Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bird watching....

Remington the "Bird Dog" here....

Like I have said all week the weather
hasn't been very nice out so not only
have I been keeping my little sister busy but
I have been watching one of my favorite
birdies out the kitchen window.

Here are some of the pictures
I would like to share with you....

Hummer having a drink from the feeder
we put outside....

Remember last weekend when I couldn't work
on Remington Drive because of the weather....

And I only got to buy one plant for our deck....
this one....

Now I am VERY happy that I did....

Someone (besides me) has REALLY
 been enjoying it!

It always makes me happy
when I can make others happy....

Later -- Remington --
I think I will build a bird house
-- out!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Pawesome shots!!!

I'm going to send the link to Khousin Abby to show Auntie Di -


verobirdie said...

Oh dear, those pictures of the humming bird in the fuchsia made my day... So beautiful

My Mind's Eye said...

OH MY DOGS AND CATS look at those gorgeous hummingbird pictures!! Give Beth a big Newfie kiss for sharing them with us.
Hugs Madi

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that must be a plant humming birds like, these are amazing photos. drinking deep in those blooms. so happy you have flowers and birds to watch while waiting on a sunny day

Unknown said...


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Supe HUMMER pics!!!

I build a Bird House fur Puddles once. Butt I don't think she had the proper level of appreciation fur my craftsmanship.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OOOOOPS... I left our an R that was supposed to say supeR.

Butt that is no reflection on my Bird house building skills. OK?? I'm just sayin.

Anonymous said...

I liike the hummers too but they havn't made it here yet. I guess it is still too cold....

So I'll just enjoy your pictures until they come.


Corbin said...

That's a pretty bird and pretty flowers!

Chicco said...

Oh Remington!

What beautiful photos and fantastic birds!
Woof, woof,


Soggibottom said...

Luverly 'at ......
You need an 'at when you watch birds, cos other wize when you get excited you give the game away of where your hidin when yer ears go up.
Lucky, lucky you to have hummingbirds...
lots of luv Amie Soto Blossom xxx

Adien Crafts said...

Oh wow what great photo's! Wish we had such lovely birds visiting our garden, at the moment we have one big pigeon who just winds us up to get us to chase him and then flies off! Have a great weekend, Dex & Lou x

Holly said...

How very beautiful!!! We love Hummingbirds!! You really have some gorgeous photos!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

Unknown said...

Rem, how cool! We don't have hummingbirds here so I have never seen one until your photos! I too, like to take care of the birdies is fun to watch them from the window.
Cairn cuddles, Oz

Amber-Mae said...

Those birdies are very lucky to have a free buffet at your place!

Chatty Crone said...

I just heard when you help others - it makes you feel good - and feeling good makes you healthier!

Gee those little hummingbirds work so hard!

Cher' Shots said...

Hummers are so fun to watch, they're quick as can be. Love your shots with the fuscia ~ which just happens to be one of my favorite plants!
Hang in there Rem - one of these days we will be complaining about how hot it is instead of still going through freezing nights.
'love & hugs from afar'

Chester said...

Pretty posies and pretty birdies. How's come you only watch 'em and don't try to eat 'em???

Woofs and flyin' slobbers,
Chester ;0=)

booahboo said...

birds in flight.. wow! you guys are fast with the cameras! And Beth has a very very nice heart... she put food out for deers and now birds.

And you Remington can enjoy the birds :D

Berts Blog said...

Dude, I love the pictures. I hope this post gets through. For some reason Google won't let me log on today so I am trying a different way.

Anyway take care of them hummers. It is still too cold for them to come through our area so I have to look at them in your pictures.

Take Care

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh what amazing photos!! The hummers are so hard to capture, but yours are wonderful!! Is the plant freschia? Way to go, Birder Rem!

Suka said...

hey Remington,

Very cool hat! My human LOVES hummingbirds and wants to get a flower plant just like yours so we could have hummingbird visitors. So beautiful! Your humans take excellent photos!

And I am with you Remington, it is great to make others happy!


Anonymous said...

Those little hummer birds sure are amazing aren't they! Great pictures of them!

Junior & Orion

rottrover said...

Beautiful pictures, Rem. Now Mom wants a fuchsia!!

Rottie Kisses!

Marilyn said...

It must be a lot warmer where you are than here! I had to wear my coat for morning duty this morning as the wind was blowing AGAIN, and it was cold on the last day of school. ♥♫

Duke said...

The hummer looks so happy drinking the nectar from the fuschia, Remington! What a great choice of plants for your deck!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Army of Four said...

Wow! Those are just GORGEOUS birdies!!! Sometimes we see them on our honeysuckle vines, but Mom's never gotten a photo of them!
Great capture!
Play bows,

Hawk aka BrownDog said...

Hi Y'all,

Love, love hummingbirds!

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

Lorenza said...

The birdie sure loves the plant too!
Pawesome pictures
Kisses and hugs

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Great fotos today! :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a wonderful series of photos, Rem. We sadly found a robin on our deck today - he flew into the windows and crashed down. Mom buried him outside the fence. This keeps happening a lot lately, but this is the first time that the bird didn't make it:(

Your fuschia plant is looking so good.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Scooter said...

Hey Remington!
Wow, great hummer pix! I have them too, but yours are really great. That plant is really pretty too! They're a perfect pair!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

SquirrelQueen said...

Somebody really likes the tasty blooms on your new plant. That was a great choice Remington. We are starting to see hummers here too.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Hummers Remington! You're such a nature buff :D

Waggin at ya,

Anonymous said...

Nice hummingbird photos, friend! We have ruby throated hummingbirds and bright blue ones here...they do not like each other so we have to have separate feeders on different sides of the house. Blogger STILL won't let us post in the normal way...White Dog and The White Dog Army

Sagira said...

Those little birds are so cute. All we get around our house are those big black birds.