Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday football!

I am ready for some

I thought I would
"Show My Horns"
for the special day!

Vikings vs Giants
at Ford Field
in Detroit

It had to be rescheduled
due to the collapse of the roof
on the Metrodome
in Minneapolis due to the
recent snow fall of 17 inches!

Thank you Detroit!
Interesting note -- they are saying that
Detroit is suppose to get a lot of snow today....
I hope my shipping department didn't
double up on their order by mistake....
Here is what happened!

Here's a picture of it if you don't want to watch
the video....

I certainly hope they get it repaired soon!

On to the game!

Let's give it the old NFL cheer
again this week,
shall we?

We want another one,
just like the other one....




Later -- Remington --
the #1 Vikings fan


Unknown said...

That was something! I'll keep my fingers crossed for tonight!

3 doxies said...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Holy Smokes Remington!
I heard bout but hadn't seen it. Gosh, I am so glad nobuddy was theres, dat could haves been real bad. Glad nobuddy got hurt.

I'll be rootin fur your team tonite...GO VIKINGS!


Unknown said...

All our best wishes to the Vikings!!! Go go go!!! Support from the far east!!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hey Rem...each time I see that video I'm totally
shocked even though I know what is going to happen.

We have a silly Southern Girl Question:
Why do they have a soft, inflatable roof in a place where it snows so much? We are not being critical or trying to be wise gals. We just are wondering what the thinking was behind the roof.

Go Vikings!!!
BIg hug Madi and Mom

The Daily Pip said...

So glad no one was hurt! That is scary stuff!

Your pal, Pip

MadSnapper n Beau said...

first things first. YOU LOOK ADORABLE. that is a lot of snow, i did watch the video and OUCH on that, glad Detroit is hosting the game for you.

jen said...

Sorry to hear about what happened to your football palace!
Hope the Vikings get a win tonight in Detroit!!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I saw that on TV a BUNCH of times. Shocking to say the least.
So are you now wanting to change the name of your state to ToooooMuchSNOWta????

Unknown said...

Whoa that is crazy, I didnt know about that! Hope they get it fixed soon.

Gus said...

Record Setting snowfall leads to Record Setting Scoring by the Vikings! for tomorrow's headlines.


BRUTUS said...

Dude... Sorry about your dome thingy, that's a bummer!

To cheer you up I posted about the pressies you sent today! We've got a snow day, so mom got to stay home & get us caught up on blogging! Thanks for sending some white stuff our way!!


Corbin said...

We saw that video last night!!! So glad no one was hurt. Can't wait for the game tonight dude! They were only going to have it in NYC and not in the Albany area, but the local fox threw a fit bc the Giants train here during the summer... so now it's going to be on around my house! Don't know why it mattered what a fox said, but I'm happy!

Duke said...

We heard all about the Metrodome roof, Remington! YIKES! Dad will be watching the game tonight for sure!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are up early this morning, Rem! Gads, Phil and I both watched the collapse, was the roof not engineered well? It should have withstood that snow, so glad no one was in there! Good thing you watch from home, Rem! I know you love to play in the snow and all, but that would have been a bit much....

JacksDad said...

My friend in Many Apples said she was snowed in all weekend. It must be nice to have so much snow!!

Ms. ~K said...

So thankful no one was hurt in the collapse...

We got some snow flurries this weekend, thank you, but it didn't stick and it is so cold!!!!
Still waiting for a snow we can play in!


♥I am Holly♥ said...

Remington, that is scary! We sure are glad nobody was in there! When they play again we want them to win!!! GO VIKINGS!!!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

brooke said...

That roof collapse is crazy! The first time I saw that video I thought it was fake, like this could happen. I was shocked that it was the real thing!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's wild, Remington!! Glad nobody got crushed by falling snow...! Guess what?? It's snowing here today! Thank you for sending it our way! We're only supposed to get 1-2 inches though but it's better than it just raining or something.

Elyse and Riley

♥ Sallie said...

The roof collapsed!? That was some heavy snow!

Game on! :)


Rouky said...

Fingers crossed! The Vikings WILL WIN!

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Dat video is pretty crazy! Happy no one was hurt. Mom can't watch da game tonight cuz her is hosting her Book Club Christmas pawty so I gets to watch if wif dad. He is a Giant fan...can you belleves it? ;)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS Go Vikings!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I understand woo shipped some snow to Detroit along with your team!

Way to go!

There were LOTS of humans khamping out to get tikhkets fur the game!

Good lukhk in The Mitten State tonight!

PeeEssWoo: I know woo are shipping as fast as woo khan! I'm patient!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Goodness! That is amazing!! Hope they win for you!

White Dog Blog said...

We saw that video yesterday and knew you would be saddened and concerned. Glad no one was hurt AND there is a place for your team to play!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Remington and Mom,
I am here to say Hi and have a good week. I heard about the roof falling in and I thought Poor Remington!!
I am glad we don't have any snow but it is cold enough to snow!! It just isn't damp enough. We are suppose to go down to 19 tonight. We had a high of 38 today!! Felt like 28 degrees!!
xx, Bambi & Fern

Unknown said...

Your stadium roof even made da front page of USA Today, Remington! Old Man Winter certainly dumped a load of snow on you this weekend!

bichonpawz said...

Whoa! We saw what happened on the news! That was SOME MAJOR snow!! Hope your Vikings win!!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug