Thursday, December 2, 2010

The cleaning begins....

Along with the arrival of Mr. Winter
there is clean up!
This means putting the snow in different
places so we have paths to drive and walk.
To do this Mike has a good buddy named
Good Ol' "ST"
(Snow Tosser)

Mike and Ol' ST have been great friends
for the last 14 years.  Lots of good times....

I tried to get Ozabella to come out and help
but she said she would supervise from inside.

 It is a lot of hard work but the end result

A clean space to play football!

Later -- Remington  --
I sure do love wintertime!
-- out!


Duke said...

Our dad always snowblows us huge poop paths! yeaaaaaa for snowblowers and yea for dads!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Maggie Mae and Max said...


My dad snowblows poop paths fur me too AND a path to grandpas back porch! Mom is in no hurry fur snow to get to our house but I can't wait!

Have fun in da snow and Happy Thursday my furiend!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Unknown said...

Wow! Mike does a whole football field??? And I only use to do a 3 x 3 poopy area for Billy! LOL

Anonymous said...

Good ol' ST for sure! Wonderin what kinds of treats ST likes?

Waggin at ya,

Gus said...

mmmmmWow! That's a lot of snow moved. I love winter too...Teka wears T-shirts to bed at night. See why we have some problems in our fambly?


My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Rem....we hope Mike had a wonderful b-day!!

You two certainly do look like you are having way to much fun out there. This is the Newfie time of year for sure.
Hugs Madi

Martha said...

Oh we so need one of those at the moment. Look Remington would it be possible to borrow Mike and his super duper thingie!!!!
Martha and Bailey xxx

Martha said...

ps having just read that comment we hope you know what we meant.................!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hi rem, i am sure you love the winter better than mike does, lots of fun for a furry faced person like you and you don't even have to put on coat to go out.

Noah said...

Gots to have the football field!! Have fun Rem and thanks again for the snow.

jen said...

Dear Remington,
I have been seeing all these posts over blog land that you have sent a lot of dogs snow...I think you may have forgotten to send us some. Can you please try again. Sherman and Leroy would be very greatful!Thank you:)

Corbin said...

Dude, my dad makes me go out in the snow without a path! He told me that's just how it goes... now, since I read this, I will tell him that is CLEARLY NOT how it goes! Ugh, DAD!

Unknown said...

Me want SNOW too. I don't need it to be a lot to fill up a football field, it's alright if it is just a little bit of it, pleaseeee!!!

JacksDad said...

Oh my! That sure must be a lot of snow if you have to snowblow it! We used to have snow like that where I grew up, but I was too young to worry about getting around in it.

Ms. ~K said...

If you need a place to dump your snow, send it to Georgia, we have lots of space...believe it or not, we have a slight chance of snow Sat...
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Zona said...

Remington, I think your snow might get here by SUNDAY! I cannot wait!!! Mom says probably only flurries but it's a start! Enjoy the winter fun!


Unknown said...

Mr. Rem that is awesome that you have a ST, they dont even sell those here in Texas :)

Unknown said...

I'm with Hound Girl.........that is something we definitely have not seen in Texas!

I loved da foto of Ozabella! Her looks so cute snoopervising from da Window

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Remington, it looks like you and Mike did a great job of cleaning the football field!! We bet you do really love winter!! Ozabella looks so cute sitting in the window watching you! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Pippen said...


We've had our snow already and it's all gone... we are now onto spring!

Sam and Pippen

Gail Wilson said...

It sure is nice of Mike and ST to clear you football field for you!! I wish I could come and play ball with you but M.O.M. and M.O.D. are real busy getting their stuff ready to sell at a Swap Meet this weekend. So I can't come over just now.
Christmas hugs, Mistaya

Sierra Rose said...

Yeahoooo!!! Love winter too :)

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I keep watching...

None has made it yet ;-(


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Given the amount of snow you get, we think one of those friends is essential. Mom used to operate one of those back in MA and CT, but since we hardly ever get enough snow that a shovel can't handle, we don't have one anymore.

Please keep trying to send that snow our way. Nothing yet.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh what great pictures, Rem! The first and last are my favorites. I love the nighttime picture of you standing in the snow, and that last picture says it all. It is a wonderful representation of the love between dog and master, or should I say human and master?

Anonymous said...

Wow sooper photys mee haz lotsa snow here too n mee is lovin itz lots altho mee is gettin snowballs attachin to mee little legs.....BOL

JC said...

You sure know how to have fun ...

Sagira said...

Have fun out there cleaning :)

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We could use ST here too. Oh things get cleaned up a bit, but it could be better.

We hope you enjoy romping in the white stuff. Please don't send us more yet.

White Dog Blog said...

A friend like that seems essential where you live! ST seems like a hard worker...your playing area looks perfect for a game!

The Daily Pip said...

I love that last picture of you!!!

Your pal, Pip

Anonymous said...

our brother in law will snow blow a spiral path when we come visit. it's so much fun

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Good thing you appreciate Mike so much! Clearing a football field for you! HA! We don't usually get much snow, but even last year when we had that Snowmaggedon, we are totally on our own for clearing potty paths. Jed has to plow through doing the heavy work, and Abby follows along behind trying to avoid actually touching the ground.

Jed & Abby