Thursday, December 30, 2010


A concerned big brother here....
As you all know
I have a little sister named

She "thinks" she has a boyfriend....

His name is Gus and he lives at the House of Cats.
She, however, calls him Gustin. 
Probably because she wants to be like Bailey.
Who likes Justin Bieber.

Anyway, yesterday she got this in the mail....

 This is Gustin!

Now she is almost impossible to live with!

Just put the picture AWAY,

Later -- Remington --
I miss having a girlfriend
-- out!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Oh, Rem you should have girlfriends hanging off you paws by the dozens, you are just so handsome and have a very kissable face. Tell Ozzabella her card is great and that is a handsome guy on it. Ozzabella is every bit as photogentic as you are. Happy New year

Gus said...

Yup, we agree with Sandra, you are one handsome dude. If you want girlfriend(s), you just have to let the ladies know. I can loan you Teka for a while.


jen said...

Awww..Ozzabella has a crush!
Gus is a looker that's for sure:)

Unknown said...

OH BOL!! She's growing up, Rem!!! You better watch out for potential cat suitors!

Unknown said...

My goodness! Is Oz old enough to date already? Where has the time gone? Now you got a new set of worries on your paws Rem!

JD and Max said...

Sigh!! Being English gentelpups we can't help but be romantics are heart and we DO love to hear of a chap woo-ing his lady. We think Gustin is very dapper and we're sure he'll treat your lil' sis' right! We lok forward to watching a wonderful romance blossoming! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

3 doxies said...

Hmmmmmm...well me bein' a little sissy too I can't help you. But, I can say dat her is growing up and sometimes you just haves to let nature take its course...they can't stay little furevers (OMD...I'm turnin' into my mum!)It's time to let Ozabella grow. If hers is as mature in mind as you then you has nuttin to worries bout Rem.
Dat pikture of her looking at "Gustin" just cracks me up...hehehehehe!


Ruby and Penny said...

Lucky Ozabella. Gustin is very handsome.

We hope you find a sweet girl, just like you Remington.
Love Ruby & Penny

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I think Gustin is quite handsome and can understand how Ozabella can be so attracted. Have you checked out his background. Is he a gentleman...???
Your sister is growing up, buddy.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Ozebella in having a BF. Rem its your job to be the protective big brother. I'm sure you'll do a great job with that.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Ozabella is a very pretty girl and Gus is clearly smitten!

But we need to see about getting YOU a girlfriend, Rem!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Yikes, it seems she has a severe case of kitty love!!! That can be even worse than puppy love. Rem, I think you can have any girl that you want!! You have brains and humor both, and the ladies swoon over that!

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

Hahahah soooo cute!!!!!

~The Monsters

Sketching with Dogs said...

Wow, Gustin is quite the hunk.
Oz is well and truly a smitten kitten!
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL Rem before ling Oz will have Gustin's picture posted all over the room....but the good news is young love is often fickled...ask Beth....

Are you taking applications for the postiong of Remington's Girlfriend? If so, send me one....
I'm vertically challenged but I'm an older and wiser woman aka Cougar!!! MOL
Hugs from your furry feline Friend,

Maggie Mae and Max said...


I thinks Ozabella and Gus make a cute couple. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Ozabella and Gus make a great couple!! You best watch over her though..she's still young. Now if you want a girlfriend Remington, I just bet there is a long list of applicants that would just love to be in your handsome paws and you don't even know it! I don't know what your type is but....... Since dogs are allowed to have two or more husbands, i think they should also be allowed to have more than one boyfriend or anyway I'm getting all confused now....I have always had a crush on you so I'll leave it at that for now!! Lots of love, Holly (and mom)

Scooter said...

Gee....Ozabella ands Gus make a nice kitty couple!! Big brothers are meant for watching over the younger girls!! Dont worry you will learn to deal with her boyfriends until she finds that right guy!!


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Well, with you as a big brofur, Gus won't be taking advantage of Ozzabella.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

What a cute card! Ozzabella looks so much in love! You make sure she doesn't go overboard!!

Ms. ~K said...

My Goodness, seems like just yesterday Ozabella was just little ball of fur, and now a boyfriend?
Gustin looks nice enough, and they do make a cute couple...keep us posted for sure!

Buddy says he's never had a girlfriend, and not sure what he would do with her if he had one! :)
Sassy wants to know if you're looking for a girlfriend?

Duke said...

Ozabella is growing up, Remington. Better get used to it!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Remington! Don't worry - we know that Ozabella and Gus need to wait to be old enough to be boyfriend and girlfriend, even if they both talk about it like it is already happening! Gus was very flattered to see her with his picture - he is so glad she likes it (he is not on the computer right now because Lola is here and she makes him nervous - but he is nearby kind of telling us what to type). And gee Remington, we know there are a lot of ladydogs out there that think you are a hunk (and we even know that Madi, the kitty, thinks so too!) So we are pretty sure you could have your pick of MANY ladies of at least 2 different species (who knows, there could be others out there too) as your girlfriend - you just have to find the right lady and let her know! (And so you know, Lola, the resident ladycat matriarch of the house, says she ALSO thinks you are quite handsome, but being the cranky old lady she is, plus a cat, well, trust us, you don't want her as a girlfriend!)

BRUTUS said...

Well, long-distance dating can be tough - good luck to Ozabella! Rem, you'll have the girls just lining up now that they all know you are single!!

Brutus & Carmen

bichonpawz said...

Ozabella and Gus look very cute together! Don't worry Remington....we think you are so handsome that you are scaring the ladies away!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Maybe that's why she's messing up the snow orders!!!

As fur having a GF, if woo send me snow, I'll be your girrrrrrrrrl ;-)

Khyra The Snowless Siberian Soon To Be The Wet Siberian In Upper 40 Degree Temps

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Well, at least you know Gustin comes from a good home - The House of Cats is wonderful:)

Any chance we will see some snow soon? Heck, it was almost 70 here today.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

If we could get there, we would be happy to help plow through the mountains:)

No snow on the horizon for us - we just keep missing it:(

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

SquirrelQueen said...

Remington, you are such a good big brother to be concerned about Ozabella's well being. But she is growing up and this is to be expected.

You are such a handsome fellow Rem, we thought you would have so many girlfriends you wouldn't be able to keep track of them all. Miss Cindi Lou is looking for a pen to fill out an application too!

Sweet Purrfections said...

You're a big brother that I wouldn't mess with!

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Remington,

Don't worry. Even me, a Chessie, knows you're once handsome dude and a lovely lady will come your way soon. Guys always watch the little sisters find the fellows first, or so it seems.

Hawk aka BrownDog

White Dog Blog said...

Remington, first thanks for the house call offer to see momma but she says it is just the flu and she is starting to feel better already. So please focus on getting snow deliveryed to KS and PA before the Sibes stage an uprising!

As for ladies, dear one, half of the blog world swoons over you. But it seems right now between the Vikings, and the Snow deliveries, and being a Big Brother maybe you just don't have the time to devote to maintaining a relationship. Don't rush things, it will happen at just the right time, with just the right lady...and it will be perfect!

The Daily Pip said...

Ozabella has her first boyfriend!! Gustin better be on his best behavior - big brother is watching!

Your pal, Pip

Lorenza said...

Just make sure he is the right one for Ozabella, ok?
Kisses and hugs

Sagira said...

hehe...Ozabella is so cute and couldn't have hooked up with a cuter boy.

You know....if you ever want a girlfriend...well I am sure you will have a line of girls waiting on Remington Drive to turn in their application. :)

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Seriously, Remington!! How can you blame her, he is sweeping her off her feet with that handsome Frank Sinatra style Christmas kitty photo. Ahhh Rem, if you like short tiny girls, I'm smitten with you!
<3 Miss Kodee