Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Day!

I don't know if you had
heard but today is
Super Bowl Sunday!

Are you ready for some

I am still the #1 Vikings fan but
seeing as they are not playing today
I will just enjoy the game!

I have also heard some very disturbing
news that there
may be a lockout in 2011.

What does that mean?


This just CAN'T happen!

So we must all enjoy this game as it could be
the last NFL game for awhile!


The Packers


The Steelers

My prediction --




one of them will win!
ha ha!  I am so funny!

Later -- Remington --
I love football!
-- out! 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

ha ha ho ho hee hee YES Rem one of them will win. smiling big at your charming face. I will have to ask hubby what a lock out means... i have not heard him ranting and raving at the TV so maybe he has not heard. He TALKS to the TV all the time during games, i keep saying, they cant HEAR you and you are the only one in the with whom are you speaking

HH and The Boys said...

MOL... you're right about that. Someone will win. Love you in the football jersey.

Have a great day.

pawhugs, Max

Unknown said...

Enjoy the game!!!

Unknown said...

Have fun and enjoy the game Rem! Not sure if I will watch or not.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Seeeee???? We are sooooo fangtastic in Blogville. We have a Hoooooge Race.. and BOTH of the racers Won!!!
I can't choose a team fur this SoupRbowl game. I live kinda Close to Da Burgh butt I LOVE CHEESE.
YES!!! You are a funny Fella.

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL Rem you crack me up!!!
We are pulling for the Packers...why...well we are diehard NCSU fans...they are the Wolf Pack...and Packs stick together.
Go Packers...PS our next door neighbors are Steelers fans but that is ok too they are nice.
Madi and Mom

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We vote fur THE PUPPY BOWL on Animal Planet!

One of my distant distant distant khousins is playing ;-)

PeeEssWoo: We won't be watching the OTHER bowl bekhause of that evil man BUT if we did, we'd be pulliing fur the cheesepeople to smother the stillers!

Erin @ The Impatient Gardener said...

Remington, your Newfie brethren to the east are happy to invite you in to the Packers family, if only for today. We understand where your loyalties lie, but the Packer Nation is an accepting bunch join the fun of the coolest team in the country and root for the Pack. Maybe some day you could even become an owner!

Sagira said...

Yep one of them will win. Lets hope it goes into OT and we all get free Papa Johns pizza! :)

skylar said...

You're "cheesehead" big Sis' is sayin' "GO PACK GO" if not only because us dogs run in packs....its because I LOVE CHEESE!!! LOL....and the packers represent that....LOL...LETS GO FELLOW CHEESEHEADS>>>>GO PACK GO!

Love and snooches Lil' Bro.

Ms. ~K said...

We're cheering for Cheeseheads here!!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Remington!
I hope you have a good time watching the game.
We hear about that lock thing! I hope they solve all the issues!
Kisses and hugs

The Daily Pip said...

One of them will certainly win! I can't wait to find out which one!

Your pal, Pip

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

Since I don't really care about either team.... I just want a good game... Oh and to watch Troy and his fabulous hair... I think he may be my crush of the week on Thurs =)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ha Ha is right, Remington - you ARE very funny, but you sure do look handsome. We hope that lockout doesn't happen, we know how much you would miss your games. Enjoy the game, and we hope we all get some of the good foodables prepared for the big game.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

The Thuglets said...

We hope you enjoyed the game. Did your team win?

You look spiffing in your team strip!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

♥I am Holly♥ said...

We hope a lockout doesn't occur Remington. You look ready for the game and we wish the Vikings were playing! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Super Day...Super You! Someday our Vikings will win it all!!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Scooter said...

We will be watching the game here!! ENJOY buddy.


Duke said...

We're tuned into the Superbowl here, Remington. We're no rooting for anyone in particular - we just want it to be a good game!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

BOL.....very good purrdiction dere. I agrees!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You're so funny, Rem! I think your heart's not really in the game without the Vikings!!

Unknown said...

You are quite the oracle Remington. Sort of reminds me of this Wise man story. A man goes to the wise man with a bird in his hand. He decides if the wise man says the bird is alive, he'll squeeze it and kill it. If the wise man ssys it's dead, he'll keep it alive. So he goes to the man and says:

"Oh wise man, is the bird in my hand dead or alive?"

And the wise man says,

"My son, you hold the answer in your hand."

Enjoy the game, Golden Oaks Remington Steal My Heart:)

Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

bichonpawz said...

You are hilarious Remington!! We wish the Vikings were in it too!! We watched almost the whole game!! Football is pretty fun to watch! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Remington you are so wise, one team won! We did watch the game but we flipped channels just long enough to check out the Puppy Bowl too.

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

Remington, You look great in your jersey! And I must admire your prediction that one team will win! So true.