending you a gotcha day smooch (hope Remington is ok with that - but it is a special occasion after all!) Gus

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

HAPPY GOTCHA DAY, Gorgeous Ozabella! We remember your arrival well and guess what? They also thought I was a boy at first!!!


TimberLove said...

woooo! Happy gotcha day beautiful kitteh!!

RA & Isis

Kathy said...

Rem, you are such a mellow fellow to befriend a tiny kitten, even though you must be a giant to Ozzabella!
You both look so happy as friends!
Happy Gotcha Day, Ozzie!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Gotcha Day to Ozzabella!!! She has such a great story about how she came to be a part of your life. Lucky Oz, lucky Rem.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Chatty Crone said...

That was so sweet to see a cat and a dog being such good friends!

bbes tribe said...

Happy Gotcha Day Oz!!! We love the pics of you and Remington. Such best friends!!!!So special.

Berts Blog said...

Hey Rem, can I use one of the pictures of you and Ozabella on my site this weekend? I would love for my friends to meet you and see how cool you and Ozabella look together.

I love the one of you and Ozabella where she is on your head.

Can I Can I please


Corbin said...

It's just so wonderful how close you and Ozabella are! Wishing her a very wonderful Gotcha Day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Remington came up on my blog today, wonder what happened on the others. dresden dream? strange

JC said...

It was meant to be !!!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Happee Gotcha Day Osabella! You two look very good togedder!

H Ski said...

Happy Gatcha Day Ozabella!! What a great story too. And I love the group pictures. So cute!

rottrover said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Ozabella! You've led a charmed life, so far!!

Gail Wilson said...

Bella, you are a very lucky girl to have such a handsome,large wonderful protector. We are so thankful you survived such a terrible act so young in your life. You are Beautiful!
Hugs and wags, Mistaya and Maggie

Cher' Shots said...

Ozabella is blessed to have landed in the paws of you, and the hands of Mike & Beth. Rem, you are such a wonderful big brother.
'love & hugs from afar'

brooke said...

Awww happy gotcha day to Ozabella!
You two are the perfect pair!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Happy Gotcha Day Ozzabella!!! We are very glad you were gotcha'd!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

HAPPY GOTCHA DAY OZABELLA... AKA (OZ). I can not even believe it has been a YEAR already. I have enjoyed watching you grow and learn. I remember you teaching Mike how to put the bookcase together, fur instance.

I hope that you and Remington continue to have tons of fun on your very much special day...

Tucker The Crestie said...

Remingtom, you are Ozabella are so sweet together! Hope she has fun on her special day! (And we didn't forget your present, by the way ... it's just taking Mom a long time to pick out stuff for such a big guy as yourself! She's not used to shopping for big dogs anymore.)

Grady and Leonardo said...

Hi Rem,
We left a "congratulations" to Ozabella on her gotcha day yesterday, but somehow it vanished.

Anyhoo, Just wanted you to know that we think she is just as special as you are.

Have a great week-end.
Leonardo, Grady and Mom

jen said...

Happy Gotcha Day Ozabella! You are so lucky to have such a wonderful BIG brother!
Hope you both have a wonderful day!

SquirrelQueen said...

Happy Gotcha Day sweet Ozabella!
You are one very lucky little girl to have found such a wonderful forever homw. And Remington, you have got to be the best big brother ever.

Purrs and more purrs,
Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew

Ginny Hartzler said...

I remember when you found out that he was a she. But I was not following you yet when you first got her, what a story!!! I'm loving the old kitten and Rem pics!

Stella said...

Great pictures! We have been in love with Ozabella ever since she used to be a boy! She is very lucky to have you for a big bro Remington!


Alfie said...

aw she was so tiny! looks like she was attached to you since day one ;)

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Happy Belated Gotcha Day, Ozabella! You are a very lucky kittie. Have to admit the photos of Remington and baby Ozabella kinda remind us of the photos of Koko the Gorilla and her kittie, All Ball :)

Jed & Abby

♥I am Holly♥ said...

We left a comment on Ozabella's gotcha day but blogger stole it! So we are going to say again...Happy Gotcha Day Ozabella!!! Lots of love, Holly & Mom

How Sam Sees It said...

You are both so cute! Happy Gotcha Day, Ozabella!


The Army of Four said...

Happy belated Gotcha Day, Ozabella!!!! I hope you all had a great celebration!
My mom thinks you're BOTH just as adorable as can be!
Play bows,

Lorenza said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Ozabella!
Sure you had a pawesome day!
Kisses and hugs

Sagira said...

Happy Gotcha day! Hard to believe it has been a year already.

Kennedy said...

These pictures are "heart happy" pictures. My cats hate my dogs. Remington, Ozabella is lucky to have you and vice versa. Happy gotcha day to her and you.