Thursday, December 23, 2010


Do you


I do!

Later -- Remington --
and he is coming to my house tomorrow night
-- out!

No, Ozabella, he isn't here yet!


Lola and also Franklin, too said...

I bet you're first on his list, Remington. After all, you are probably not very far from where he lives, judging by all that snow you've gotten. I hope you get everything you asked for and more.

lotsa licks, Lola

MadameMoiselle said...

I second what Lola said.. You will definitely be the first on santa's list cuz you have been an excellent brother and of course not forgetting to be such a sweet handsome puppy..


Unknown said...

I do, I do!!! ~ Eva

3 doxies said...

Of course I do! But fur my sake...I hope he can take a joke...or my jokes. I has been so restless withs anticipation fur Santa's arrival...and I see Ozzabella is just as impatient as me.

Yes, age is just a number but I thought you were older than dat...must be cuz you are just so wise fur your years.


Maggie Mae and Max said...


I beleeves! :)
Merry Christmas my furiends!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Gus said...

All of us here believe - cept maybe dad. But we know that you and Ozabella are waaaaay up on his list, due to proximity and eligibility


MadSnapper n Beau said...

tell Ozzabella to keep looking, i hear those sleigh bells ringing already and yes I believe because I am Sandra Claus, a distant relative of The Man

My Mind's Eye said...

I do I do believe in Santa...

I bet Ozabella is getting very very excited about her first Chrissymas!!!
My humans sis and her hubby are arriving today. I'm going to try to be nice to her. You see she has a kitty, Harley, who gets car sick so he doesn't come with them. However, they bring essence of Harley with them and I hiss at her.
Merry Christmas to your entire house!!

Ms. ~K said...

We believe in the Magic of Christmas!
Ho Ho Ho,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas Remington! :)


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Well of COURSE I BELIEVE. I think WE all do. It is just the silly peeps that furget to believe. I can't wait.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh YES, we all believe and so far this year all the grandbipeds do too - we are all eagerly awaiting his arrival. We just hope Ciara doesn't wake all of us up too early.

Happy Holidays to you and family.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Mom

Unknown said...

There is some BIG Belivers in my house! Have fun with Oz waiting! Billy

Bruschi said...

I believe I believe! Santa Paws is real, he's really real!

Corbin said...

I BELIEVE!!!!!!! Merry Christmas Remington!
#1 Giants fan!
#2 Vikings fan!

Unknown said...

oooohhhh Remington, you fotos made my momma go "squeeeeeee"

How fun this Christams will be.....Ozabella's furst!!!

Merry Christmas my furrend!

The Daily Pip said...

I believe!

Your pal, Pip

Sketching with Dogs said...

What great photos of you both.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and peacefull New Year.
Best wishes Dinah Bridget Elliot and Lynne xx

Diana Chiew said...

We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!

D.K. Wall said...

But of course we do! Yes, Remington, there is a Santa Claus.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

We believe!! We wish you, Ozabella, Beth and Mike a wonderful Christmas!!!! Love those pictures!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Ginny Hartzler said...

Here's what I do believe in, Rem. YOU!!! You inform me, and make me smile and laugh. And that's something that Santa never did. Merry Christmas, my friend.

Anonymous said...

We believe too!!!

Duke said...

We believe, Remington!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Yes we BELIEVE !!!!!!!!!!!!
We are so excited!! Can't wait!! They are saying we may have snow for Christmas that Santa is bring!! It is suppose to be really cold for the week after Christmas too!!
Merry Christmas and Happy new year to your whole family!! Love our friendship!!
xx, Bambi & Fern

How Sam Sees It said...

We love the picture of Ozabella! We are also sure you will be getting lots of presents, Remington!


JC said...

Can your blogs get any cuter ?

Happy Holidays !!!

JC & The Purr & Fur Gang ^,,^

Scooter said...

I believe Remington and he is coming to my house too!! yay!!


Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Of course I do!

Scooter said...

Hey Remington!
I definitely believe in the big bearded one! He's gonna be soooo good to all of us in doggie bloggie land this year. I just know it. Toys and treats for everyone!
Have a wonderful Christmas and a fun 2011!
Grr and A festive Woof,

Anonymous said...

Remington, I could have sworn I saw you at Petco last night!! There was a black Newfoundland there and it was stunning!

Merry Christmas! We believe in Santa!

Elyse (and Riley)

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Remington, if anyone doubts, all they have to do is watch and you can see his sled on radar as it travels across the skies. I saw on the news that he has a new one this year and it has GPS so Ozabella doesn't have to worry that he'll miss ya'll!

Wanted to take a minute to wish y'all a personal

Hawk aka BrownDog

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh Remington of course we believe - we know that he will be coming very soon! And boy Ozabella is like the little cats here just waiting for him to show up!!
Hi Ozabella - this is Gus! Maybe when Santa comes I can sneak in his bag and hitch a ride to visit you! I know he knows when you are sleeping and won't come if you aren't, but maybe I can pretend to sleep so he comes and I can jump in! I hope my surprise got there for you - mom is going to post it on our blog tomorrow too so if you don't have it be sure to wait to come by so you don't get your surprise ruined! Your friend Gus!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I bet woo khan't wait fur Santa to get your pawesome blakhk furs on his suit!


Golden Daily Scoop said...

Oh Rem, I are the cutest!!! Happy Howlidays!!!

Kira said...

What kind of cookies are you leaving him? :)

Stella said...

Of course, I believe in Santa Claus. My Mom told me, if I stop believing, Santa stops coming!

Nobody wants that to happen!

Stella, Mom and Zkhat

SquirrelQueen said...

We believe! Great photos of you and Ozabella.