Thursday, January 27, 2011


I guess it's worth a try....
but it tastes like paper
to me....

Later -- Remington --
what they don't come up with....
-- out!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

'They' say all need to eat more fiber...


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

You you eats nothin but PAPER, you wills most certainly lose da weight!

Chester said...

Weight loss is for the birds Remington. FAT birds. You don't look like you need to lose any weight.

I happen to LOVE paper and I guess that is what keeps me lookin' fit and trim.

Woofs and weighty slobbers,
Chester ;0=)

Unknown said...

Please let me know if it works,Rem. Not fur myself of course.......butt fur my momma. BOL

booahboo said...

Are you digesting it well? hehehehe.. do check if you get sinkers or floaters tomorrow :p

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOL and maybe that is why Jake is so thin, he eats papper, so does his sister, Baby Girl. Rem, on of my precious pups ate our water bill and i did not know it, we got a double bill this month because it did not get paid. i happened to walk in the office and find baby girl stretching her neck to see if there might be loose paper on the desk. NOw i know where that bill went. i put the bills on the desk and when i pay online i file them. kisses for your sweet face

My Mind's Eye said...

Well Rem I would certainly lose weight eating that...because it if isn't meat or at least smells like meat I don't touch it.
Hugs Madi

Unknown said...

Yuckie! When I steal the peppermint candies from my mom's purse, I at least get that celophane wrapper off! (after awhile) My mom said, " He probably won't need any toilet paper after eating that LOL" Love, Billy

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Mom is MOST interested in whether or not it works... ;)
Happy Thursday my furiend!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Unknown said...

I'm interested in it!!! Did it really taste like paper?

Gus said...

hmmmm...will have to pass this trip on to the muzzer

Corbin said...

I love the taste of paper!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Let us know if it works too, Remington. We just like to shred paper, not eat it.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Anonymous said...

We got that Reader's Digest too and I was also wondering if I could lose weight by eating the magazine! Mike and Beth are so creative to take a picture of you trying to eat it. Let us know if it works or not...!

Elyse and Riley

JC said...

What you make Rem do for his photos ....

Bruschi said...

BOL! Let me know how it works out! Ebby is looking a little pudgy lately....maybe I can put her on that book diet BOL BOL

whitty23 said...

Remington, you don't need that weight loss book! you look great!! :))

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

Paper, doesn't sound like a very fun diet!

Scooter said...

Hey Remington!
Wow, I'll have to give that paper to my mom. She needs it! Too much candy at the holidays!
BTW: Would you please email me at lfurman1987ATyahooDOTcom? I have an idea to run by you. Thanks!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Suka said...

hey Remington,

You do not need to lose weight! Don't let the media images of pups get to you, they are all airbrushed. You are perfect just the way you are!

Plus, with all the working out you do practicing for football, you must be in great shape!


p.s. LOVED the post of karaoke night! You and your family sure have fun times! I think you and Ozabella should start a band! What kind of music was your dad's band? Did he ever play at First Ave in Mpls? Or meet Prince? :->

rottrover said...

Rem, you're such a card!! (get it?? a card??)

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

3 doxies said...

Furst, you is already perfect and second, I LOOOOOVES PAPER!!!!!!!!!


Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

LOL! Remington, YOU don't need to lose weight! You're perfect!

JacksDad said...

oh and L!

Boy did I need that laugh this morning! :)

jen said...

LOL! You are so silly Remington:)

Scooter said...

Nows how eating all that paper really gonna help you loose weight??I think they are pulling your leg, BOL


Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Did it work? Paper must be good for you. I will eat some next time I tearing it up.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Remington, you are so very cute!!! You should be a model and be paid for these photos!!! We love you! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Soggibottom said...

Good one :-)
Be honest, under your beautiful coat your one skinny lad :-) x x x

Sagira said...'re so silly Remington

Ginny Hartzler said...

Phil and I are on the couch cracking up!!!! Oh, those baleful eyes, Rem! Diets are not for you, you are perfect!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Really Remi, you need to lose weight? We seriously doubt that. And we agree, that can't be the right way to go about losing weight....eating paper.......that's just wrong.

Duke said...

If it tastes as good at paper towels, I'm in!

Love ya lots

Marilyn said...

Well now, paper isn't all that yummy, is it? How about a nice juicy, meaty bone instead? BooBoo's grandma saves hers just for him and I bring them home. ♥♫

Oskar said...

I'm not sure about the book, but the bacon part seems like an excellent diet plan!

Nubbin wiggles,

How Sam Sees It said...

That's how Monty stays thin - he's been eating paper for a while now!


BRUTUS said...

Good one, Rem! You crack us up! Bet it's high in fiber at least...

Brutus & Carmen

Lorenza said...

Let me know if it works, ok?
Kisses and hugs

White Dog Blog said...

Of course, you will lose weight if eating that is like paper! Who could make a MEAL out of paper? You are in perfect shape are both Beth and Mike!

Neeko said...

Hey Remington :o)

Did not know you were concern about stuff like that... You are perfect my friend the way you are; don't sweat over it!

Neeko :o)
P.S. BTW I love shredding paper but not eating it.

bichonpawz said...

We LOVE that face!!! Remington! You crack us up!!! You don't need to are ALWAYS running football plays in the yard!!! You get lots and lots of exercise!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug