Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Snow Delivery....

Coming to you today from
(Remington Snow Central)
As you all know, I like to share.

So as we are getting snow here in Minnesota --
I am trying to send as much as I can to all
of my friends.

I have my list....

And have been very busy working to
get the snow to you
as soon as possible!

A lot of you have already gotten the snow.
I know I have missed my mark on some
and it ended up on top of a mountain
instead of your back yard....
sorry about that!

For those of you that
are still waiting.
I apologize for the delay.
As an added bonus I am
willing to throw in some
freezing rain -- let me know
if this is something that
would interest you!

I'll be back to work in a minute....
I just need a short break!

Be sure to keep looking
out your window!

I will do my VERY best to get you some soon!

Later -- Remington --
we sure do have a lot here
-- out!


Anonymous said...

We is looking hard butts all we gots so far is frost
xx xx

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Thanks so much for sending it - we got it, but we'd take more anytime.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

jen said...

We got our snow Remington! Thank you for working so hard to make sure it got here:)

Maggie Mae and Max said...

I gots some snow at my house last night too Remington! Thank you!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Gus said...

I hope Khyra's name is on that list!

Unknown said...

I think we got some last night too even though it turned into thunderstorm! Thanks so much anyway! I think you deserve a good rest as you've done one of the hardest jobs in the whole wide world.

My Mind's Eye said...

We received our special delivery of snow all the way from Mini-sota on Saturday. Boy was it a surprise too. Thanks big guy you are the best friend!!
Hugs Madi

The Daily Pip said...

You are such a great friend and hard worker. We have snow down here in Illinois so need to worry about us!

Your pal, Pip

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Khyra hopes her name is on The List too!


Unknown said...

Hey Rem! We sure got the cold air that the snow gives off! Thanks for that, I am kinda enjoying it!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Since this is the season fur giving... PLEASE give my portion of the snow to... KHYRA. And I want to totally opt out of the Freezing Rain stuff. I have already had that stuff this year and I really don't care much fur it.
You are so very much generous to share with your furends.

Rouky said...

Rem, it worked because we have LOTS of snow here. It must be because of you! Mom is having her winter tires installed today. It was about time!!!

Unknown said...

I would love some freezing rain if that meant we could get some snow out here in Texas :)
Your doing a good job I heard the brown newfies got some!

3 doxies said...

I will be waitin' on da porch fur my delivery...it's cold out theres and I ain't allowed out theres so could you...ummmm....like HURRY!
Yea, I know snow is cold too but I LOOOOOOVE it!
You can keep da freezing rain though.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh Remington, we are in MN too and dont want anymore snow...can you keep it? Paawease!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Remington, you look so cute in your hat and scarf!!! We don't need any more snow or ice. It's too cold to go outside now!! Please send our share to either Khyra or the Op Pack's place...I think they need some snow!! Remember to take breaks when packaging all of that snow and ice!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hi rem, hold the snow and hold the freezing rain, we are freezing here at 38 and sunshine, i am a wimp, no extremes heat or cold. you look so darn cute in your scarf and hat

JacksDad said...

R, you make me so happy!!! Thank you for always thinking of others!!

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

That's so nice of you to share R!!!!! I love the pic of you with your pen and list!

~The Mama Monster

KT and Easton said...

Can't believe WE got snow before Minnesota this year. Nice outfit BTW. That's a good color for you.

Yay, the Vikes beat the Bills, but we are sorry about Brett. He is very fun to watch and will be missed. Get well soon.

Gail Wilson said...

Thank you for the snow you sent us but since we are the new nieghors on the street and we did come from Montana, all the neighbors are blaming us for all the snow you sent our way. You see, it really isn't suppost to snow here by the sea..and you made it snow here!
Because we really want to be liked by all our new neighbors we would really appreciate you sending our share to someone who really wants it!
Hugs and wags, Mistaya

Martha said...

Remington, is it possible that we are getting not only our snow but that some of the snow you have sent to other bloggers has accidentally come to us.
Please let us know as we are happy to forward it on......!
Thanks for our delivery,
Martha and Bailey xxx

♥ Sallie said...

Alien says, snow is nice but can you please keep the frozen rain. It messes up his spaceship flights. :)


Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

Remington, please, we surely appreciate your offer to send some snow our way, butt....you can keep it, and the freezing rain too!!

Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Remi, your caught your last delivery on time...we didn't get it. Now the sun has come out and melted away a good portion of our snow in the valley. We will take some more after Christmas.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ummmm, we really appreciate how much you are trying to get us some snow, but would it be OK if we pass on the freezing rain? We have heard that we might get some whiteness on Saturday.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

kissa-bull said...

we hopes we gets some here and wee can turn it yellow woopeee
we'll be anxiously waiting by ouw window

sugary pibble kisses
the pittie pack

Ginny Hartzler said...

Rem, you put the post office to shame!! I think you can lwave out the freezing rain, and that goes double for sleet and ice storms. Are you using Special Doglivery?? And would that be on a dog sled?

Busy Buttons said...

We were supposed to get an inch or two last Friday...but we ended up getting 8.5 inches. I think the weather people were WROOOONG!

Zona said...

I'm still waiting for my delivery. It was supposed to be here Monday but I guess someone else needed it a bit more than we did!! Please keep me on your distribution list!


bichonpawz said...

We now have TWO FEET of snow!!! Remington...can you hold up on sending us any more for a little while?? Seriously...freezing rain? Nah....we don't like that! Ruins the 'do!!

We are supposed to be getting even MORE snow...another six inches or so tonight!! You do look very smart in your hat and scarf...with your list!! Thanks again for the Beautiful Card!!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Ms. ~K said...

Oh Sweet Remington, you look so tired!
We have gotten the cold temps, but no snow yet...please do NOT send freezing rain...
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Please: divert any snow intended for us to Khyra and the OP Pack! Mama is most interested in how you learned to sit so nicely for photos with hats on your head. Jed shakes them off before mama can even get her hand 6 inches away from his head after putting them on. You must have started working on that skill at a very young age.

Jed & Abby

White Dog Blog said...

Our snow is fine on the mountains, thanks, and we think you are doing a fantastic job keeping the weather patterns moving in the right direction to get maximum snow to the largest number of snow loving friends. You are always SO very thoughtful!

Bella and Ollie said...

Remington, you are working so hard!
don't forget to take a nap and enjoy a treat :)

Love, Bella & Ollie.

SquirrelQueen said...

Remington, you are so handsome in your cap and scarf. It is really nice of you to share your snow (and freezing rain) with everyone. We have both so we will pass but if your supply runs out let us know and will start shipping from here.

Duke said...

We got our snow, Remington! Just a dusting but we are very happy with that! Thank you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sagira said...

Keep all that snow there Remington. None in OHIO please!