Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Donny and Marie?

Beth was telling me today about
these singers who are
brother and sister....
their names are
Donny and Marie

She played a song they sing for me called
"I'm a little bit Country".

How about this?

Me -- Remington

I am a little bit football

And Ozabella --

She's a little bit yoga

Later -- Remington --
not a bad song....
-- out!


Diana Chiew said...

Aunty Diana said she was a fan of Donny and Marie and she knew that song!

Unknown said...

I used to be their little fan! It was a long long time ago : )

Maggie Mae and Max said...


I thinks football and yoga go together well. :)
Happy Wednesday my furiends!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

The Daily Pip said...

Very nice! Mama remembers that song. Ozabella sure is flexible!!

Your pal, Pip

My Mind's Eye said...

Rem you and Oz are a lot precious!!!
Darling post and pictures!!!
Way to go Beth!!!
Hugs Madi and Mom

Unknown said...

Very cute today Rem! I remember that song too!

Pippen said...


You guys could play the halftime show at the superbowl!

Sam and Pippen

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I LIKE you song. and Ozabella Yoga made me laugh out loud. I agree with Madi that you are both a lot precious

Unknown said...

We have heard about them too, we need to get a new football like yours...someone chewed our first one like that!
Man Ozabella rocks at yoga!

Gus said...

We think you may have a hit there!

Corbin said...

Then what's a Corbin?! hehe, momma watched the sister on Opera the other day.

jen said...

I know that song! It's a good one:)

I bought Sherman the same football for his birthday!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Now you've done it. My mom is singing again!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

That was a good one Remington!!! You both look so sweet with your toys!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

3 doxies said...

Seeeeeee...I so couldn't haves missed dis! You is very creative in your song writing there Rem! Lemme knows when I can see da half time show.
Oh, and Ozabella's flexibilities...dat just ain't right...hehehe!
I've missed ya'll!


Ruby and Penny said...

Ozabella looks like she could join the circus as the Rubber Girl. She has some great moves.
Love Ruby & Penny

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Now I am gonna be singing your song all day!!!

Patti and DeBoys said...

Rem...we had a nice laugh this morning! Thanks :)

FiveSibesMom said...

Oh, Remingston, I think you have a Billboard Top 10 single there! Woos to you!

Busy Buttons said...

BOL! That's awesome. But you're more than a little bit football, aren't you?

I'd say Ozabella is VERY yoga, too!

Evil Freddy! said...

Mu ha ha ha.

brooke said...

hahhahaha Thats one bendy yoga pose!

Piappies World said...

Hey Rem!
Yup Piappies Mom remembers the song. They even had a tv show and she loves the song they playat the end of every episode.

May tomorrow be a special day, Maybe we find love and laughter along the way. Weeeeee

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Sounds like a chart topper to us!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my but Ozabella is quite flexable!!! The two of you are just a scream!!

KT and Easton said...

Rem, I'm thinking you are not "a little bit" of anything. Big Boy, big toys, big heart.

Noah said...

Rem....Thanks for the chuckle!

Nubbin' Tails said...

You guys are silly!


Mr. Nubbin'

Sagira said...

You're so silly Rem :)

Duke said...

We can't stop laughing at Ozabella! She sure is doin' her yoga!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

White Dog Blog said...

Remington, can you do that pose Ozabella is in? Maybe your football guys need a little flexibility training from her!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Remington! Hi Ozabella! We are sad we have been so behind in visiting - so much has gone on at your place! Our mom said she used to watch Donny and Marie when she was a kid - she totally remembers that song! And well, we are mostly yoga at our house - but then again cats are big fans of yoga! Gus is sleeping right now but we know he is missing seeing Ozabella since mom can't get online as much now - please tell her hello from him!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ozzabella - how DID you do that? Great song, Remington - bet it makes the number one slot! Mom was amazed when she heard that Marie girl sing in the most amazing operatic voice on Oprah last week - it was so incredibly beautiful.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Ms. ~K said...

Oh Oz!!!! You made me blow Diet Coke out my nose, laughing! It tickles!!!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Well, you were headed to Utah at one point...

PeeEssWoo: Did woo spot any of my floof yet? I mean, I'm just down the street kinda sorta

SquirrelQueen said...

Hey Remington, we like your version of the song even better than the original. You look so handsome posing with your football and sweet Ozabella is being very cat like, MOL!

Scooter said...

My mom remembers that song. You both make a great pair no doubt. Very cute!!
