Sunday, December 12, 2010


Today's Vikings game against the Giants
has been CANCELED!

Minneapolis got just a little snow....
between 15 - 20 inches!
That's why they call us
Minnesnowta....ha ha!

The Giants couldn't get to
Minneapolis yesterday because
of all the snow at the airport! 

It is canceled because they are concerned
about the safety
of the roof at the Metrodome
with all the snow on it.
Always remember --
So it will take place on Monday night instead.

That will give me more time to play
football with Mike! 
I hope he likes the 35 below wind chill today!

Later -- Remington --
living in Minnesnowta is
ALWAYS interesting
-- out!


bichonpawz said...

Bet you will have a great time out playing in the snow Remington! Be safe out there!!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Gus said...

I think playing in the snow with Mike might be more fun than watching the Vikings on TV.


Maggie Mae and Max said...


I knew dat dis was gonna happen! Better to be safe den sorry, but mom is sad cuz now her won't be able to watch da game. I will has to watch it wif my dad and he is a Giant fan. :(
Stay warm and safe my furiend!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Unknown said...

It must be lots of fun playing football in the snow with Mike and it's the best way for him to keep himself warm too!

Unknown said...

35 below wind chill????? YIKES! Have a fun day Rem!

My Mind's Eye said...

Rem we heard about your snow on the tvs last night...we were wondering if they would cancel the game.

You all have a good day and stay warm.
Hugs Madi and Mom

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my key board almost froze up when i read the temps. so sorry you have to wait a day to watch your team WIN.... fingers crossed Rem

Karen said...

What an adorable photo.. I wish we had snow, just rain, and the dogs smell like "wet". Yuck.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Remington.. I think I just saw a BLURR rush past my house heading West... I'm thinkin it just might have been KHYRA on her way to YOUR HOUSE.
Darn buddy... I hope you have all your winter furs in by now. You are gonna need it and that is ... FUR Sure. hehehe
I heard about the game being cancelled.. on the news last night. They said it was due to the team not being able to fly in... nothing said about the Roof though. I hope someone has a BIG Snow Shovel to get it off there with.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

And now we hear that the worst has actually happened, a cave-in of the roof. We hope it isn't too major and that the dome can be repaired quickly.

We will take good care of those Giants as they wait here in KC.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Ms. ~K said...

Yikes, we just saw the bad news on TV about the tear and collapse of the roof....
I know you are not happy today!
Sending you a big warm hug from Georgia....we might get snow later...thanks in advance!
Kit and The Pups

D.K. Wall said...

And it sounds like no game will happen now. What a weird season.

Duke said...

I wonder if our dad has heard this news yet? You're right, Remington - safety first always!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Wow - thanks for letting us know. We were gonna invite friends over for the game! In California, we don't get the latest Minn. news very quickly LOL

Pippen said...

We was just reading about the collapse of the roof! Holy Lotta Snow, Batman! Good thing the game didn't go ahead...

Sam and Pippen

♥I am Holly♥ said...

We just read that on the news on here about the roof caving in. We are so sorry. When we saw the Vikings, mom panicked and thought they were there but luckily the Giants couldn't make it. Seeing all of that snow and 35 below makes me want a blanket now! Stay warm...although you don't look like you get too cold Remington!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Corbin said...

Dude! Your stadium is on the ground!!!! Crazy turn of events. Guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow!

Gail Wilson said...

Sorry to hear about the roof caving in Rem. You can bring your team here and play the game at our high school football field!
It has only about 6 inches of water standing in it at the moment!
Hugs and wags, Mistaya

Anonymous said...

that would have been scary if you were at the game when the roof collapsed. Scary.. Hope you get to play football today, we will be on our way home to Mn here in a few hours. If we can dig ourselves out of Wisc.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


We just read about the stadium - nasty -

Princess Eva and Brice The Handsome pawed me last evening about how it was up to Brice's belly in Eden Prairie - they wished I were there fur they were khurrently bouncing off the walls in the house - OH WAIT, THAT WAS FROM THEIR MOMMA -

We've also been following the weather since Auntie Di's Boyfriend's parents live in The Twin Cities - and fur the past zillion years always wintered in Phoenix - but Jim's dad is in very poor health - and 95 Gotcha Day years old and such - his mom feels so trapped - and realises what she's not missed fur the past 20some years -

Stay Safe!

PeeEssWoo: Your shipping department will be working some big ovFURtime!

3 doxies said...

Wells I is reading da comments...da roof DID cave in???????? Oh gosh Remington, dis can't be good! Maybes they can come play in your yard? Dats a good idea doncha thinks?

Yea, tells Mike to put him,s COAT on...not a jacket but a COAT! He made me cold lookin' at him goin' to and fro da mailbox.


Jacqueline said...

Wow, that is a lot of snow; hope you all stay indoors and keep each other warm!...Happy Belated Anniversary to Beth and Mike; hope they enjoyed their special day...We adored the post with Ozabella climbing the Christmas tree=that was just adorable!!...Happy week ahead, precious friends...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki

The Daily Pip said...

We heard about the roof of the Metrodome and thought of you. Glad no one was hurt!

Your pal, Pip

SquirrelQueen said...

We just saw the news about the cancellation. That much snow could be a problem for the roof and it probably makes all travel a little hazardous, better safe than sorry. Enjoy your snow Remington.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the roof caving in is wild! Too bad. I hear the game is still scheduled for Monday though. Bummer about it being canceled tonight but hopefully you'll get to enjoy it tomorrow.

Elyse and Riley

Scooter said...

Yah I heard bout that Roof thingy!! And that is Way too cold fur me. I hope it doesnt come to me LOL


Neeko said...

Wow! That is scary... We woke up this morning to the news about the roof and I was thinking of you my friend! I knew immediately that you are not going to be happy with that.
Pawsome quality time with Mike instead :o)

Neeko :o)
P.S. I think my Mommy would have to scoop Meee out of the banks of snow if we were living up your way...

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

Thank goodness they did cancel that!!! Yikes!!!! Scary scary scary!

~The Monster Crew

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, Rem, you look a bit dumbfounded at this latest development. But your picture is a vision in black and white! You are permanently bundled up, but make sure Mike dresses up warmly ourside!!

rottrover said...

We just watched the news here in California (where it was an unseasonable 84 today) and thought of you. Hope you are all safe and warm!!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Wow! That is scary! We too lives here in CA... but it was cold and dreary where we are... in the 40's. I have never seen snow before.

Anonymous said...

Hee Hee MinnaSNOWta :) Good one Remington :)

Sorry bout the game but you're right...Safety First!

35 below?!!! I'd definitely be playin inside with a nerf football ;)

Waggin at your thick coated self,

White Dog Blog said...

Brrrr! When WE want to play in the snow, we drive up to the mountains, play and then come home where it is 50 degrees...and momma gives us chicken soup with noodles! You are brave and sturdy to face such weather drama!