Thursday, January 6, 2011


If there is one thing that makes me smile....
it's unexpected company!

Every evening we have atleast 4 deer that visit 
 Zone 3 out back.
But tonight they brought some friends.
There are 7 there but one went in the trees!
Glad I had extra treats for them!

Later -- Remington --
Zone 3 welcomes all
-- out!

FYI -- we have to go out of town for the day
so I won't be by to see any of you until tomorrow.
* * * * *

Remembering my dear sister,
She left us a year ago today....
1996 -2010
We all miss you....


jen said...

Wow Rem...those are a lot of friends you have there!
Hope you have a safe trip today!

Unknown said...

Your friends look adorable and it is very kind of you to prepare enough treats for them!
Keisha was a beauty!

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Looks like you is havin' a pawty in your back yard! Your kitteh sissy Keisha was beootiful, I am sure you miss her very much. Have a wunderful day my furiend.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

My Mind's Eye said...

Rem all the animals know you and want to visit!!
What a wonderful Zone 3 party you had.
Purrs up to Keisha!!!

Safe Travels today...Hugs Madi and Mom

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

You are so kind to leave treats for them!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Beautiful visitors!

Keisha was such a beauty. We can imagine ho much you miss her.


Unknown said...

Your visitors look beautifu! It must be a lot of fun to watch them. Have a good day and safe trip. Keisha was so pretty too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your dear sister was beautiful and we will remember with you. have fun on your day trip. i wish i could have seen your zone 3 visitors. what a wonderful view you had

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's a lot of 'deer' furiends you have there Remington :)

Waggin at ya,

Gus said...

Have a safe"day out" and we will see you in the morning.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Pawty time in Zone 3. I hadn't "HERD" about that. hehehe Glad you got a good picture of them.

3 doxies said...

I don't thinks I has evers seen so many deers in one place near people! Guess dats what happens overs time. But they is so purties!

I am so sorry bouts Keisha, may you always hold her close to your heart.


Corbin said...

Dude, that is quite the party you hosted!!! Hope you have fun on your day trip!
ps. Kitty Keisha sure was beautiful! Must have been a very hard day for you last year.

Scooter said...

Your company is so pretty!! You must be an awesome host!! Keisha is so pretty too, I am sorry that she had to go but good thing you have Ozabella!!


Gail Wilson said...

What a great site in your yard! We haven't had any deer vistors to our yard since we left Montana.
Your Cat sister was very pretty and I am sorry she had to go to cat heaven.
Hugs, Mistaya and M.O.M. gail

bbes tribe said...

Remington you are so lucky to have such visitors. They look like they are having a great party. Keisha was beautiful. Bet you miss her.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

What fun in Zone 3!! You are so sweet to leave food for the deer! We think it's great to be able to look at the window at those beautiful creatures! Keisha was very beautiful and we know you miss her. Lots of love, Holly and mom

rottrover said...

Rem, you are so sweet to host your deer friends. They are lucky to know you.

We're sorry your sister had to go to the Bridge after such a short time. Be well, friend.

brooke said...

Keisha was a cutie.
So many deer in your backyard! How cool is that!

Martha said...

Oh my, Keisha was quite beautiful!
How cool to have so many deer! We have some and we bark and bark and bark - but we expect you stay much calmer in that Remington way of yours!
Martha and Bailey xxx

Sketching with Dogs said...

Wow, thank you for sharing this picture of your wonderful Winter friends. We can't get over the amount of wildlife you see where you are.
Those deer must have been very grateful for whatever you left them in this weather.
You must miss sweet Keisha.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx

Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope you have a good trip, Rem! Do you feed the deer? What do you feed them? We have record numbers of deer that are being hit by cars right now, we see them all over the road. There are deer signs up all along the interstare now and we try to drive as slow as we can. We hit one last year. He survived, but only because we were lost and driving at a snail's pace. I'm glad that yours are safe. Especially since you put up your street sign! Sorry about your sister, Rem, she had beautiful eyes.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Those poor deer!! What do you feed them!!?? I would feed ours if I knew what they would eat!
They come to get water along with so many more kinds of animals.
xx, Fern
Hope you ad a good trip!

Sagira said...

RIP Keisha. :( had a lot of friends over. Good think they don't get mad at you for having wild parties Rem. :)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

They look to be lots more fun than the silly skhwirrels I have!

I hope woo had a day of safe travels -

Sorry 'bout the sad anniversary -


KT and Easton said...

The more friends the better we always say.

Duke said...

You have a lot of deer friends, Remington!
Keisha was a beautiful kitty.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

zone 3 looks busy!! RIP Keisha what a fabulous looking kitty

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

What wonderful visitors you have! Meowm now feeds two feral kitties outside some of the wet foods. And she puts out dry foods. If she could, she would feed them all wet foods! We can't imagine feeding deers and other critters too!

Keisha was a very purrty gal. We are sorry she left you, but looks like she had a good long life. And living with all of you, we know she was loved to pieces! We bet she is looking down on all of you today with a smile on her face and a purr in her heart!

JacksDad said...

Oh my!! You could do a live musical version of Bambi!!
Just don't let Sarah Palin near your house.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Soft woos to you for Keisha - she was very pretty.

The deer must really enjoy your company to bring along some more friends.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

MadameMoiselle said...

What a lively zone. I wonder if santa's raindeers visits zone 3 too? That would be just awesome!


Lorenza said...

Sure you need lots of treats to share with your friends!
It must be pawesome to see them there!
I know Keisha has a special place in your heart.
Our thougths are with you remembering her.
Kisses and hugs

White Dog Blog said...

Like a window party! Those deer look like they REALLY enjoy the amenities of Zone 3.

Safe travels and have a most excellent time!

We know Angel Keisha is so proud of what a fantastic big brother you are to Ozabella.

Neeko said...

That is sooo pawsome to have so many friends over! You must be a very good host my friend :o)

So sorry about your Sis Keisha... May the wonderful memories ease your sorrow!

Neeko :o)