Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I have been thinking we should move....

My good friend, Neeko Spaulding,
was on a trip and went by a
town named Remington. 
Isn't that cool? 
So, I have been thinking....
 being my name is Remington
maybe I should live in a
town named Remington.
I have been looking and I have only found two....

Remington, IN

Remington, VA

I am certain that Mike would have
to find a job first so if
anyone knows of
a job at any town named
Remington -- please contact
me immediately!

All I know about his job is he
brings home the bacon, is gone a lot
and something about a hospital.....

Any help would be appreciated.
I figured I best have all my information
before presenting it to Mike or Beth.

Later -- Remington --
I wonder if the Vikings would move with me
-- out!


Unknown said...

Good idea!
It'd be fun to live in a town with your name in it!

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all!

Remington, move to Virginia. There's mountains in Virginia...and seashore! There's Shenendoah National Park about 30 or 40 miles away...And Virginia has no sport team so people cheer for their favorite...yeah, the Vikings too!

Just don't let the Humans buy a house on Tin Pot Rd. :)

No I don't live in Virginia. Where I live Virginia is considered the Northeast. :)

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

3 doxies said...

Oh I loves bacon strips...or is it Beggin' Strips...whatevers, they is GOOOOOOOOD!
Nows, you may want to consider contacting da towns Better Business Burea to sees bouts jobs. Or you could start your very own football team.

Hospital+bacon=high cholesterol...I see how dat could work...hehehehe!


Maggie Mae and Max said...


I hopes dere is a Remington NY near me cuz you could move dere and we could meet in da furs! I will checks and get back to you! :)

Happy Wednesday my furiend!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

The Daily Pip said...

Indiana gets lots of snow so you might really like it! Plus you would be close to me! We could watch the games together (and root against the Bears)

Your pal, Pip

Unknown said...

Oh yeah Virginia, then you can become Remmington Redneck! (giggle, giggle)

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh Remington we'd love it if you lived in Remington, VA....that is just a hop, skip and a jump from Raleigh!!!

We'll keep our ears peeled and let you know if we hear of a job in Remington, VA!!!
Hugs Madi and Mom

Gus said...

YEAH...Virginia! It is about 1.5 hours from here by the googlemap, or 2 hours by the muzzer driving speed.

But we think the Vikings might find it a bit small.


Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Just remember Remington, there's no place like home!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

MadSnapper n Beau said...

just be sure you don't move to a remington in a warm climate like florida, you would not be happy in a place where there is no snow. both of these sound good for you.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Well now... after what happend to their ROOF thingy... and being that you are their Number 1 (not to be confused with peeing) Fan... I am sure the Vikings would follow YOU wherever you might go. I'm just sayin'.

KT and Easton said...

I like your logic Rem. As for the Vikings moving....well, they just might consider it.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Remington,
It would be a little warmer in Va. You would be able to have a great garden. You know what, they should change the name of your town to the most famous citizen they have and then you wouldn't have to move!! Your town should be REMINGTON!!!
Thanks for your too!! (card)
xx, Bambi & Fern

Stella said...

Remington of Remington? Ozabella of Remington?

They have a nice ring to them, don't they? Maybe Mike will get out the RV and take you to these places to see which you would like the best.

By the way, you don't need to move the Vikes with you, you can root for them wherever you live!


♥I am Holly♥ said...

We are in Virginia...come move here! I'll have to check out where Remington, Va. is though...maybe you could come join me up on My Rock!!! lots of love, Holly and mom

brooke said...

Remington in Remington would be cool. but I cant believe you'd even toy with the idea of leaving your Vikings!

Patti and DeBoys said...

Oh, Remington you are a funny dude. Maybe if you presented all the information on a REALLY SNOWY day, and the new town was in a place that didn't get a lot of SNOW -- they might consider it. LOL :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Have Mike pick Virginia, Rem!!!! Then I can visit you and you can visit me!!! Tell Mike we have FOUR hospitals nearby, one that is ten minutes away! Now do a good SNOW job on him, Rem, so we can be neighbors!!

Anonymous said...

You should move to Remington, VA! We live in Virginia and it's a great place to live. Depending on where you live in the state you could potentially get lots of snow like you're used to or you could live by the beach like us!

Elyse and Riley

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That would be really cool, but what about all of us pups who are hoping you can send us some snow?

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

3 doxies said...

YES...YES...YES...Puuuuuuulease do dat!
Me and mum already looks at your pikture EVERYDAY (many times a day).

I'll be waitin on you and bring some snow too.


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That would be very cool to live in a town with your name! Go for it! We don't think we will find any towns with the names of Junior or Orion so we are safe from moving.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Remington! We think it would be cool for you to live in a town called Remington - we don't know much about either but it sounds like a good idea. We have a street near us with our mom's last name and we think she should live there (she doesn't agree though). And we think the Vikings might move with you if they can't get their stadium back to working again soon - that could be a good excuse!
Hi Remington. This is Gus. Please tell Ozabella that I did get her card - mom has been lazy about getting the mail and finally went out to get it last night and it was in there - but she didn't let me open it yet (she promised today). I sent a card to you but wanted to send Ozabella something separate - mom just hasn't sent it yet because she is waiting for "the next batch" to go out (whatever that means) (mom here - I ran out of stamps and ordered more - Gus knows that). Anyway, please tell her thank you from me!

Duke said...

How cool to live in a town with the same name as yours, Remington! We say go for it!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

My Mind's Eye said...

LOL Remington we just read your question on our blog....thank goodness it did not even cross Mom's feeble mind to put my chair outside...that would have been a tradgedy!!!
Hugs Madi

White Dog Blog said...

Oh but if you moved who would tend to the fairies and gnomes and the wildlife on Remington Lane? You might even have to change football team loyalties!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Perhaps woo khould petition your town to change its name fur its most famous and hardworking resident!


Scooter said...

Gee, Remington
I dont know bout moving!! You have a pretty good setup there where you are and your Vikings need you for playbook help :-)


bichonpawz said...

We are thinking that you are probably best suited to stay in Minnesota....not that it wouldn't be cool to live in a town called Remington...but Mike and Beth are all settled there...and of course, there IS the Vikings too. And you love SNOW! And Cold! You'd be hot in VA I think! But we would like to have you closer so we could visit!!! Maybe when we come to MN to visit family, we could hook up! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Anonymous said...

Ha! You're a silly guy Remington. But, that aside, the Remington VA town looks pretty invitin :)

Hey, I just got my cards in and would very much like to send you one :) Please send your dog house mailbox addy to:


Waggin at ya,

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Hey Remington! Our dad grew up right by Remington,IN and we have even been there a couple of times. It is a nice little town, you would really like it :)

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda, Brutus & "Sally"

Sagira said...

You would be my neighbor! :)

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Why move? You're always in a Remington state of mind! We thought maybe you were named after the Remington Steele TV series character; that was one of mama's favorite shows decades before we were born. Maybe you can incorporate the area right around your house into a little town of Remington MN?

Doubt the NFL would let the Vikings move with you unless you have about $87,000,000 to buy the team and strong arm the other owners. You can root for any team any where, but it's kinda more fun if there are like-minded fans living in your neighborhood. Not many Vikings fans in VA, and probably not in IN. And you'd miss your nice Blue House neighbors if you moved.

Jed & Abby