Monday, January 3, 2011

Football season....

Football season is now over for me....

AND as you all know from the looks
of my hat how the last game went....

Vikings 13 - Detroit 20

After the game I went in my office and
sat quietly and thought about this past season --

Although we did not win very much -- there was probably more excitement this year than any other of the 50 years that the Vikings have played.

  • Mr. Brett Favre returns to play his 20th year in the NFL
  • Many injuries
  • I wrote a new playbook
  • Brought Randy Moss back
  • Had Randy Moss leave
  • Fired the coach
  • Hired interim coach
  • Mr. Brett Favre injured his ankle
  • Mr. Brett Favre made the news about a text message....
  • Mr. Brett Favre injured his shoulder
  • Mr. Brett Favre ended his consecutive starts at 297
  • 2nd string Tarvaris Jackson was quarterback 
  • Mr. Winter sat on the roof of the Metrodome and squished it!
  • The Vikings played their 1st outdoor home game in 29 years 
  • Mr. Brett Favre got a concussion
  • Tarvaris Jackson was injured
  • Games delayed because of snowstorms
  • The Vikings played the first Tuesday night NFL game since 1946
  • 3rd string Joe Webb was quarterback
I am certain there were many, many
 more things I may have forgotten
but all in all it was a pretty interesting year. 

I couldn't help but think that maybe
Mr. Brett Favre may have wished
he had just stayed home. 
But I am glad he came back
gave it the best he could. 
He is a warrior! 
Thank you, Mr. Brett Favre for all the memories.

Now the countdown starts for me! 
 The next season will begin
in the fall and I can't wait! 
However I have heard a TERRIBLE rumor
that there may be a lock out for 2011....
I certainly hope not! 
What would I do?
But for now 
I will hang up my jersey....
 but the Vikings will never
be far from my mind....

Later -- Remington --
-- out!


The Daily Pip said...

I am sure this is a tough day for you! We are thinking about you and remember, there's always next year!

Your pal, Pip

Unknown said...

I am thinking about you also. It is always tuff when something is over, something that you love. Hopefully you will find something soon to fill your time with as much joy as the Vikings do! Love Billy and Mom

Maggie Mae and Max said...

OoH Remington,

I feels your pain my furiend. :( All we can do is look forward to next year....again! Viking fans NEVER give up on our team!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my hubby told me your bad news yesterday, so i knew today would be the hat over the eyes, but congrats on a wonderful post of the past year, seems brett's name was in there a LOT. your office reflects your love of the Vikings, hope the lock out does not happen, even though I have no idea what a lock out IS..

jen said...

Geez...the Vikings sure did have a challenging year! Hope 2011 is better for them:)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Being a Cleveland Indians Fan... I know this one by heart.. "It was a Building Year." hehehe

3 doxies said...

Ummmm...I knows you likes Bret Farve and all but he seems to be on your list ALOT fur things...hehehe! Dats okays though, he made it more memorable.

Just heard dat Sydney somebuddy grew up around my area and was even coached by a guy's son my mum knows. Sydney played in Gaffney I think.


Chester said...

Sorry dawg-it must be a ruff day for you. Mebbee you should look into another sport such as duck huntin'??? There is always synchronized swimmin' too. Just a thought.

Woofs and synchronized slobbers,
Chester ;0=)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, Rem, you have a point about Brett Favre perhaps staying home, but where's the fun in that? He is a real sportsman!! Gosh, The Vikings will have to go some ways to beat this year in so many ways. But I have been looking at your office, it is quite something else! And I'm sure you deorated it yourself. I think you should spend this break perfecting your skills as a decorator.

Scooter said...

Sorry bout that bad day fur you Remington!! Yep I would say that your team had quite the year and yep, you always have next year. In the meantime keep an eye on our Bears!! lol


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oops! Reading that back, it doesn't sound good! What I mean is that your office is quirky and I love it, you have great potential as a decorator. In fact, you could start with Mr. Favre's office! Hey, do football players have offices? Nah!! Nevertheless, I know the coach does! He needs this picture of you on his desk to inspire him!

Ms. ~K said...

What are we going to do w/ all this spare time on our hands now that football season is over?

♥I am Holly♥ said...

What a season!! It was a really memorable one Remington! For now, we will just have to wait until fall. We don't know what a lock out means in football terms...we hope it's not as bad as it sounds...please let us know! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Remington,
I just came over to wish you a happy new year!!
I am sure the time will just fly by and now you can think about all your other animals!! Though's critters outside are hungry!!!
xx, Bambi & Fern

Piappies World said...

Hi Remington,

You sure had a good run this season. As we wait for the next one, we thank you for the lovely card you sent us. We really appreciate it.
Happy New Year to you and your family!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

Corbin said...

It's the end of the season for the Giants too... oh well. On to being a front runner Packers fan this week in hopes they can CRUSH THOSE EAGLES!!!! Actually... only one Eagle! I sure as heck don't want to see a dog killer in the superbowl!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Snowballs fur all!!!

PeeEssWoo: We are with Corbin!!!

Patti and DeBoys said...

Well Remington you are not alone. Although you may support a different team than we do, we too, have to hang our jerseys in shame. But there is always NEXT year -- so for now we will hope for good things for our FINS in the up coming year. Maybe it could be a VIKING and DOLPHIN SUPER-BOWL next year. (ok this just may show that DAD is the football geek not MOM) LOL

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

It has been quite a year! Mybe you should wear your jersey in memory, at least till after the superbowl!

Duke said...

The Giants are all done playing this year too, Remington - so we'll both look forward to a better season next year!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the Vikes not making the playoffs. But there is always next year. They are so lucky to have you as a fan!

Sketching with Dogs said...

That pic of you in your office is priceless!
Better luck next year for your Vikings!
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx

Soggibottom said...

You and I are going to have to take a lazy stroll out into the park at the back of the cottage one very lazy sunny Sunday afternoon. (they take cups of tea. I take stream water). I will teach you cricket :-) You can teach me baseball :-)

White Dog Blog said...

It was a hard but interesting year for your team. Hopefully next year, they will play wiser, be healthier, and have better luck. You are STILL their #1 Fan!

3 doxies said...

I din't knows you could bench press so much weight:)

Puddles...lookin' good in my leaotard

Lorenza said...

Hi, Remington!
Lots of things happening during the season, right?
Glad you had fun watching them playing!
I am sure you can't wait for the next one and to be rooting for them!
Kisses and hugs

Dog Clothing said...

Coming from a Packer fan, it was great to see the Vikings lose, but coming from a Packer fan, I hate to see Brett go out that way.

But I do think you have a great new coach in Leslie.

Love your outfits!

Duke from Poochieheaven

Sweet Purrfections said...

Your Vikings sound a lot like my South Carolina Gamecocks

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Your so very handsome in those glasses!

JacksDad said...

I love that you have such good memories. Here's hoping that they stick around until next season!!

Suka said...

hey Remington,

I am impressed by your thorough knowledge of the Vikings! Seems Mr. Favre was pretty active, for better or worse. :-> But you are right, he is a warrior and that is what Vikings were/are, so he represents the name well.

Sorry the season ended on a loss. Hopefully 2011 will rock with wins.


SquirrelQueen said...

It was an exciting season with a lot of ups and downs, wish it could have ended on a better note Remington. We will keep our fingers and paws crossed that the lock out is just a horrible rumor and nothing more.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry for you!

Sagira said...

You can get them next time Remington!