Friday, January 14, 2011


I had a great surprise in the mail!
A birthday present from
my friends Annie and Oakley!
They live in Maryland.

It was filled with all sorts of goodies!

They know what I like!

(they are VERY yummy)
SpongeBob stickers!
(for all my correspondence)
Note cards!
(with my name on it)
A birthday card and
a thank you note
for the snow I sent their way!
I gave it a good work out! usual....
I made a mistake....
sorry Annie and Oakley....
it was a great 10 minutes....
(why is Beth always timing these?)

It really was a great surprise!

Later -- Remington --
I am so blessed with such great friends!
-- out!


Deborah said...

That was funny, Ariel does the same thing but it takes about 20 minutes for her to rip open a tennis ball!

HH and The Boys said...

What a wonderful box of pressies... You are indeed very lucky to receive such a great surprise.

Have a wonderful weekend, pal.

pawhugs, Max

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

You has a serious tennis ball chomping ting going on dere. You need to get da extra heavy duty tennis balls. But dat would takes away all da fun...(Sorry for da suggestion) BOL

Unknown said...

Your friends are so wonderful and they know you so well! What a lucky guy you are!

Anonymous said...

You and Riley are kindred spirits...she had a toy just like that that she destroyed in about the same amount of time. I always get mad when she destroys a toy so quickly but then I have to remember that she has a lot of fun for the 10 minutes it lasts! We hope you had fun with that toy!

What cool presents you got!

Elyse and Riley

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well, Rem, you have more friends and more presents than I do. maybe i need to turn into a beautiful canine like you. glad you had your 10 minutes of FUN... your look is priceless...

Anonymous said...

BOL! I had one of those toys and did the same thing. It was fun while it lasted though :)

Waggin at ya,

Unknown said...

I think you showed excellent restraint to stretch 10 minutes out of it, Rem! What a wonderful box of surprises!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

That last picture is priceless! You look so repentant, Rem! If Beth times these, I want to know what yur all time record is. The quickest and the longest! But it looks like you had great fun with it while it lasted!! When I saw it, I thought there was no way, and continue to amaze!

Maggie Mae and Max said...


WE are blessed to have YOU as our furiend!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS Great pressies!

GRAÇA said...

For now excuse of not having given you my congratulations, but as we amigosainda recently I did not know the date of your birthday, beautiful gifts and I understand that you are well ... looks goloso cholesterol and urea, are very large and black ... pretty much when there'll hire you to be my bodyguards. Oky?
Good weekend
Ronrons of

Scooter said...

Aww...what a nice gift and that is too funny~~how long it lasted! Ya know your mom should have contest to find the toy that will last you about 20 million hours!! That could be good in your favor too!!! Im just sayin...


Corbin said...

What cool pressies!!!

My Mind's Eye said...

Yay Rem don't you just love birthdays...that stretch out for a week. MOL
What wonderful friends you have in Annie and Oakley...Mom and I are sorry you destroyed your toy BUTT it lasted longer than the one we sent for the Chrissymas exchange. MOL

Hugs (ps mom is on vacation today...yippee she and Dad went out for breakfast......and left me here).

3 doxies said...

Oooooops, sorry bouts da toy but nuttin is Newfie proof. What special furiends to send you such cool pressies. I loves da note cards.

We has been off schedule cuz of our snow and da girl has been home ALL week...yippie!


Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

What a great package! The notes with your name on them are very cool. You are a lucky dog!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh Remi, there appears to be nothing that is Newfie proof! Bummer!!! At least you had a bit of fun! And all that other stuff you got....wonderful!!!

Chester said...

EXCELLENT presents Remington. Tennis balls just ain't made the way they useta be but it was still a very nice choice. Ten minutes of heaven you might say.

Woofs and choice slobbers,
Chester ;0=)

KT and Easton said...

What wonderful gifts for a wonderful big guy. Rem, you really know how to PLAY with your toys. Nothing wrong with your play, the toys obviously are made for Toy French Poodles with no teeth.....BOL
Have a happy, snowy weekend.
Go Seahawks (yes, I am as shocked as you are!)

Sagira said...

Wow, that sure was nice of them Remington. :)

brooke said...

Aww great presents!
Will you be watching MY seahawks play this weekend?! :)

Anonymous said...

What a lucky boy you are. You're still getting gifts.. Congrats.

Oskar said...

I know that you didn't mean to break that tennis ball toy! You just got so excited from your nice presents, right?

Nubbin wiggles,

Suka said...

hey Remington,

Annie and Oakley sound like pawsome friends! You are a great doggy, so you deserve these great friends! I am furry sad I missed your 2nd birthday, so Happy Belated 2nd Birthday!! Looks like you had a blast!

I had NO idea you had the power to send snow to your fur-friends! I would have requested some ages ago! But, luckily, I finally got some of my own! :->


p.s. So happy that Ozzalla is doing healing and feeling better!

Suka said...

uhhhh...I got a little too excited on my "p.s." I meant to paw: "So happy that Ozzabella is healing and feeling better!"

JacksDad said...

I'm so excited for you! And I just can't hide it! I'm about to lose control and I hope you like it! :)

Duke said...

How thoughtful of Annie and Oakley! Mitch destroys rope toys pretty quickly too.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Gail Wilson said...

10 minutes...pretty good Rem. I am not that fast but M.O.M. has a habit of timing me too! Darn!
Hugs and wags, Mistaya

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Remington, what wonderful presents!! We are very happy for you!! Ten minutes....oh well...we bet it was a really fun ten minutes!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

White Dog Blog said...

What thoughtful friends! The presents are great. We are ALL blessed in the blog world to have such such caring makes our world so specially wonderful!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo have to be the MOST talented pal I have!

What great pressies too!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Remington!
They sent you pawesome presents!
The cards are beautiful!
Sure the treats are yummy too!
And that toy... well... it lasted a little bit more than the last one, right?
Glad you enjoyed it!
Kisses and hugs

Marilyn said...

Your big brown eyes are letting us know you are truly sorry about the ball--right? I'd give you a hug just cuz you are so CUTE. ♥♫

lupie said...

Awwww... pressie!!!
Always great to be loved!!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Great pressies Remington! We really like the photo of you in the snow playing with your new toy. Ten minutes is the record so far. It was fun and that's all that matters.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We hope that ball tasted delicious! Ten minutes is real good!

Martha said...

What a great package Remington, shame about the ball - guess you can't really sew a ball back together again like a stuffie!
Another one bites the dust.......still fun can't be measured in time.
Martha and Bailey xxx
ps loved those notecards!